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Thinking about Trasfering to the BC


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I can't really speak for the PvE scene as I haven't raided since pre 2.0

As far as 55 PvP goes it relatively balanced for both factions for most hours of the day. We have a few Decent PvP guilds floating about and they que up pretty often. Most other decent PvPers are split through out several other guilds. Ranked is all but dead and trying to organise it, well I'd rather hack at my wrists with a butter knife tbh. Overall its pretty casual and you'll always get your occasional derps and trolls but they get put back in their place pretty quick

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I can't really speak for the PvE scene as I haven't raided since pre 2.0

As far as 55 PvP goes it relatively balanced for both factions for most hours of the day. We have a few Decent PvP guilds floating about and they que up pretty often. Most other decent PvPers are split through out several other guilds. Ranked is all but dead and trying to organise it, well I'd rather hack at my wrists with a butter knife tbh. Overall its pretty casual and you'll always get your occasional derps and trolls but they get put back in their place pretty quick


Thanks for the response, yeah the rated scene on Harbinger is all but dead aswell I havnt even bothered to que for it in weeks since it never pops and there is never anyone trying to set up groups (well there seems to be one person trying but it seems that has even stopped so I don't expect there do be a bustling rated scene anywhere except maybe pot5. well your comment seems to echo what I have gotten in game.


thanks again

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This server is a casual server in which everything is divided into Guilds.


Straight to the PvP, the faction balance is pretty even here. The peak-hours are normally from 10 AM server time until 12 PM Server Time, so you'll mostly be in Warzones during those times. The major premaders in this Server are <Infamous>, occasionally you will see a 8-man <Company> premade and I think you'll start seeing <Mad Cuz Bad> and <Exiles> a lot (NOTE that these are all Republic Guilds). For Imps it's mostly just <Grim Determination> and <Eclipse>. Other times you'll just see a group of Imperial Friends that are in separate Guilds queueing together.


Regarding Ranked, it's recently got pretty active despite what other people (The Noobs) are saying, the Imperials are doing kickball rather frequently now (cuz imps #1) compared to the pubs, this normally goes on from 7 PM server time until 9 PM.


Be warned though, in the 30-54 section of PvP there are some Republic Guilds who refuse to get expansion and only faceroll the level 30s on their 50s, and they will act like elitist ******es, though at the end you'll probably just slip it aside because they're most likely tried 55 PvP and remembered why they stick to midbies.


Occasionally (very rarely) there are planet-wide raids hosted by either faction and so they encounter eachother, so you might run into one of those while nicely doing your dailies on Oricon.



The PvE Scene now, the Republic is the dominant faction in that (cuz pubs #1). They have more PvE-focused Guilds that cleared HM/NiM content compared to the Imps, for the Impside, you'll see frequent requests for SM 8m/16m Operations, however they're mostly in need for Tanks or Heals.



I've been on Harbinger on my Scoundrel and I can agree that Imps there are just a no no, the only imps that don't have 25k HP are the PvE ones with 35k HP. I saw a PvP Guild impside <Ascendancy> or something like that, they seem skilled and can carry a victory. And as for the Ranked (Rated) there, I didn't find much of a problem. The Ranked Channel pubside was rather active daily and it was a blast, but then again I did move my Scoundrel to pot5.


In this server you'll have a blast, there are quite some people who act like they're deities (Zuhara) or as if they are legends (Teutonic) which they are. You might encounter some elitist ******es who claim as if they are the best because they have a 100 Valor, but at the end they probably just sent their main to a PvP-focused server (Assuming they did that) and just rerolled lowbies here on BC to make it look like they're kicking *** on the PvP-focused server. Just ignore them and have fun.


If you ever want to premade, just whisper me on Cravy (My Operative) assuming I'm not on my Scoundrel, and we'll kick *** together.

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Being fairly new to the server I can't say toooo much, but as far as pvp goes I really enjoy this server. There are several good players here and pvp feels more balanced than my previous servers. Everyone has been very friendly both factions. There are hardly any ******* that will call everyone on their team bad after struggling to do 100k damage. There are bads, don't get me wrong, but it seems like most at least realize they're bad. Ranked has to be coordinated, but there are several groups who participate, and if you don't have a group, there are always the days that kickball is organized. It's very casual here and I like the fact that you don't need to roll a fotm class to be competitive. I'm definitely happy with my decision to come to BC
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You might encounter some elitist ******es who claim as if they are the best because they have a 100 Valor, but at the end they probably just sent their main to a PvP-focused server (Assuming they did that) and just rerolled lowbies here on BC to make it look like they're kicking *** on the PvP-focused server. Just ignore them and have fun.


Is Cavy "I carry Rep PUGs" the Scoundrel one of these "elitist ******es"?


@OP Begeren's PvP scene is smaller than either of the other two NA West servers. The only reason you should move here is if you are looking for a closer-knit community. Since we don't have as many regular PvPers as the other servers, everyone knows each other and generally acts in a respectful manner. There are definitely exceptions, though, and tempers can get flared when the Republic pre-mades start queuing (which happens pretty much every night). Since there are less Republic PvPers overall, two pre-mades often get put on the same team and whitewashes are a common occurrence when this happens.


Overall, I'd say the Empire is the stronger of the two factions. They have vastly superior numbers to the Republic and quite often you will end up with just Imp vs Imp games for an hour before you even see Reps. Some of the Republic players will try to tell you that they are the stronger faction; don't believe them. Many of the regular pre-maders on the Republic side only ever pre-made and so they assume that their 6-0 Huttball wins are a common occurrence. There are just as many equally-skilled PvPers on the Empire side, however. The difference is that they don't all queue in 4-man groups with a tank and a healer. Many of the Empire's best regularly queue solo, which means the Empire teams are far more balanced than the Republic ones. Empire PvP teams are generally a mix of good and bad players, whereas the Republic ones are either all good or all bad (or totally non-existent).


I don't know if you're interested in late-night PvPing, but all brackets generally die out for long periods of time so you'd want to keep toons on other servers should you wish to continue playing during those hours.


TL;DR PvP on Begeren favours the Empire, but don't be surprised or frustrated if you come up against Republic double pre-mades on a semi-regular basis.

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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Just came here a few weeks ago, myself, to be able to get some pve stuff done for a change. Good times. There are some good players/guilds but none that are overwhelmingly dominant. A decent, relatively organized pug can knock off any premade put together on this server. The collective skill level is probably lower than where you came from but the faction balance is good, and soloqueueing either side will not make you want to set yourself on fire (usually :p). I think you will enjoy yourself here.


Catch me in a week or 2, I'm always up for some group pvp.

Edited by ace_boogie
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Is Cavy "I carry Rep PUGs" the Scoundrel one of these "elitist ******es"?

Before you attempt to imply that I'm one of them, if you actually knew me or if you actually heard me rant you'd know that the Rep PUGs are the ones that carry me, not the other way around.


Get yer facts right before you go saying stuff like that, but then again people who are nobodies don't got nothing to lose so I guess it's reasonable to go ahead and say false information.


Have a good day

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Before you attempt to imply that I'm one of them, if you actually knew me or if you actually heard me rant you'd know that the Rep PUGs are the ones that carry me, not the other way around.


Get yer facts right before you go saying stuff like that, but then again people who are nobodies don't got nothing to lose so I guess it's reasonable to go ahead and say false information.


Wow, so defensive! I guess you really do have something to hide.

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But tis a shame, hardly this is the case on this server. It's either premades or bads, decent pugs are myths on this server.


I run with a pretty good group when I do premade but mostly I queue solo. It can be done (and has been done several times since I've been here). It is a matter of luck who you get on your team tho. There are some downright uncarryable players queueing up at times. And some nights you just keep running into THAT SAME DAMN PREMADE OVER AND OVER, and you can't seem to get 7 other players total on your team let alone 7 competent ones


But I seem to win/lose about the same playing on either faction.

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I run with a pretty good group when I do premade but mostly I queue solo. It can be done (and has been done several times since I've been here). It is a matter of luck who you get on your team tho. There are some downright uncarryable players queueing up at times. And some nights you just keep running into THAT SAME DAMN PREMADE OVER AND OVER, and you can't seem to get 7 other players total on your team let alone 7 competent ones


But I seem to win/lose about the same playing on either faction.


I've played on this server in the 55 queue since the days when War Hero gear was first introduced into the game.


And this is the relative percentage I have come across, in comparison to having a standard that matches the word "decent" based on skill and effort a player displays:


5% of the player base now = decent pug or elite solo queuer

15% of the player base now = Premaders, such as Infamous and friends, two man teams, etc.

80% of the player base now = Terribad pug.

50% of that 80% of the player base = Terribad whiner who will talk trash yet does the worst in a WZ in DPS. Never heals or protection because hardly anyone has the idea to play a support role, and even then, they can't even play the DPS role correctly.


Back in the day before server xfers, I would change the decent pug/elite solo queuer percentage to 15% and the premader group to 35%, and the terribad count would be 50%. This server has taken a major downhill slide since then.


At least in the eyes of a veteran. So while I agree the chances are not impossible, and that pretty much every premade group on this server is actually pathetic themselves, you would be hard pressed to actually come to expect people to meet the standard of "decent" in this game.

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At least in the eyes of a veteran. So while I agree the chances are not impossible, and that pretty much every premade group on this server is actually pathetic themselves, you would be hard pressed to actually come to expect people to meet the standard of "decent" in this game.


To this point, I agree... In my experience, I only notice these pub premades pug stomping more late at night when there is literally no competition playing. Of course to these pugs barely breaking 100k damage, they seem like unstoppable juggernuts. But earlier many of these matches with those guilds go either way, and are actually pretty fun to play against. I'm pretty sure my win/loss record vs GD, Infamous, Company, etc. are all on the plus side especially when grouped with my own guys... those same guild tags get beaten/farmed about as much as anyone else.


Later on is when soloqueueing becomes a nightmare.

Edited by ace_boogie
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So just an update for those who might be interested in transferring to the BC. I did move a character over and plan to move more once I can sneak the funds past the wife. The PvP is much more balanced but you do still have those derp groups that are super frustrating, the good thing is that its on both sides, so far it seems almost 50/50 so its been quite nice actually doing some pvp with my imp toons. Havnt really gotten into the pve side of group content, I cant speak to the que times for dps or healers but my tank has insta pops for flashpoints so it seems good to me.


anyway just wanted to give an update and say that I approve of this server. ;)


Lol, I smell a purge coming.


Spec designed to exploit bads getting buffed + majority of players being bads = mass exodus of noobs or improvement in pug quality really far down the road.


Just hoping one of those two happens

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Lol, I smell a purge coming.


Spec designed to exploit bads getting buffed + majority of players being bads = mass exodus of noobs or improvement in pug quality really far down the road.


Just hoping one of those two happens


Have you seen the QQ in the PVP forum? Delicious tears of bads fuel my anger and hatred! The great unsubbing has begun...


Wish I could be around more (I know I haven't Qued on BC in a while) but work has been making me pay lately.

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Have you seen the QQ in the PVP forum? Delicious tears of bads fuel my anger and hatred! The great unsubbing has begun...


Wish I could be around more (I know I haven't Qued on BC in a while) but work has been making me pay lately.


Meh its just bad Sage/Sorc QQ.

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Have you seen the QQ in the PVP forum? Delicious tears of bads fuel my anger and hatred! The great unsubbing has begun...


Wish I could be around more (I know I haven't Qued on BC in a while) but work has been making me pay lately.


Well when you get your heal to full self back on we need to talk Bombers lol

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