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Guardian general information and inquiries about gear and such!


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Hi there everyone.

To start things off, I'll have to apologize if there are any grammatical errors in this post.

English is not my native language, but I'll try to keep it somewhat readable.


Let's kick it off then shall we?


I'm a returning player and a subscriber.

I'm focused towards PvE tanking on my Jedi Guardian, and I have a few questions.

I've been reading up on the class through dulfy's guides and such, however there wasn't much mentioning regarding a few things I'm wondering on.


I'm Level 32 currently, and I'm wondering on a few things regarding where to focus my Planet Commendations/Money.


Does it matter what kind of weapon I use?

Lightsaber or Vibrosword?


-If I get tired of sabers, can I just start using a Sword instead?

Or does that gimp me in any way shape or form?


As a tank, what are the Enhancement, Mods and Armoring I should use?


-Up till Level 30 I didn't have a lot of options in terms of 'tanking' "enchants" other than the ones with more Endurance than Strength. From here on out I get a lot more options, including Shield Absorb, Endurance+Defence and so on, and since I've just returned, I'd like to ask the more experienced guardian tanks out there.


Also, when it comes to Relics, Implants and Earpiece, which options do I have in terms of tanking before I hit Level 50-55?


.What should I try to get to be more usefull for the group I'm running with, which is a Commando healer and a Vanguard dps?


And when it comes to the vast selection of armor sets.

I've been spending tons, and I literally mean tons of cartel points on packs just to get some Nice looking armor sets and such. Does it really matter if I use Adaptive armor over say something that's allready categorized as Heavy Armor?


-Keep in mind that I know that I know that 'Adaptive Armor' means it will use synch to the "heaviest"-type of armor that I can use, so Armor stat wise I know it doesn't change at all. But are there any other negative effects?

(For instance; I've been questioned as a tank due to running around in a dress in Flashpoints, apparently some people find that a bit difficult to understand, and that leaves me open to getting a few insults here and there, but that doesn't bother me the slightest.)


And also, regarding Dulfy's guides, do they get updates after every change to the class?

I do read the patch notes and such myself so I don't fall behind, but I like to be sure I'm not doing something wrong.


All I can do is hope that AoE tanking as a guardian becomes easier the higher up I get, because we're really lacking in that department it feel's like, at least compared to Vanguards, who seem' to be able to hold aoe threat a lot easier.

But reading up on the vanguard class aswell as I picked my Guardian I knew that would be the case anyhow.


I Guess that's it for now.


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the thread.


Kind regards,

Benisakura on The Red Eclipse server.

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Q: Lightsaber or Vibrosword?

A: Whichever you choose. No downsides to using either they are the same stat and damage wise.


Q: As a tank pre 30 what should I use?

A: Whatever you can get. Armorings get the high endurance. Mods and Enhancements get whatever you can that has defense. The game is painfully easy on tanks pre-50 so your gear won't matter much.


Q: Relics, Implants and Earpieces pre50?

A: Relics tend to come from quests, pvp or the vendor for whatever alignment you've chosen (light or dark). These also don't matter much pre-50. If you can get a shield - absorb or defense click relic I'd go for that.


Q: Adaptive vs Heavy?

A: For you there is no difference between them.


Q: Dulfy's guides?

A: It's a good resource and I imagine they will update them as the classes update. They're a good starting point. If you want the latest and greatest you'll need to stick around the forums for the latest info. Sadly we don't get things stickied ever so the guides tend to fall by the wayside, but you can find guides below that are more up to date.





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Thank you so much mate.

At least then I have something to "line myself" up with in terms of mods and such.

Get as much def as possible, sounds good to me mate. :)


And yeah, I get tired of the 'swoing' sound from the saber from time to time, but getting the cathar vibrosword is so expensive. :<

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And yeah, I get tired of the 'swoing' sound from the saber from time to time, but getting the cathar vibrosword is so expensive. :<


For a really cheap option, check the Weapon's Vendors that exist on every planet. They all sell a "green" moddable vibrosword (you'll see what I mean). (Note about these moddable vibroswords: they disappear when sheathed on your back (old bug, personally reported many times, issue still exists).)


I would also check the GTN. I personally like the look of the "Custom-built Vibrosword". ;)


(Just to make you really jealous: I was lucky enough to buy a "Cathar Honor Sword" really cheap when they first came out. Still using it. :))

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They keep re-releasing the old cartel packs so the one the sword came out in should pop up soon. But yeah that thing was rare back then and it's only become more rare. Tempted to sell mine :p


They keep re-releasing the old packs?

So the Contraband packs might come back?

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They keep re-releasing the old packs?

So the Contraband packs might come back?


They might. ;)


Also, remember that even though an item is listed at a particular price, it doesn't necessarily mean it sells at that price. The GTN is a buyer's market, after all. Monitor the ones on your GTN and you'll probably notice that the same seller (sellers?) are always listing it/them. Contact one of the sellers in game and make an offer you can live with (I won't teach you how to haggle ;)). You can probably get one for much less than it's listed.

Edited by ZeroPlus
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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my Cathar Honor Sword and Warstaff, and my pretty little Kira is looking rather dashing now.

It's a good change for when you want a diffrent sound than the one the lightsaber gives.

I know right. BLASPHEMY, who doesn't love listening to the endless swoing they ring out whenever it hits something right?


I said good change, but I still love the sound. ;)


Hit Level 47 now, and finally I''m seing mods that give more than just str and endurance.

I was in the Department looking for more defence to become even more robust even if I know that it mean's little to nothing considering we're not 50 yet. But it's still good to get it going.

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I got my Cathar Honor Sword and Warstaff, and my pretty little Kira is looking rather dashing now.

It's a good change for when you want a diffrent sound than the one the lightsaber gives.

I know right. BLASPHEMY, who doesn't love listening to the endless swoing they ring out whenever it hits something right?


I said good change, but I still love the sound. ;)


Hit Level 47 now, and finally I''m seing mods that give more than just str and endurance.

I was in the Department looking for more defence to become even more robust even if I know that it mean's little to nothing considering we're not 50 yet. But it's still good to get it going.


XD great mindset on the mods, happy to see a nonbrainless tank who goes yippee at mitigation :D

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