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Dropping a quest


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Heya, while doing Strike the Mountain Asunder, I missed King's Armory... I am a completionist no matter what, so I would like to know if I can drop this quest and get it again. The problem is that it is a part of a chain quest, we get it at the end of another quest. http://www.swtor-spy.com/quests/strike-the-mountain-asunder/6500/

Will I broke the chain or being stuck? Logic says I will need to restart the whole quest.


Edited by Thiago
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You can abandon/restart most missions from your mission log (L).

You can try resetting first, it might bring you to the start of the phase (or not, it varies mission from mission)

If you abandon it, it should be available from start at mission giver

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Unless things have changed recently, a quest that is part of the main planetary chain cannot be acquired again once abandoned (I recall a thread some time ago where folks were getting quite angry about that fact). I believe this quest is one of those, so I would not advise abandoning it, though I don't think resetting it would do any harm. Edited by PLynkes
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I don't recall this particular quest, but you can tell from the message you get when you abandon it if you will be able to get it again.

When you abandon the quest, if it asks 'Are you sure you want to abandon it', it means you can get it again. If it says 'Are you sure you want to abandon it, you may not be able to get it again', you won't get it again.

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Unless things have changed recently, a quest that is part of the main planetary chain cannot be acquired again once abandoned (I recall a thread some time ago where folks were getting quite angry about that fact). I believe this quest is one of those, so I would not advise abandoning it, though I don't think resetting it would do any harm.


Edited 2: I found where reset the quest and that helped. Thanks a LOT!

Edited by Thiago
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