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100% way to determine if your team is going to lose badly


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At least on Jedi Covenant, if 5+ members of opposing team have 5 ships to choose from, but only 1 of your team (myself, usually) has 5 ships...the probability of your team losing badly approaches 100%. I have been playing GSF since day 1. This situation has only gotten worse since "preferred" players were included.


I enjoy a good fight. 1000 to 900 is cool. 1000 to zero is not. EA, work on your team match algorithm. Thanks.

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another way to detirmine it is if someone makes some comment early on about how they're "going to lose" I see it in ground PVP frequently but only once seen it in space. a defeatist "why bother we can't win" additude that garentees a loss. (the guy in question was saying republic never won and the Imps always won) Edited by BrianDavion
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I run on JC and you can give the guild's with voice a challenge. Last battle was 1000/669 (We lost) even I was a little shocked. The best way to beat them is do what they do. Form a guild and add voice, problem solved. Also I/we have made a GSF guild for the empire on JC with voice. PM me for details and consideration. Edited by SithAceI
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At least on Jedi Covenant, if 5+ members of opposing team have 5 ships to choose from, but only 1 of your team (myself, usually) has 5 ships...the probability of your team losing badly approaches 100%. I have been playing GSF since day 1. This situation has only gotten worse since "preferred" players were included.


I enjoy a good fight. 1000 to 900 is cool. 1000 to zero is not. EA, work on your team match algorithm. Thanks.


on red eclipse rarely i ever see 1000-0 games.


i too am a day 1 player and having 5 ships means bugger all no offence. telling people if u see only yaself with 5 ships is a dev lost is not true and not good to teach newbies that.


i have chars with only 3 ships and zero mods i play them chars for giggles coz i rarely am never in top 3 every game im in and thats with 5 or 3 ships, mods or no mods.


i have chars with maximum available ships there is but i also have chars with 3 ships, wheres that work into ya theroy?


i also know regular players on rep side that have 2-3 ships that are amazing, and i know ALOT of players with 5 ships fully moddifeid and i know i can walk all over them.


ive seen lots of people with your way of thinking leave b4 match starts or moment they cap 2 and we have one and most of them games will either be close or we win,

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The team matching? They better not turn it on. I never get any damned matches as it is, the last thing I need is it deciding I can't play while letting the noobs play holdyhands.


Holdyhands? You call "not being farmed by players with tons more experience and ship upgrades" holdyhands? It's bad for the health of the game--if every time you queue you get farmed you're gonna stop queueing plain and simple. And thus longer queue times for you.


On my server I've kinda quit queuing on imp side. Not because imps get farmed (they certainly do, however) but because the queue times are so long. They weren't bad when GSF was released, and they got much better when premiums got in. But now queue times on imp side have gone up dramatically (for me anyway,even in prime time 7-10pm EST) and when I queue on pub side 3/5 matches are pub vs. pub. I have no firm data on this, only personal experience. But my personal experience was massively unbalanced matches routinely finishing 1000 to 50 or even less, usually with 3-caps. Now that queue times have gone up dramatically the only conclusion I can come to is less players queueing and the best explanation I can come up with is players not queueing because getting competely roflstomped every time you play is simply no fun.


Oh, and I consider experienced players farming noobs MUCH more "holdyhands" than noob vs. noob. Holdyhands is a game with no real challenge. Farming is holdyhands, noob vs. noob is not.

Edited by Eldrenath
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Oh, and I consider experienced players farming noobs MUCH more "holdyhands" than noob vs. noob. Holdyhands is a game with no real challenge. Farming is holdyhands, noob vs. noob is not.


This. One reason I exclusively play Imperial on Shadowlands is that the real challenge comes from facing down the veterans on the Republic side that tend to win the majority of the games by rolling over the newbies on Imperial side. It can get frustrating sometimes when your side is *really* bad, but every little success is to be savored when you have to work for it. Every iota of frustration I inflict on the other side's veterans that are used to roflstomping people is a joy :).


The balance is pretty horrible at times though - I feel like there are about 20 consistently good players on Imperial side, and if they stopped queuing, Imperial GSF would never win a match.

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I'm a JC player this is what I've noticed especially during prime time.


There is a slight skill imbalance in favor of the repubs. Imps have more n00b per faction vs faction matches. I'm an imp pilot so I can't comment on pub vs pub. I do know the server saw more pub vs pub before f2p. I'm not worried about this as it should balance out.


Only Here's my other observation. There is a massive imbalance where premade is concerned. Pubs have massive premade advantage happening.


And the permades are more then 4 person, 6 seems to be the average. And they all fly together in a mass group.


GSF kindly provides my opponents names though. I will often leave game if I see 4+ permades. I know who you are.


I'm a patient person, I'll see them starved of quality matches top they get bored or abandon their massive permades.


That said I'm looking for a GSF team but can't reguild my good toon.


Otherwise "/cjoin Gsf" on imp side maybe we can start a community. Or PM on forums here.

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Quitting matches just because of premades isn't helping anything. Agreed large premades can be slightly obnoxious but quitting is more obnoxious.


Quitting a match and requeueing while it's still going on might get you in a more evenly matched game.


There's nothing fun about trying to fight a well coordinated team with a PuG. they just farm you. You can't even improve your skills because they virtually spawn camp you just outside of range of your capital ship

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I play on JC and most of the matches I've been in recently look like the players have fairly full ship bars. I myself only have 3 ships as I focus on the Type 1 striker, have no interest in playing a GS, and only have the 2 scouts that I rarely use.


That being said I play republic and concede that they do seem to win more often than not. (I don't do any of the premades)

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please read my post called ''galactic starfigther is unfair'' i hope your like it


At least on Jedi Covenant, if 5+ members of opposing team have 5 ships to choose from, but only 1 of your team (myself, usually) has 5 ships...the probability of your team losing badly approaches 100%. I have been playing GSF since day 1. This situation has only gotten worse since "preferred" players were included.


I enjoy a good fight. 1000 to 900 is cool. 1000 to zero is not. EA, work on your team match algorithm. Thanks.

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Quitting a match and requeueing while it's still going on might get you in a more evenly matched game.


There's nothing fun about trying to fight a well coordinated team with a PuG. they just farm you. You can't even improve your skills because they virtually spawn camp you just outside of range of your capital ship


or it might mean you get back into said match.


or wait for 15 minutes and get grouped with the same people.

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So what if there are about 8 people Rep and Imp (each) side that are queuing? If the experience levels are vastly different, no group-finder logarithm will work.


The only option is cross server queues to increase the pool of players to choose from. This might be a nightmare to code if they "painted themselves into a corner" with the original code. But since all Space PvP is equal regardless of server type, cross server doesn't yield any benefit/penalty.

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The team matching? They better not turn it on. I never get any damned matches as it is, the last thing I need is it deciding I can't play while letting the noobs play holdyhands.


This is a valid point, but with the influx of F2P players, it shouldn't be as much of an issue.


Just basic group type matchmaking would be ideal, something like this:


4man pub premade + 4 pub pugs = Team 1

4man pub premade + 4 pub pugs = Team 2


As it is now, it's pretty much this:


4man pub premade + 4man pub premade = Team 1

8 pub pugs = Team 2


Swapping 1 group to the other team to even the playing field wouldn't increase queue times. I'd be fine with something like that and nobody should be against an idea like this.


Separating people based on ratings or something similar would be bad, because there are too few starfighter players as is. I would be against something like this unless they implemented Cross Server (which they've already said they wont)


And to OP, yeah, you're right, but it's probably more like a 99% thing, because I was in a match the other day where it was Team 1 with 4-5 ships and All of team 2 with 2-3ships....Team 2 won. It was definitely unexpected.

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Confirmed on The Harbinger as well.


I que up and see a crap ton of "Two Ship Only" on our team and look at the other team and see maybe 1-2 at most.


Time to DROP GROUP. Too many times I said "Maybe these guys are not that bad..." and end up regretting.

BIOWARE - Please fix your match making abilities!

Edited by dscount
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Wow, that's a d-bag move. Making it so a dozen other other people can't play at all cause "you're stuck with noobs".


While I see your point, I have to disagree. The bottom line is it simply isn't fun going into a match where you know you stand no chance and you're going to get farmed. I've had MANY pops when I'm on imp side where my entire team is 2-3 ships and the pub side is nearly all 5-ships and with pilots I know are excellent with lots of skill, experience, and ship upgrades. Even if you're a fairly decent pilot you don't stand a chance--you'll get 2-, 3-, and 4-teamed and shot down over and over and over.


Most folks that play MMOs play for fun. If something isn't fun then there's no point in doing it. I don't often drop queues but I have done so several times when I see a match that I know is going to be particularly bad. I don't feel bad about it at all. I play MMOs for fun. I don't mind a challenge at all--in fact I would WAY rather lose a latch 1000 to 900 than win 1000 to 50 because the 1000 to 900 match was likely a challenge.


The bottom line is that as long as folks are going to form big premades and farm the heck out of the opposition then they're going to have to deal with their matches occasionally failing to start because folks drop. Does that suck? Yes it does. And it sucks for the other folks that got the queue pop as well. But it also sucks to walk into a farming session and no one should be forced to play a match that is going to be completely not-fun for one team if they don't want to.

Edited by Eldrenath
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