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Which skill to Drop?


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Hello :)


I am a bit stuck with somthing here.


As you know A jugger has Smash, force scream and viceous slash but By the time you have used 2 of them + assaults to build the rage you need the first one is off cooldown again so you can only fit 2 of them in a rotation.


So my question is should I use vicious slash or force scream? Unfortunetly the build I wish to play requires me to get talents which boost both of those as I will be playing a rage-immortal jugger in soresu form.


So which is better

Force scream with + 15% damage

Vicious slash with +16 % crit chance and +6% damage?

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Im playing a vengeance build and for me the rotation is atm (lvl 35)

Force charge, ravage, Smash, Impale, Force Scream, Sundering Assault, Assault.


Ravage does tons of damage and costs no rage. So i want that on CD all the time.

Smash does good damage and costs no rage. Also allways on CD.

Impale and force scream go hand in hand. Impale first to proc a crit for force scream.

All in all thats 4 attacks of only 8 rage. Which i usually allways have by the time of the Force Scream. If not ill just pop an enrage.


But your problem with CD's is nothing ive never felt and it seems i use more skills.

For me Vicious slash is just a rage dump. Dont know much about the rage tree. But Force scream generally does more damage. So i would prioritize that. Then use Vicious slash only as a rage dump.


I rarely ever have to use Assault at all. Im guessing your level aint that high yet. My tip is to prio the CD's before vicous slash (which has none)

Edited by Alayne
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I dont use a rotation, more so a priority system. Charge, Sunder, Slam, (Fscream any mob that is ranged) then between Sunders I use Assualt to build rage with Sunder.


I only use Ravage and Retaliation on Elites and Bosses which is all I'm really tanking. Dps in group downs regular trash pretty easily.


As far as your question goes I would use all the attacks. I use VS when everything else is on cool down. Would be between Sunders. Right now though VS isn't high on the priority, I use it more as a rage dump than anything.

Edited by bigprimo
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thanks guys, I worded it really badly but you still helped :p. What I meant really is that I never get to the point where everything is on cool down so I never need to use it. And a priority list is indeed better than a rotation.
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Im playing a vengeance build and for me the rotation is atm (lvl 35)

Force charge, ravage, Smash, Impale, Force Scream, Sundering Assault, Assault.


Ravage does tons of damage and costs no rage. So i want that on CD all the time.

Smash does good damage and costs no rage. Also allways on CD.

Impale and force scream go hand in hand. Impale first to proc a crit for force scream.

All in all thats 4 attacks of only 8 rage. Which i usually allways have by the time of the Force Scream. If not ill just pop an enrage.


But your problem with CD's is nothing ive never felt and it seems i use more skills.

For me Vicious slash is just a rage dump. Dont know much about the rage tree. But Force scream generally does more damage. So i would prioritize that. Then use Vicious slash only as a rage dump.


I rarely ever have to use Assault at all. Im guessing your level aint that high yet. My tip is to prio the CD's before vicous slash (which has none)


Using your debuff near the end of your rotation? seems silly to me.

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