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[SNIPER] Engineering Scatter Bombs and Covered Escape Suggestions


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Imperial Agent - Sniper - Engineering


Issue: Scatter Bombs Tied to Covered Escape is an Unreliable Dps Mechanic. The engineering skill tree relies heavily on the successful impact of Scatter Bombs to be competative with Marksmanship and Lethality dps builds.


Suggestion: Keep Scatter Bombs tied entirely to the Fragmentation Grenade Ability. Change to:


1/2 Scatter Bombs:


Reduces the energy cost of Fragmentation Grenade by 2. In addition Fragmentation Grenade has a 50% CHance to drop 3 Scatter Bombs in radius around the target. These bombs explode soon after, dealing # - # kinetic damage to any nearby enemy. This effect cannot occur more than once every 18 seconds.


2/2 Scatter Bombs:


Reduces the energy cost of Fragmentation Grenade by 4. In addition Fragmentation Grenade has a 100% CHance to drop 6 Scatter Bombs in radius around the target. These bombs explode soon after, dealing # - # kinetic damage to any nearby enemy. This effect cannot occur more than once every 18 seconds.


Additional Note:


Should Covered Escape retain an additional effect, suggest the following:


Marksman Tree: Using Covered Escape triggers a laser grid field behind the escaping sniper. Enemy caught within the grid take #-# kinetic damage while moving within the grid field. Grid persists for 15 seconds.


Engineering Tree: Using Covered Escape triggers a mine field behind the escaping sniper. Enemy within proximity of a mine will detonate the mine dealing # - # kinetic damage to all enemy within in a 5 meter radius. Mines self detonate after 10 seconds.


Lethality Tree: Using Covered Escape triggers a toxic gas cloud covering the snipers escape. Enemy caught within the toxic cloud become infected and take # - # elemental dmg over a period of 15 seconds. Can not be cleansed can be purged.

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I would actually suggest that covered escape should roll you BACKWARDS not forwards.


It makes no sense that I should roll forwards...so that the enemy I am escaping from is now behind me and behind my cover. It also makes no sense that I would drop my damage behind me and not In front of my screen as the entire point of a sniper is to keep everyone in FRONT of your cover.


If it must roll forward because the devs cannot handle blind roll backwards...than when it drops you into cover it should automatically pull a 180 degree turn so you are now looking at where you escaped from, thus to target the enemy you rolled away from and keep your cover between yourself and the enemy.


Just asking for some LOGIC to be used in this skill is all. As it stands...I only use it in huttball as it serves no other purpose.

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Imperial Agent - Sniper - Engineering



Suggestion: Keep Scatter Bombs tied entirely to the Fragmentation Grenade Ability. Change to:


1/2 Scatter Bombs:


Reduces the energy cost of Fragmentation Grenade by 2. In addition Fragmentation Grenade has a 50% CHance to drop 3 Scatter Bombs in radius around the target. These bombs explode soon after, dealing # - # kinetic damage to any nearby enemy. This effect cannot occur more than once every 18 seconds.


2/2 Scatter Bombs:


Reduces the energy cost of Fragmentation Grenade by 4. In addition Fragmentation Grenade has a 100% CHance to drop 6 Scatter Bombs in radius around the target. These bombs explode soon after, dealing # - # kinetic damage to any nearby enemy. This effect cannot occur more than once every 18 seconds.




Please change Scatter Bombs to this effect! The worst thing about how it behaves now is rather then be at long range as a sniper should be my character is sitting up with the melee dps. To hang far back and not use the Scatter Bombs covered escape mechanic really takes a hit in the dps. It feels very un-sniperish to be up squatting on the boss.


Heck even reduce the bombs mentioned above down to 2/5. I don't like close range necessary dps abilities on my sniper since it ruins the entire concept. Thanks.

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Imperial Agent - Sniper - Engineering


Issue: Scatter Bombs Tied to Covered Escape is an Unreliable Dps Mechanic. The engineering skill tree relies heavily on the successful impact of Scatter Bombs to be competative with Marksmanship and Lethality dps builds.


It's not an issue. The devs have posted before that it wasn't meant to be part of a rotation. It was meant to supplement some damage when the Sniper has to roll away. It wasn't intended to make up any significant portion of the Snipers DPS.

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I would actually suggest that covered escape should roll you BACKWARDS not forwards.


It makes no sense that I should roll forwards...so that the enemy I am escaping from is now behind me and behind my cover. It also makes no sense that I would drop my damage behind me and not In front of my screen as the entire point of a sniper is to keep everyone in FRONT of your cover.


If it must roll forward because the devs cannot handle blind roll backwards...than when it drops you into cover it should automatically pull a 180 degree turn so you are now looking at where you escaped from, thus to target the enemy you rolled away from and keep your cover between yourself and the enemy.


Just asking for some LOGIC to be used in this skill is all. As it stands...I only use it in huttball as it serves no other purpose.


/signed agree with this and the OP, might want the roll forward and 180 turn because it would be easier to aim for the player QoL type thing


@ OP i don't think the specs need to drop anything in a line behind them when they use the ability. perhaps lethality could drop a corrosive location on their location before they roll, MM to grant Snap Shot and/or 1/2stacks of zeroing shots and engineering could get the next frag grenade (with scatter bombs) free.

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