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I strafe a lot and am kinda used to how small effect it has, and I definitely wouldn't be against faster strafing. Just, not by too much. Too much strafing could turn this game into Quake in space.


Maybe give us Strafing thrusters. 25-50% faster strafing when mastered. Or something like that.

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Strafing isn't really viable with the GSF control system. ;)


But this isn't really about strafing in the air combat sense, it's about translational thrust.


Notice the size of the thrusters pointed to the rear of the ship.

Notice the lack of visible thrusters on the vertical and lateral axes.


Probably does a lot to explain the lack of impressively fast MMO definition strafing.


If this were a genuine space combat sim, you could have some really creative thruster placements and very interesting movement and control schemes.


For better or worse though, the Star Wars franchise is strongly tied to a simplified model loosely based on WWII dogfighting. So probably no rapid sideways movement or using repulsorlifts to bounce off of a large object like a sat or a capital ship.

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Would love it to be a little faster. I always use it to pick off those people who think they can hug a sat and not get hit. Roll so my top side is against the sat and strafe down so I can point my nose slightly more inward while kicking my ship out further to get a better line of sight on my target. maybe a new engine ability for strafing: constant passive ability that greatly increases strafing speed at the cost of engine power, does not break missile locks like other engine components but reduces missile damage taken by X% while strafing (reasoning could be missile misses due to the maneuver but warhead detonates in close proximity, still causing SOME splash damage)
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