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Cross Server Ques


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Hey guys,


I have a question. Do you think in swtor we will ever get cross server ques for group finder? I do not see why if you que for a fp you can't do it with your faction on another server? This would also reduce wait time for all of us dps haha.


What do you guys think?

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There is little evidence to support a view that they will for PvE. There is plenty of player desire it seems for sure.


The new FP in 2.6 to me indicates that they are going to address queue issues (which are predominantly a problem for DPS) by putting in netural content that does not need the classic rock/paper/scissors qrouping.


PvP.... again little evidence to support a view that they will, so far.

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What's a "que"?


And it wouldn't decrease wait times. As long as your server has the minimum population necessary, cross-server queues will not help. Unless you can find a magical server that's full of tanks who can't get a queue to pop nothing is going to change. The ratio of DPS-to-healer-to-tank is going to be roughly the same for all servers.


Let's say there are two servers, each has 100 DPS and 1 tank. If you put those two together, you'd have 200 DPS waiting on 2 tanks. The ratio is 100 DPS per tank no matter how you slice it.

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There is little evidence to support a view that they will for PvE. There is plenty of player desire it seems for sure.


The new FP in 2.6 to me indicates that they are going to address queue issues (which are predominantly a problem for DPS) by putting in netural content that does not need the classic rock/paper/scissors qrouping.


PvP.... again little evidence to support a view that they will, so far.


PVP cross-server would help much more than PVE cross-server. PVE relies on ratios, PVP just grabs the first group that coms up. This would also allow them to split the queues (e.g., queueing separately for arena and objective warzones) without having to worry about having sufficient people for each.

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PVP cross-server would help much more than PVE cross-server.


I agree with you. And while I am not supportive of PvE cross server queues personally, I do very much support PvP cross server queues. In fact.. I personally prefer cross server PvP as it tends to build server elan IMO.. which is pretty lacking in many MMOs these days.

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What's a "que"?


And it wouldn't decrease wait times. As long as your server has the minimum population necessary, cross-server queues will not help. Unless you can find a magical server that's full of tanks who can't get a queue to pop nothing is going to change. The ratio of DPS-to-healer-to-tank is going to be roughly the same for all servers.


Let's say there are two servers, each has 100 DPS and 1 tank. If you put those two together, you'd have 200 DPS waiting on 2 tanks. The ratio is 100 DPS per tank no matter how you slice it.


It may not reduce que time but it increases the total of flashpoints formed. Take for example the folllowing and more realistic situation...


Server A: 3 tanks, 1 healers, 8 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

Server B: 0 tanks, 2 healer, 3 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 0 FLASHPOINTS

Server C: 1 tank, 2 healers, 5 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

(2 active flashpoints)


In total, we have 4 tanks, 5 healers, 16 DPS.

With cross server, you get 4 flashpoints up from 2.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Why do you think it would reduce wait time for damage dealers?


Do you think there's one magical, mystical server out there on which tanks wait on queue for 40 minutes while damage dealers pop instantly? If you put a minute or two of though into it, you'll realize that is exactly the situation that must exist for your theory to be reasonable.


If you don't like long queues, you have options to fix that problem yourself:


You could roll a tank.


You could roll a healer.


You could learn how to be so awesome in groups that tanks and healers simply must put you on their friend lists and demand that you join them whenever they queue.


You could find a good, big guild that likes to do a lot of flash points and be a good enough DD that they won't avoid doing flash points with you.

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Why do you think it would reduce wait time for damage dealers?


Do you think there's one magical, mystical server out there on which tanks wait on queue for 40 minutes while damage dealers pop instantly? If you put a minute or two of though into it, you'll realize that is exactly the situation that must exist for your theory to be reasonable.


If you don't like long queues, you have options to fix that problem yourself:


You could roll a tank.


You could roll a healer.


You could learn how to be so awesome in groups that tanks and healers simply must put you on their friend lists and demand that you join them whenever they queue.


You could find a good, big guild that likes to do a lot of flash points and be a good enough DD that they won't avoid doing flash points with you.


Yeah... when there is a DPS surplus on every server, cross server really does not solve the issue. In fact, it may make it worse for some then if there was no cross server queues.

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Cross server queues would help the wait time for dps, not by shortening it per se, but my making it more consistent. By increasing the selection pool of all roles, you can more reliably predict your wait time because there would be less randomness in the availability. This is still an improvement imo.


Therefore I support cross server queues, even though my main is a tank and it doesn't really matter.

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Cross server queues would help the wait time for dps, not by shortening it per se, but my making it more consistent. By increasing the selection pool of all roles, you can more reliably predict your wait time because there would be less randomness in the availability. This is still an improvement imo.


Therefore I support cross server queues, even though my main is a tank and it doesn't really matter.


So you want the developers to spend a buttload of hours to implement a feature that you admit won't solve any real problems but only alter your perception of them, which since you already stated that you know your perception is different from reality you already have the ability to change for yourself, instantly, with no outside intervention and no developer effort spent?


That's rational. :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthTHC
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It may not reduce que time but it increases the total of flashpoints formed. Take for example the folllowing and more realistic situation...


Server A: 3 tanks, 1 healers, 8 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

Server B: 0 tanks, 2 healer, 3 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 0 FLASHPOINTS

Server C: 1 tank, 2 healers, 5 DPS

Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

(2 active flashpoints)


In total, we have 4 tanks, 5 healers, 16 DPS.

With cross server, you get 4 flashpoints up from 2.


Lol 3 tanks queued with 1 healer...That would be the day. But given more general population ratios and reluctance of tanks queuing for flashpoints rarely (if ever) will # tanks queued surpass that of # healers.


Server A: 3 tanks, 6 healers, 100 DPS

Server B: 0 tanks, 3 healers, 100 DPS

Server C: 1 tank, 3 healers, 100 DPS


Servers A would have 3 pops, Server B wait, Server C 1 pop.


As soon as tank queues it is 99% of the time an auto pop. 1% of the time they are queuing specific flashpoints, or rest of server is off doing an event. I highly doubt you will find more tanks than healers queued, simply by population numbers.

#tanks (is less than) # healers (is much less than) # dps.

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Cross server queues would help the wait time for dps, not by shortening it per se, but my making it more consistent. By increasing the selection pool of all roles, you can more reliably predict your wait time because there would be less randomness in the availability. This is still an improvement imo.


Therefore I support cross server queues, even though my main is a tank and it doesn't really matter.


Its a zero sum equation. What you take from one person (i.e wait is shorter), you must add to another (i.e wait is longer)

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