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The rudeness against newbies in warzones


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Hello everyone


I play on the republic side and i have observed alot of rudeness in the /ops lately, i have not taken offense myself but the behaviour from some people just want me to give up the server and flee somewhere else.


Mostly this has been seen inte the 55 pvp warzones when we've been losing a game or are close to. Sadly i must say the bad behaviour often comes from very talented pvp players.


Its been lines like:


* Fckin n00bs lrn 2 play

* Thx for makin us loooose newbssss


So i must ask, are you born yesterday or are you just stu.... wait, i won't fall down to the same level, i mean do you just have bad luck when you try to think?


Here's a few facts for you


You say: Learn to play

Fact: To learn to play a class/build in pvp you have to play it in pvp until you learn

Another Fact: To learn the tactics of a certain warzone you have to play in that warzone

Third Fact: To learn the basics of the game you must play the game


Reflection: Newbie is just another way of saying new to the game, if its said in a game. All of us has been there and we learned the game by playing it. As long as more people starts playing the game then the people dropping out of it the game will continue to live and grow. If we want a game to play we may eventually have to accept that new people join in it, they will be new to the game (newbies) in the beginning but will soon learn all aspects of it, just like us who's been here since the start. N00b as in nobody is quite the wrong word to use, i guess people mostly when shouting it togeather with other bad words in front of the word n00b actually means newbie, as nobody reflects more upon the personal lack of success while newbie is more game related. Think of this, the next time someone is performing poorly he probably just spent way less hours in the game then you, one reason could be that he spends 8-14 hours a day building up his successful company, earning more money IRL then you earn swtor credits in a month. Perhaps a word meaning beeing a nobody should be used with a bit more caution.





Well, first of all lets not keep beeing rude against many of those who actually are a part of the community and keeping the servers alive. Shouting stuff like the lines i mentioned above does not actually prove anything but the fact that you're leadership is even worse then their performance in the game. So if the new players perform bad in worzones they will actually improve the more they keep doing it, thats for sure. While the ones shouting stuff like the examples above will remain poor leaders for years unless they change the behaviour.


If you are unhappy with people in the warzone, try to give some constructive advice, even if you are about to explode and even if you are the only one doing things as they should be done and you have to stop to type out a message what is actually meant to be done in the warzone. If you're the only one with skillz the game is lost anyway, but if you type fast and get a good explanation out and everyone starts doing what they should be doing you may eventually have turned the game. If not they will know better until next time.


I've spoken to lots of players after warzones filled up with new players doing all the wrong things where good players with bad leadership shout out their rage in the /ops. The only thing we've been able to agree on afterwards is that the only retarded guy in the warzone was the one who blamed the newbies, even thou he did not use the uberskillz to win the game for us.


So please lets stop beeing an arse in the warzone and try to help people instead of blaming them, they will learn little about gameplay if the only thing they learn from your messages are that they are new to the game or bad players, i have a feeling they already know.



Thank you for reading this and if you are new to the game, remember that the only way to improve your gameplay is to keep doing it and most of all have fun doing it.


If you are not new to the game and feel that i've been pointing fingers at you in this text, i do not write all this text down to be rude against you, im just trying to teach you something about good leadership in the same way you should teach the ones who upsets you how to better push the lovely keys. Remember that saying to someone to go learn to play while you are in a warzone is like if you are trying to teach someone how to play a guitarr but you give them a piano.


Over and out!

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In numerous arenas I have had the fortune of playing with people who did 6k, 5k, 1k and even 0 dmg before dying. They might be ultranoobs but if you have lvled the class to 55 you should know how to press a button atleast.


I have no problems whatsoever calling these people out and pointing out that they are ****. In these extreme cases it's not a matter of gear or experience, the problem here is the lack of brain. If i fail or is a burden to my team I don't get butthurt over some e-rage. If I suck then I either cause my teammates to lose or force them to work that much harder to win and in perspective some rage seems reasonable.


Also the advice to "help them" while playing with them is just silly. I have my own problems to worry about when I PvP, more so if I am teamed with a bunch of randoms. You expect more experienced players to just drop whatever they are doing and start babysitting nubs, telling them which buttons to press, where to go and what to do?


TLDR: Grow up, dont be so butthurt, if you suck accept that you suck, don't give a **** about what a random dude many miles away thinks of your skills in a pc game.

Edited by Endusima
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I think above poster perfectly displays the current mindset of the world of today. Many people just are acting very rude because they think its allowed to be if someone is not skilled at it.


Noob vs Newb

it was my understanding that there is a difference between a noob and a newb. A newb is someone new at the game and therefore might perform less while a noob is someone who will never ever learn how to play the game.


Being a newb isnt bad at all and requires just learning mechanics. Noob is not good but still isnt a reason to become rude.


Rage in warzones

I understand people might feel annoied when there are people who make mistakes. I often can't help myself and whisper the rager afterwards. You'll be amazed how many actually see the point that they were wrong (I dont try to be condesending when whispering).

When people are raging they themselves will perform less then they normally would. Your bloodpresure rises and you WILL make mistakes which you normally won't make. One example might be becoming very very overzealious till a Don Quichotte point.

People who are getting raged at / rest of the team will either respond by ignoring your rage and just continue or feel fed up by you and reducing their effectiveness. Overall its a lose lose situation.

Only benefit is they might buckle up and press harder. I dont feel like its worth to take the risk.


What to do than?

Well, start explaining the tactics. Instead of calling people noobs when they don't throw the hutball explain them HOW they can trow the ball. Remember your 1st time in Hutball? I do. And I didnt know how to trow it until someone explained it.

In a lowbee just stand still and type out what they need to do. You may be killed yourself but in the long run your team will be better off.


Ever got that annoing group where none calls out voidstar incomings/caps? Explain it to have always 1 guard at the door. If they don't listen (will happen often) just go stand there yourself and watch how many people there are fighting at the door next to you.

If you dont trust the guard use focus target, great way to see if they attack someone or not.


Civil war. Explain it calm that you need at least 1 guard at a turret. If they dont guard it yourself. Use your own sense of wheter the enemy will attack the side or mid (same goes for novare coast). If you pay attention you dont need inc calls. Also dont forget the guard might have been stealth capped by 1 or more enemies. Don't judge before you are 100% sure.


Last but not least. Don't fret it if you lose a game. There will always be a losing team. If you cant handle losing than stop PvP'ing (or PvE'ing for that matter :p). Remember that even tough the other people are far away behind their own screen they still are very very real and might take it personal up to the extend of someone you might regret if you knew the impact. Cyber bullying is a very real thing.

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TLDR: Grow up, dont be so butthurt, if you suck accept that you suck, don't give a **** about what a random dude many miles away thinks of your skills in a pc game.


You got a few fair points about its not easy to instruct people in a good way while in a warzone, thou rather then beeing rude and yell on them write something short like "guard the doors please, don't run your own duels", its almost as short as the rudeness i've seen.


Second, like i said in the beginning in my post, i have taken no offence myself. I have not experienced any of this rudeness as directed towards me personally. I've been into MMORPG PvP the last 11 or 12 years and in swtor long enough to know it well. I had a break and just got back to the game so my gear is weak but im working on it and know how to do it.


The post is just all about beeing a bit nicer to those who are knew, its make a much more friendly and enjoyable environment for all of us. Personally i have no problem sending a /whisper to someone who performs badly asking if they wonder something about the warzone they just played or simply giving some advice on how to improve their gameplay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, don't confuse the ones hogging pvp general chat at night as good pvpers. Second, before the 'great' ToFN migration the opschat was much worse. Third, people that u described are not worth to be bothered about, even if they are decent pvpers, teamwork and team spirit are words they'll never grasp. I had a very enlightened discussion after a WZ with one of these self proclaimed pvp stars, to his disadvantage I'm afraid, the lack of actual pvp knowledge was embarrassing. But it support the theory that any one can learn to gear right and a decent damage rotation.


And this http://theprogenitor.com/ being many of those players official shout box, with a very few but very important exceptions.


As long as I see an 'all rush to mid' strategy and 'me, guarding or capping a side node?' statement from these so called stars of level 55 pvp on the server. As long as there is no encouraging words to team mates from these self proclaimees of pvp stardom on the server, the pvp on this server is slowly dying.


My advice to you? Try to find friends who actually play for fun . . .

Edited by t-darko
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In numerous arenas I have had the fortune of playing with people who did 6k, 5k, 1k and even 0 dmg before dying. They might be ultranoobs but if you have lvled the class to 55 you should know how to press a button atleast.


I have no problems whatsoever calling these people out and pointing out that they are ****. In these extreme cases it's not a matter of gear or experience, the problem here is the lack of brain. If i fail or is a burden to my team I don't get butthurt over some e-rage. If I suck then I either cause my teammates to lose or force them to work that much harder to win and in perspective some rage seems reasonable.


Also the advice to "help them" while playing with them is just silly. I have my own problems to worry about when I PvP, more so if I am teamed with a bunch of randoms. You expect more experienced players to just drop whatever they are doing and start babysitting nubs, telling them which buttons to press, where to go and what to do?


TLDR: Grow up, dont be so butthurt, if you suck accept that you suck, don't give a **** about what a random dude many miles away thinks of your skills in a pc game.


Well, we did get Arenas because non of the PvP stars on the entire game couldn't learn objective based pvp or did bother to develop any situational awareness in WZ'. What they did excelled in was gearing and doing damage and a never ending PUG stomp in unranked at the cost of ranked 8 vs 8, so, Arenas was born.


Also the advice to "help them" while playing with them is just silly. I have my own problems to worry about when I PvP, more so if I am teamed with a bunch of randoms. You expect more experienced players to just drop whatever they are doing and start babysitting nubs, telling them which buttons to press, where to go and what to do?


This says it all, overcompensating for events in RL?!

Edited by t-darko
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