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10000 affection gained - but do you lose the bonus when you drop?


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I know when you max out affection, you get the bonus to crafting criticals and efficiency, however you know occasional convos may cause you to go back below 10000, does anyone know if you lose that crafting and missions bonus? or is it permanent once you at least 10000?


would really be helpful to know

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The achievements and legacy unlocks are permanent once you've completed them. For the bonuses to crew missions, its based on the percentage of full affection (as the other poster noted). So, at 9950 affection, you get 99.5% of the crew mission bonus. Considering the crew skill bonus is pretty mild, you're not going to notice the drop.
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For the bonuses to crew missions, its based on the percentage of full affection (as the other poster noted). So, at 9950 affection, you get 99.5% of the crew mission bonus. Considering the crew skill bonus is pretty mild, you're not going to notice the drop.

What's the evidence for this statement?


It would be hard to test Crit Chance bonus, but it should be possible to verify "Efficiency" bonuses quite easily, since they state the mission time.


So, for example, start with the Ship droid on 0 affection, and see what the mission time for a "Rich Grade 9" mission is, then give enough gifts to get it to 1999 affection, and see if the mission time has changed. If it has, fractional changes work. If it hasn't changed, it's a stepwise function.


(Crit Bonus testing would probably involve making a grey item with a short craft time many times over, and seeing what proportion were crits -- but again, distinguishing a 15% crit rate from 15.99% would require a very very large number of samples -- 5,000 of each would only reach the 80% confidence level, and would need about 18,000 of each for 99% confidence. Unfortunately, the Crit Chance bonus matters far more than the Efficiency bonus).

Edited by Ancaglon
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I'm 99.99% sure it stays at 10K. I have gotten some negative affection on some of my maxed out companions yet all of them still stay on 10K.


I only stays at 10k if you continue to get + with those again and again...it acts like a small buffer against small negatives.

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Yes, affection goes down. The most it goes down is 1 point at a time for most missions. There is a max to how much negative below zero you can go FYI.


I believe that it works as such:

achivements are of course permanently unlocked once you accomplish them. So getting the Wingman accomplishment doesn't require all companions to be max'd at 10k simultaneously, for example.



With regards to 9999 affection being an entire teir below 10k, it may well be. We have no data on the subject. Additionally, companion gift affection gains are all at the 2k marks and the bonuses that are added all occour at the 2k mark, so why would removing faction suddenly turn what looks to be coded as a step-system into a progressive system?



Someone can test it, till then nothing is confirmed.

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Yes, affection goes down. The most it goes down is 1 point at a time for most missions.


That's a misleading statement. The most common affection loss for initial companions is 1 point per conversation choice. However, later companions can lose 3 or more points. Furthermore, there are loads of cases in the later game where companions can lose much more affection per choice. On my marauder, I had Vette at 10,000 affection for a whole planet, then got a little too harsh with some Voss and she dropped 80 points in just two quests. I've seen affection drops in chapter 3 of around 400 points for a single choice.


So, while that might be technically correct, it's still misleading.

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What's the evidence for this statement?


Just play any character with companions at different affection levels.


You can see the efficiency bonus simply by comparing the return times on the same quest between companions with different affections and no other efficiency bonus on that crew mission type. For example: Vette has a quicker return time on my Artifice missions than my ship droid. The only thing different about her: She's got 9980 affection.


This is corroborated by this post:


Dev answer to player question regarding affection/crit chance:


DarthTexas: Can you give some insight to the numbers behind crafting? What is the baseline crit chance for crafting? How does companion affection affect crit chance? Exactly how much of a boost is +1 or +5 critical chance in crafting? Having the Reverse Engineer % chance is a nice step in removing some of the unknowns in crafting; now we just need the numbers on the creation side to be less ambiguous.


Patrick Malott (Systems Designer): The baseline crit chance for crafting is dependent on the difficulty of the crafting action relative to your current crafting skill level. The difficulty is color coded in the crafting GUI.




Companion Affection scales Crew Skill chance up to +5% at maximum affection.


It specifically mentions a proportional scale, much like you can see with efficiency.

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I know when you max out affection, you get the bonus to crafting criticals and efficiency, however you know occasional convos may cause you to go back below 10000, does anyone know if you lose that crafting and missions bonus? or is it permanent once you at least 10000?


would really be helpful to know


It is % based bonus directly relied with current affection not unlocked with maxed once. Do not mess it with 1% secondary stat unlock via finishing conversations on 1st companion per type (ranged dps, ranged tank, melee dps, melee tank, healer) or with 10 point presence that is unlocked via 10000 affection.

Bonus crit at last:

0-2000 - 1%

2000 - 4000 - 2%

4000 - 6000 - 3%

6000 - 8000 - 4%

8000 - 10000 - 5%

So dropping on 9999 or bellow (as long as you are above 8000) you are going back to 4% crit... bellow - see again table above.

Efficiency is on same base but not remember numbers ever been shown.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I finally got round to doing some basic checking on this. I compared Crew Skill times between 2 characters I have with maxed Investigation skill, one of whom has a ship droid with 10k affection and the +10 efficiency sensor, and another that has the ship droid with 0 affection and no sensor. (Equipping/Unequipping the sensor immediately shows changes in the completion times).


I compared the time to complete "Seeping Suspicions", a Bountiful Grade 9 Research Compounds mission that is "yellow" at 450, with the 3 scenarios:


Character 1, ship droid @10k, +10 efficiency sensor: 1h5m36s = 65.600 minutes

Character 1, ship droid @10k, no sensor: 1h14m20s = 74.333 minutes

Character 2, ship droid @0, no sensor: 1h27m28s = 87.467 minutes


Assuming that the +10 efficiency equated 10%, this showed that a "Yellow" mission has a 10% discount built-in even for the character with zero affection and no sensor.


ActualTime(Yellow) = BaseTime * (100% -10% - Efficiency% - AffectionBonus%)


so BaseTime = ActualTime / (100%-10%) for a 0 affection, 0 efficiency companion.


I then checked AffectionBonus% = (ActualTime/Basetime)*100 - 10


This showed that a companion with 9690 affection and no Efficiency bonus has 4.00% bonus -- i.e. the Efficiency bonus is a stepwise function, not a continuous one. So, if your affection drops from 10k to 9999, it will almost certainly mean that the efficiency bonus will drop by 1%, not by 0.01% -- and this probably applies to the Crit Crafting bonus also, but that is not readily tested (as explained previously by myself).



0-2000 - 1%

2000 - 4000 - 2%

4000 - 6000 - 3%

6000 - 8000 - 4%

8000 - 10000 - 5%

Actually, I believe it should be:

0000-1999 = 0%
2000-3999 = 1%
4000-5999 = 2%
6000-7999 = 3%
8000-9999 = 4%
10000          = 5%

(and that's what the rest of your post says also).

Edited by Ancaglon
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