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The Loss of a Leader


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A dear close friend of mine and many, and leader of the guild Daughters of the Force, Talise/Taleea on The Ebon Hawk server has passed away. She was loved dearly by all that met and knew her on the server and was known by all to be an exceptional and devoted fan. Despite being hearing impaired, she was an incredible inspiration to all that played along side her. Even after experiencing a horrible car accident that crippled her, she returned to the game and all that loved and missed her. We will be holding an in-game memorial for her tomorrow evening at 9PM. The location of the memorial will be announced in fleet and Allies channels. Please come and pay your respects. The guild Republic Honor Guard will be contributing their TS access to allow for the voice aspect of the memorial.


We hope and pray that the developers of SWTOR will recognize her as the incredible devoted fan she was and perhaps memorialize her in some way in game. Perhaps create some outfit etc, or create an NPC of her.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss. She will be in my family's prayers tonight. I've run with daughters of the force members before and all of you were good people and treated others kindly. I will be attending and I'm sure others members in my guild will too.
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I've had no experience with you or your guildmates, but losing a guildmate, and more importantly a friend, is a horrible thing to experience. She will be in my prayers tonight, and I think it's phenomenal you guys are holding a memorial for her. Amazing. :)
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Will you only be posting the location announcement on the republic side? I would like for our guild to at least show up in support of the love you have for your friend. Also is that 9 server time? Edited by Crawelc
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