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Distortion/evasion fix Idea... feedback requested


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How about instead of distortion field giving your ship a buff that grants you evasion to ALL targets shooting at you, it grants a DEBUFF to a target you designate, that glitches or blurs your targets HUD for a short period thereby making it more difficult to find a shot on you (similar to how suppression works in BF4), but still possible for your target to hit you using his SKILL.

This may not be the only nerf needed, but I think it's at least a step in the right direction, no? Let me know your thoughts!

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Distortion is fine as it is. Especially since part of it is broken.


The ONLY thing it needs is a longer CD.


which part is broken?


I don't like the OP idea .


I still maintain my distortion field disrupts the users accuracy too idea, that limits DF so it can't be used offensively, but is still 100% defensively viable. this would not require a longer CD either.

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I believe someone suggested that Evasion be tied to movement in another thread, this makes a lot of sense but for those who believe it would be too big of a nerf....what if it were true for Distortion Field only? If Distortion Field was somehow tied to engines i.e. increased acceleration = increased passive evasion from shield...would that be fair?


Edit: Maybe the base passive evasion from DField could be 5% with strength increasing up to 10% at max speed. Toggling power to engines would increase the base to 10% with strength increasing up to 15% at max speed. Too complicated?


Edit 2: It would actually be pretty cool if this shield gave the Scout a blur effect as speed increases.

Edited by Kaivers
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I would LOVE the ship to be blurred while under the effects (5 ships have distortion field, 3 of which are scouts, 2 of which are gunships- subtract out the dupes and it's 2 and 1). It would be great if there were more visually identifiable effects at range. The current "ship condom, sheer" effect is hard to see at many ranges, and shares an animation with all the OTHER sheer ship condom effects, such as "I rebalanced my shields, this has a slightly different alpha and base color".



I believe that the only change needed to distortion field is a longer cooldown. I think if you nerf evasion globally, the passive evasion would come down along with that. I think that other shields should be made more appealing, especially for strike fighters and gunships (the passive 10% scout evasion plus their high maneuverability will likely keep them using the shield even if others do not). Comparing "fortress shield" to "distortion field" is a route, but a lot of it is because "fortress shield" is really bad.

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I believe someone suggested that Evasion be tied to movement in another thread, this makes a lot of sense but for those who believe it would be too big of a nerf....what if it were true for Distortion Field only? If Distortion Field was somehow tied to engines i.e. increased acceleration = increased passive evasion from shield...would that be fair?.


I think that was me in another post


"Evasion should be based on your current speed and evasion rating through parts/upgrades, a parked player gets 0% evasion while a player moving at W key speed (fastest without boost) benefits from 100% of their evasion rating. Doesn't make sense that 'lighter' armour makes a sitting duck stronger."


This would help alleviate scouts pulling that cheese tactic where cut engines under satellite, wait for someone to slow down and be immediately gunned down meanwhile the scout get's off scratch free thanks to DF.


I don't know what they were going for but I understand scout to be a quick, light fighter designed to out manoeuvre and harass the heavier classes, while as it stands right now, they are incredibly fast and manoeuvrable tanks with broken dodge rating and a mac cannon.


Also, fix Burst Laser Cannon damage output on scouts. As a scout I think space shotguns are cheesy and a lame way to get a quick kill, totally against their combat role.


Edits: fixing stuffs, re-arranging thoughts

Edited by Gibblets
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Not in favor of nerfing distortion field at all. It isnt all that tough to counter.


IMO the only thing needing a nerf is burst lasers. Either lowered damage or increased energy use. I think in general other sheild choices should be a bit stronger. I also think a more noticeable visual cue on distortion field could be appropriate.


When you recognize a guy using distortion burst past him then take him out on your next pass. This game is about resource management. If you go down to others on your first flyby its probably your fault. Fake people out, have them waste their cooldowns then come in for the kill.

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Not in favor of nerfing distortion field at all. It isnt all that tough to counter.


When you recognize a guy using distortion burst past him then take him out on your next pass. This game is about resource management. If you go down to others on your first flyby its probably your fault. Fake people out, have them waste their cooldowns then come in for the kill.


If that's going to be the fix, yeah a visual cue would be nice.


But I still think gameplay wise it's stupid for light fighters to evade so much at low speeds, maybe the word needs to be changed. Deflection? Mirror plated hull lol.


You're still not fixing anything by ignoring half the issue

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But I still think gameplay wise it's stupid for light fighters to evade so much at low speeds, maybe the word needs to be changed. Deflection?


Deflecting shields : for the next 6 second any incoming damage that hits the shields are reduced by 65%.



Just an idea...

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Deflecting shields : for the next 6 second any incoming damage that hits the shields are reduced by 65%.



Just an idea...


my issue is enabling the light fighter to be effective at no/low speed, it is not the point of the LIGHT fighter

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my issue is enabling the light fighter to be effective at no/low speed, it is not the point of the LIGHT fighter


The problem isn't that he can make use of immobility, but that by doing so he may outperform an heavier ship.


As long as you make sure it can't beat an heavier ship by standing still, it doesn't matter as much as now if it out-performs other scouts at fighting still or jousting.

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The problem isn't that he can make use of immobility, but that by doing so he may outperform an heavier ship.


As long as you make sure it can't beat an heavier ship by standing still, it doesn't matter as much as now if it out-performs other scouts at fighting still or jousting.


That's the exact point I'm making, you CAN out perform a heavier ship with an evasion stacking CD. Sure, it's only 3-6 seconds, but that might've been the strike fighters best window, now his target scout is on the move again and has likely gotten behind the strike fighter. Strike fighters are meant to sacrifice some manoeuvrability in favour of damage and armour. Scouts are about speed, your survival should be dependent on weaving through the maps obstacles or evading incoming attacks thanks to high speeds.


Edit: Although, I agree that burst laser cannons are quite OP as they currently are.

Edited by Gibblets
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I actually like evasion as a stat and a gameplay element. I think it can be argued that 3 to six seconds of invincibility is OP but my inclination is to buff other shields rather than nerf this one. Without these cooldowns the game becomes pretty vanilla. Without getting into a long dissertation I will just say I believe evasion fits perfectly into the "concept" of a light fighter. Distortion sheilds make bullets miss. Who cares if you're moving or not. Calling that stat evasion is just semantics. You have to call it something. Conceptually its just a shield that makes you miss. I'm fine with that. As a gameplay element i like it and don't find it particularly OP. I just avoid people when they activate it. Again, I think rather than nerf this shield lets get some comparable counters.
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