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How come the Trooper doesn't have a Heroic title?


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Also you missed watchers out of chain of command

Minister of Intelligence > Keeper > Watchers > Operatives.


Indeed. And the chain of command goes down even further. Station Chief is in charge of local intelligence operations (for example Lekern Renalt on Balmorra) who commands numerous low-ranking agents and informants (like Sanju Pyne, also on Balmorra). Getting a designation with the number (for example Chiper Nine) itself makes you a high-ranking member of Imp. Intelligence. Majority of the agents around the galaxy did not get a designation and number.


The only reason why Chiper Nine was getting orders directly from the Keeper is because he/she was performing pretty much the most important missions for the Intelligence at the given time (Eagle, Shadow Arsenal, Star Cabal)

Edited by Path-x
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As for the Trooper, Havoc Squad often enough makes use of the term "Boss", so I might rather go with that instead of "Meteor". Plus, the commander of Delta Squad from Republic Commando was also called "Boss".


Personally I was disappointed by the lack of a promotion at the end, I would have liked to see Colonel or maybe Brigadier (as a Dr Who fan I really would have liked Brigadier), a special call name would have been my second choice, but I really would have liked the promotion.


Hell, I even would have settled for "Unidentified Commander of Havok Squad" Coplann Nightwalker.

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Personally I was disappointed by the lack of a promotion at the end, I would have liked to see Colonel or maybe Brigadier (as a Dr Who fan I really would have liked Brigadier), a special call name would have been my second choice, but I really would have liked the promotion.


Hell, I even would have settled for "Unidentified Commander of Havok Squad" Coplann Nightwalker.


It does make sense though. If you get high enough rank you wouldn't serve on the front lines anymore and I don't think that sitting in a base somewhere would make for an exciting gameplay. :)

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however, like I said, all of the Havoc Squad members have Nicknames. makes sense that the Trooper would earn a recognizable Nickname as well, over the course of his story.


Correction : all past members of the Havoc Squad had nicknames.

The new generation, with you at its lead, hasn't given any nickname to anyone yet.

Edited by Altheran
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It does make sense though. If you get high enough rank you wouldn't serve on the front lines anymore and I don't think that sitting in a base somewhere would make for an exciting gameplay. :)


I know, but both Colonels and Brigadiers can and do take part in front line ops (much rarer for Brigadiers since they are low rank generals but they do occasionally do it). But I take your point.

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"Unidentified Havoc Squad commander"? wut?


why doesn't the Trooper have a fancy heroic title?


everyone in Havoc Squad has a nickname when you join up at the beginning, doesn't it make sense that you'd earn a nickname over the course of the story yourself?


Because Havoc squad is modeled after the U.S. Army Special Forces. They are the silent professionals not camera whores. My vanguard proudly wears the sergeant title, because everyone knows that while officers visit the special forces the nco's stay and get s*** done till death, age, or injury takes them.


You want a heroic title strap on the sergeant title... If you think you can handle it.

Edited by Flearos
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huh. my internet was off for a few days.


surprised this thread is still going.


still think the Trooper should get some sort of Official Nickname like the rest of the classes get. but i supposed Havoc Squad Commander (without the "Unidentified" )would do.

Edited by JMadFour
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Because Havoc squad is modeled after the U.S. Army Special Forces. They are the silent professionals not camera whores. My vanguard proudly wears the sergeant title, because everyone knows that while officers visit the special forces the nco's stay and get s*** done till death, age, or injury takes them.


You want a heroic title strap on the sergeant title... If you think you can handle it.


It's not about heroic title, it's about some nickname, some way to identify your character from the line of many "Havoc squad commanders". In old Havoc everybody had a nickname. Why don't we have it?

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And she should be shot the right way as well. Base of the skull, one quick tap to sever the nerves from the brain.


With the way the Empire is run, that'd never happen though.


The officer in charge would be betrayed by his ambitious underling and would end up thrown in prison. Hearing of the outrage, a minor Sith lord would see this as an opportunity to ascend within the ranks and would obliterate the rest of the unit, arguing that their malfeasance demanded death. Another Sith, this one a rival of the first, would grow outraged at this act and challenge them to a kaggath, where neither party would follow the rules because the Empire isn't into that sort of thing and also because nobody will have mentioned what a kaggath is until that very moment. Chaos ensues, Elara is rescued by Havoc Squad. The Champion of the Great Hunt awakes and wonders why they're working for the Imperials if they're an independent contractor. The Agent tries to stop Havoc Squad, but becomes confused when several of their personalities get into an argument. Baras escapes and his weight throws the entire world of Dromund Kaas off of its rotational axis, plunging it into eternal darkness.


Given the normal day-to-day circumstances on that world, this is an upgrade for most Imperial citizens.






As for the actual topic - as a few other people have said, the trooper isn't really about having fancy titles (even if he/she is among the greatest soldiers in the galaxy).

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Probably because you're playing as a grunt/soldier, who are usually portrayed as anonymous/unsung heroes, yes your guy is tough and he gets the job done, but there are millions just like him fighting around the galaxy on both sides. At the end of it all, you're an expendable john Doe with a blaster, hence no fancy title. :csw_trooper: Edited by MadelineMadrigal
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You dont get a fancy title because the defining factor of the character's identity is already mentioned in the "Unmentioned Commander of Havoc Squad".


In other words, trooper's legacy is defined by Havoc Squad and having that in a title is good enough to define your character.


After thousands of years later when people search through holonet news they will not look for any random jedi consulars but "The Barsen'thor" during the Cold War period.


They wont look for one of the billions of jedi knights from archieve but the "Hero of Tython".


They wont look for any random smuggler that has a wookie companion but the one that

found the treasure of Nok Drayen



And when they are looking for information about the trooper character so that they can copy & paste information for their assignments, they will type " Havoc Squad Commander at this time era" to their holooogle. They wont search for "that guy who finished the academy as 1st and ended up in havoc squad only to start an epic journey, ending up as its commander during the journey".


Another example : Everyone knows who is the first human that walked on the moon but noone knows the name of the team leader of that NASA mission. However that person can be easily identified in history because he was leader of THE mission that sent the 1st man to the moon, differentiating him from all the previous team leaders and any that came after it.


Sure the Astronauts that made the journey are more commonly know but that still does not chip away any fame team leader may enjoy from being part of the greater machine that enabled those astronauts to achieve what they had done in the first place. Sure it may not be at the same scale as them but still its there.


Like others mentioned before, I believe this perspective fits the trooper character archetype even more. Two Force using classes are like Superman, Magneto etc where as the other two Technology using classes are like Batman, Lex Luthor etc. Sure, you are not Luke Skywalker that blew up the death star but Wedge Antilles who saved Luke. He did not get much spotlight in the movie universe but he wasnt one of those random pilots that randomly exploded, I am looking at you Porkins. :D




Trooper title is Heroic because , it includes the words "Havoc Squad" in it which are more than heroic enough on their own for what they represent.

Edited by Davionix
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Probably because you're playing as a grunt/soldier, who are usually portrayed as anonymous/unsung heroes, yes your guy is tough and he gets the job done, but there are millions just like him fighting around the galaxy on both sides. At the end of it all, you're an expendable john Doe with a blaster, hence no fancy title. :csw_trooper:

This really isn't true, and I don't know why people keep saying things along these lines. I suspect they just haven't played the story, or weren't paying any attention to it.


You might say that Havoc's infamy was inherited and to an extent that would be true, but everywhere you go people know who you are. By definition, Havoc squad takes on the missions that no one else could manage. Heck, the Empire's top field strategist and tactician tries very, very hard to get you and your squad removed from active duty or killed, personally investigating you and baiting traps specifically designed to draw you out. That doesn't say 'common grunt' to me.

Edited by Bleeters
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