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Super toxic negative community.


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So...You clicked on his name read some of his prior posts, then followed him in to another post? Sounds kinda stalkerish to me.:rolleyes:
Do you often create little stories in your head to make the big mean world around you make sense? Your capacity for mental gymnastics is impressive... most impressive.
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The apologists will never tolerate any kind of criticism good or bad. My belief is that the think if EAware receives any sort of negativity they will shut the game down...Just like SOE did with SWG.


Then I suggest you parouse the posting history of many of the people called "apologists" here... You'll see that not only do they tolerate and even agree with some criticisms, but they have even posted criticisms themselves...

But of course that doesn't matter because when someone doesn't agree with someones criticism they always get called apologists or worse...

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The problem is that the compaints and suggestions are what evolve the game.


If Andryah and her crew had their way BW wouldn't hear anything from the community except "Everything is awesome, keep doing what you're doing", and the game would be in the same shape today as it was at launch.


They don't understand that feedback makes the game better, and masking and silencing that feedback makes the game worse.


Bear in mind, different points of view are good thing. Bullying and silencing critiques is bad.


"This game sux and you guys are morons" =/= feedback.

"There is a bug where doing X maks Y happen when Z should have happened" = feedback.

"I don't like this feature and you guys stink for putting it in" =/= feedback

"I don't like this feature because of X reason" = feedback.


There are differences you know...

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The problem is that the compaints and suggestions are what evolve the game.


If Andryah and her crew had their way BW wouldn't hear anything from the community except "Everything is awesome, keep doing what you're doing", and the game would be in the same shape today as it was at launch.


They don't understand that feedback makes the game better, and masking and silencing that feedback makes the game worse.


Bear in mind, different points of view are good thing. Bullying and silencing critiques is bad.


You should prolly edit your posts to delete Andryah's name from them, since calling out users in threads they are not in is frowned upon.

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Couple a need for attention with someone who plays video games for self actualization and you get a person dedicated to making sure that everyone knows they are unhappy. The SWTOR forums suffer from armchair analysts syndrome more than other MMOs I have been on. My favorite posters are the ones who claim to be quitting, or did quit, and came back a week later with a different account. And then they pretend they only came back for the forums or a single event. Yep...sure.



Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate.



The devs have done a pretty good job over the past year or so. The game made $139 million in CM based revenue. That's not even counting the revenue from subs.


There are some problems. Bolster needs reworked, GSF needs some balance, and PvP "arenas" don't work for a large portion of players. All that is typical MMO development. Some things work really well and some don't.


Anyone who posts in a constructive manner or has a reasonable idea is almost always met with respect. Forum warriors who make unreasonable demands or something like "the engine be changed" are usually properly berated for having such a ridiculous idea to begin with.


Heh. That sums it up pretty well. The tell tale sign that you are dealing with one of these attention seeking folks is a reply or an OP that begins with the words defenders and or apologist. Lol! They go straight to that card because it is in part the reason they are here, to antagonize and draw attention to themselves. The topic is really irrelevant.


But, to the broader point, these forums are really no different than any other gaming forums. We have our ups and downs depending on the issue of the day, but usually it is a flurry of activity on a topic followed by a slow unwind until the next controversy.


Last, I don't think toxic aptly describes what goes on here however. There are some good discussions if you weed through the chaff. Criticism as well as praise is seen in copious amounts and in the aftermath every once in awhile we do see something good and relevant come out of the arguments. In fact, it is notable that the devs and the community team have said they read the feedback and often do make changes. It takes time however to make the changes and patience is in low supply.

Edited by Rafaman
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Good to know we have such a dedicated militia to discern what is chaff an what is wheat. The maker forbid we make our own minds.:rolleyes:


Weeding through the chaff is always dependent on what you as an individual consider relevant. Sorry... didn't know I had to spell that out for you.

Edited by Rafaman
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Sit Ubu Sit.


Ubisoft ? Wrong company.



Besides, some people believe they could tell the day of the week by loking at the tone pof the comments alone ...


And some people seem to mix the premise of "criticism is okay" with "I'm free to load all bucketloads of my RL sh... into the forums, and people will congratulate me to 'have it shown to the company' ".

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I'm all for negative criticism. In fact I have been the poster child for it at times, but reading through this forum is just painful. Is there nothing about this game the community is positive about? Is it really that bad or are you all just a pile of bile and hate?


The game has seen more than it's share of issues, more than it's share of bad decisions by developers, marketers, and managers alike, but surely its not all aids and ball cancer.


It sure feels that way sometimes. There are a lot of passionate people who play this universe passionately. That means they're going to stand up for what they feel is best or right, and as evidenced here, I don't think I've seen anything where people universally agree, even if it's a good improvement.


I love the game, and mostly why I'm here is to poke at the powers that be to give me more of what I really enjoyed *coughIndiClassStorycough* . I also come here to get the news and get a feeling for what's going on. In reading, I do notice a lot of unhappiness. I can empathize, so if it's something I can get behind, I do so to help them out. I like to think speaking out here effects change.


There are days I feel mighty unhappy and negative too. Negative about things that should be fixed to help more people enjoy their game, like the recent discussion about a switch to turn off pvp on pve servers for those who want that. Silly things like a moving vendor can frustrate, when you feel like you're being trolled by the devs. Stuff like wanting new classes/race and more indi class/comp stories, player housing, because I think it would be exciting and invigorate things but it's either not coming, or not coming fast enough. If it's not coming, and I want it, I'm going to work to change people's minds to make it happen.


It can be hard to stay positive...some days I don't come here at all, and some days I don't post, just because it's so...urgh. But I think even the most negative person, just wants their desires to materialize.

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Remember: If you enjoy the game it's likely you're not going to bother going to the forums because you're too busy enjoying the game. If there's something wrong with it, in your opinion, you want to go somewhere to make it known to everyone. That's why there's less positives, not because there are many people who have negative things to say, but because the people with positive things to say are busy enjoying it. That's why it is important to go out of your way to make a positive post if you enjoy a game.
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Most people just tend to stay away of any official forum that's there to be the conduit for every little gripe out there.


I mean few willingly subject themselves to reading about how their pass-time of choice is only suitable for mental patients and the like in every 2nd thread. Cos it's not really demeaning the game but the users that don't share the sentiment of the "critique".


I don't need to be told again and again and again that something I enjoy sucks to high heaven and is only fit for *insert derogatory remark* any more than the "critic" needs to be repeatedly told his baby was beaten with the ugly stick every 25m when he takes a stroll through the park. It's not gonna change how either of us feels so why waste life on it. I already waste enough of it on playing an mmo in the first place. :p

Edited by aeterno
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Weeding through the chaff is always dependent on what you as an individual consider relevant. Sorry... didn't know I had to spell that out for you.


I have never had need for you to spell anything for me, But you seem to have the incessant need to do so anyway.

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I have never had need for you to spell anything for me, But you seem to have the incessant need to do so anyway.


That zipping sound wizzing past the top of your head... that was Rafaman applying "spelling" metaphorically. :)


You missed it.. which... was pretty much exactly his point, IMO. ;)


Never lean into jab Taorus...nothing good comes from trying. :p

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That zipping sound wizzing past the top of your head... that was Rafaman applying "spelling" metaphorically. :)


You missed it.. which... was pretty much exactly his point, IMO. ;)


Never lean into jab Taorus...nothing good comes from trying. :p


Thank you so much for proving my point. Not a single one of you can resist the overwhelming need to defend absolutely everything EAware does. It crosses into the realm of fanaticism.


Oh, and a weak jab is easily counted by a strong right hand to block. Then a quick jab with a left to the chest followed by a cross to the head. Its called a counter combo.:D


Cue Apologist retort in 3...2...1

Edited by Taorus
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I'm all for negative criticism. In fact I have been the poster child for it at times, but reading through this forum is just painful. Is there nothing about this game the community is positive about? Is it really that bad or are you all just a pile of bile and hate?


The game has seen more than it's share of issues, more than it's share of bad decisions by developers, marketers, and managers alike, but surely its not all aids and ball cancer.


Just human nature. You ask someone how they are and they say "I have a bit of a cold". They don't say "my fingers are working fine, my heart is healthy, my lungs are breathing well, my liver is functioning very well today, my kidneys are doing a superb job..." etc etc etc.


You talk about what you want to see changed, not what's already fine. How pointless would the forums be if we all sat around and talked about how we like the current features? "Hey, I completed an achievement today and it wasn't bugged". What's the point?

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Y'all a bunch of nerf herders!


But seriously, through the ups and downs this game has had, I've been having a blast!

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So you tell me. Who is the bigger idiot? The person who pays for something he likes even though you can't possible fathom why OR the person who sits here on the forum ************ and moaning about how bad this game is over and over and yet still extends their sub month after month?

You mad? Also swearing isnt allowed


Surely, it's the second person who needs to worry about wasting his life...


Yet here you are writing paragraphs and paragraphs :rolleyes:

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Seems like most of the defenders have posted in this thread. You lot are obviously hurt that this game flopped. Now you are here scaring off forum users to try and convince yourselves that this game is perfect and that you havent wasted your time and money. It's like you guys were bullied in school but now you've finally found a place where you can take it out on other people, because of your traumatizing past.. It's pathetic really :rolleyes:


Anyway back on topic, this community is lovely!:rolleyes:

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Seems like most of the defenders have posted in this thread. You lot are obviously hurt that this game flopped. Now you are here scaring off forum users to try and convince yourselves that this game is perfect and that you havent wasted your time and money. It's like you guys were bullied in school but now you've finally found a place where you can take it out on other people, because of your traumatizing past.. It's pathetic really :rolleyes:


Anyway back on topic, this community is lovely!:rolleyes:


I like the way you think.

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