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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The game has been out two years now, enough is enough with the damn stuns already!


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I have been one of this game's biggest supporters since, hell, since 2010. I have been critical when necessary, but I have always tried to be fair and reasonable about it.


But seriously guys, how freaking long is it going to take you to figure out that being chain stunned and knocked all over the place by freaking trash mobs is NOT FUN GAMEPLAY?


Stop with the trash mobs stunning so damn often already.

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in place of mobs we'll put static training dummies and have it a race to see how fast it can drop.


elite and champion mobs might come with a turret that does slight damage but is otherwise just a larger training dummy with more HP.

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Is it annoying? Yes. Is it annoying enough to demand it be removed? No.


Whether solo (with companion) or in a group NPC stuns are annoying: they prevent tanks for building threat, they slow down DPS, they make healing more interesting/stressful, but not enough to cause this kind of uproar.

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I did think it has become a little silly that pretty much starting with False Emperor, the more powerful foes you face treat you to more and more in the way of rag-dolling.


Some I can deal with, but Shellshock for instance can leave you on the ground for quite a bit of time if the fates are with it. Holy knockdown, Batman! It is a little over the top.


Let's see a blend of attacks with higher level bosses and mobs. For a while, starting with the 50HMs, circles of death seem to be all the bosses know. The transition after that is nothing but knockbacks, pulls, and stuns. Mix it up. I don't want to assume that every piece of new content I face will toss my tanks around like they're low-level neophytes.

Edited by Prototypemind
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Some I can deal with, but Shellshock for instance can leave you on the ground for quite a bit of time if the fates are with it. Holy knockdown, Batman! It is a little over the top.


Make sure you are using a vaccine every time you get infected in this fight. His pounding is only a 2-3 second knockdown: his spit can keep you stunned for a long while after the knockdown if you don't use the vaccine.

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Make sure you are using a vaccine every time you get infected in this fight. His pounding is only a 2-3 second knockdown: his spit can keep you stunned for a long while after the knockdown if you don't use the vaccine.


Yeah, I have the relic, but he still flattened me quite a bit in the opener. I don't mind knockback and knockdowns, just don't want them to become a one-trick pony for new content.

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I have been one of this game's biggest supporters since, hell, since 2010. I have been critical when necessary, but I have always tried to be fair and reasonable about it.


But seriously guys, how freaking long is it going to take you to figure out that being chain stunned and knocked all over the place by freaking trash mobs is NOT FUN GAMEPLAY?


Stop with the trash mobs stunning so damn often already.


There are a few places were you do get stunned far too much, especially by mobs not bosses/elites, you use your one ability to remove negative effects, and another NPC uses a stun (or worse the same NPC, seriously two stuns in a row). They really do need to dial back some of the stuns, not saying remove them completely, just dial it back so you can actually fight without being stunned ten times be second (slight exaggeration, but not much).

Edited by AlexDougherty
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I enjoy some of the interesting attacks used by mobs, but I quickly grow tired of watch my prone character get bludgeoned.


Remember the old days when games used resistance rolls or saving throws? Yeah, I miss those days. The level mechanics in this game are so generalized they almost suffocate at times.

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They just need to make Resolve affect NPC stuns. The number of stuns is OK right now, but we need to eventually become immune to them.


This seems like a no-brainer. PvE gameplay is nerfed on a regular basis as a sacrifice to the gods of PvP 'balance,' it seems more than fair for a PvP ability to carry over to the regular game. Boss abilities can ignore Resolve, but it would make routine trash a lot less annoying.


This would also smooth out the hassle difference between certain classes a little for solo gameplay. As a healer with a tank companion, these stuns and knockdowns are pretty trivial. If your companion does become overwhelmed, you can often cleanse many of the status effects. If you're playing the tank however, you often have to just count on your companion to handle the annoying mobs that are focused on keeping your butt out of the fight.


The issue here isn't that the fights are 'too hard' or any such nonsense. The issue is that it isn't fun--at all--to be taken out of the fight for a few seconds at a time over and over again by trash mobs. It's just annoying.

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I'm more of an RP/PVE player, the amount of abuse I get for my tank not doing its job I get from some players is, well is sickening, and the reason my tank, DPS or healer are not doing their jobs? I'm a rag doll or stunned, I can't do my job because i'm the well out fo the way of the fight because of some concussion blast, On the floor stunned or disabled by some other stun because my Un-stun ability doesn't recharge fast enough to unstun me form 2, 3 sometimes 8 stuns going off at a time. I've spent many a time off the map having been blasted into a glitch by a boss from its over powerful push everyone everywhere blast, Or i'm dead under the floor and my allies can't revive me because they can't see me. I even go out of my way now to avoid gruops of enemies because of the mob rag-doll and stun they do. I'm often dead before I even get un-stuned or back up from a knock down because I've been bounced around like a rubber ball thrown in a room. This really needs balancing out and mixing up. Stop focusing on the PVP players, they only make up half of the player base, do something for the PVE'ers as well for once please!

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You know what I find really annoying?


Mobs that can completely regenerate their health through a channeled ability if you can't get an interrupt on them in time.


Really don't find that too ridiculous. You have regular interrupts, stuns, and individual/aoe knockbacks that can take care of that.


When you're mobbed by the Rakghouls in the heroic area, for instance, only one of the attacks can be broken free of. The others cannot, and even for the one that can, you only have one chance to get back up, and after that you're knocked down over and over and over. A number of times those fights end with you on your back as the last adds are burned down.


I do suppose I could run around and let the mobs chase me more while their taken care of, but that seems even sillier. Again, just don't want to see this becoming the gimmick for all new content.

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I agree with this. It's not terrible in PvP, at least when it's one-on-one or small groups -- but PvE, especially certain flashpoints, gets really ridiculous when there's a mob type or two that has a stun or knockback ability. Halving the recharge time on the ability each class gets to break free of incapacitating effects would help.
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My favorite is the mobs that will punt you away from them and then immediately pull you right back to them. Stuff like that really makes you question the competency of whoever picks NPC abilities per mob.


This is not fun gameplay and it needs to stop being added to all new content.

Edited by Icebergy
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H thought...they call the job roll TANK for a reason. It is about time that TANK stances also grant immunity to ALL stun/kd/kb effects from npc mobs.


Honestly what they need to do is just stop giving NPCs so many damn stuns and knock backs. This isn't just a tank problem, being a tank certainly magnifies the issue, but being chain stunned by NPCs is not fun for ANYONE.


Bioware if you are reading this, it is not fun.

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Is it annoying? Yes. Is it annoying enough to demand it be removed? No.


It is annoying enough to demand a fix. I can't do my job as a tank when I am chain stunned, and a lot of the time you can't even use your stun break to get out of. Rakghouls especially I'm looking at you.


It's freaking annoying when I immediately get stunned an a ton of mobs run all over killing my companion/group. It's a terrible and unfun mechanic.

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My favorite is the mobs that will punt you away from them and then immediately pull you right back to them. Stuff like that really makes you question the competency of whoever picks NPC abilities per mob.


This is not fun gameplay and it needs to stop being added to all new content.


Yes, End of Torvix trash, makes me want to kill kittens and puppies. And even thought I fire my abilities before they fire theirs, it makes mine go off and miss.

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Stuns and knockdowns are an easy way to give monsters some power to fight players. It's not going to get better, it's going to get worse, so learn to deal with it.


Which is why I said dail it back, not remove it, they are never going to remove stuns, but they do need to reduce the number in certain areas.


Just yesterday I was hit with a stun, removed it, and was hit immediately with another, and another before the other wore off. And this was a solo fight, one enemy, it wasn't a heroic were you are expected to team up, it was supposed to be just me and my comp against him, but he was spewwing stuns.


They need to be dialled down in frequency, so you actually have a chance.

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