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QQ: Champion Farming


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I'm hunting for some good-looking Bounty Hunter armor on my level 50 after a 16-month hiatus. Thought it was best to post here.


I'm farming some champions on Quesh, and every time I kill them, they only drop green gear despite their loot tables on TORhead showing that they drop oranges. Do you have to farm champions with a level-appropriate character or am I just unlucky?


Note: I know about the anti-farming code. It's not that I'm not getting any loot; it's that I'm only getting greens.

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You shouldn't need to be a low level to get a specific drop like that, however Torhead's loot tables are sometimes misleading because it's possible that many, many enemies drop the piece(s) you're after instead of the specific one's you're farming. If you're able to, it's probably easier to buy the set on the GTN.
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I once got an orange-bordered ( = adaptable) helmet similar to the one of the Mantellian Separatists. On Quesh. I stzill believe that I was incredibly lucky.

However, I got an orange Counselor-fitting piece on Quesh as well.


The funny point now is that I had the feeling as if the loot was in general better during the "double xp" weekends. I got my two above mentioned pieces from these weekends.


I have no idea, but if this is really so, then you'd rather try during these weekends, I suppose ?


But so far no-one has ever tried to prove or falsify an connection between weekend and loot (-tables).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I think I read that at least one Champ on Quesh will only drop Green items if the group level is too high. I think it only drops 'good' loot if you're on level with the Champ.


I have my Bounty Hunter in the TT-17A Hydra chestpiece, that I got as a random drop doing a Heroic on Voss with an alt, with a bunch of pieces color matched to it and I think it's amazeballs. Coupled with a Gree Blaster, I feel very 50's B-movie sci-fi. :D

Edited by AlixMV
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I have my Bounty Hunter in the TT-17A Hydra chestpiece, that I got as a random drop doing a Heroic on Voss with an alt, with a bunch of pieces color matched to it and I think it's amazeballs. Coupled with a Gree Blaster, I feel very 50's B-movie sci-fi. :D


Looks pretty sweet, although the colour scheme isn't exactly my style. Another QQ: If I put a colour mod inside the chestpiece of that armor, could I unify colours across my armor and make all the pieces the colour of that mod?

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Looks pretty sweet, although the colour scheme isn't exactly my style. Another QQ: If I put a colour mod inside the chestpiece of that armor, could I unify colours across my armor and make all the pieces the colour of that mod?


Yes, you have the option to do that.

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You have that option if you are a subscriber. Otherwise, you need to buy an unlock before you can use unify colors.


Also, because not all parts of a given piece are necessarily "primary" or "secondary" colors, you may not end up with quite the look you're after when using a dye module and unify colors. However, if you look up the items you want on the GTN and "preview" them, then look up the dye module you want and "preview" that, you can see the result before you buy.

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I've been playing the game a long time, just after launch. A while back, I forget just when, they nerfed champ drops...bad. It is hardly worth the effort since that nerf. Green drops are common now. I had fun searching for champs and trying to get good drops, but the payoff is so low since that nerf that it is really not a fun thing to do anymore. I occasionally get purples etc from weak mobs on dailies; RNG I suppose. It just happens sometimes. But it strikes me as odd that you can take down a champ and get greens regularly, and weak trash mob can drop a purple.


Anyway, you will have to kill whole lot of champs most likely to have any hope of getting nice drops. Not much different than killing trash mobs basically, in terms of loot. I suppose they wanted to kill off champ farming.

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