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Add kamakazing in galatic starfighter.


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I want to be able to crash my ship into the other players as a last resort.


So you need to understand how this game works under the hood. Your fighter starts it's existence the same as your ground character as far as the code sees it. In fact hey are nearly the same digital size, you ground toon would never fit in your star fighter.


In case you hadn't noticed your ground character can walk right through NPC and other players. The same is true for GSF you fly through ships and turrets(NPC) just the same.


I've had some discussion and we believe this transparency of active elements is too deep inside the game code to allow collisions between characters.

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Yea, turrets are transparent but other people's ships are not. I have found myself bumping into enemy ships before. The mechanic I want is to make it so that if your ship bumps into another ship you both explode, die and respawn. It would make it a bit more realistic. And by the way the starfighters are solid objects.
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turrets are transparent but other peop.le's ships are not............. by the way the starfighters are solid objects.


I'm pretty sure they are transparent.


- I have stopped(hit X) on the exact spot of another ship that was already stopped.

- I have flown right through ships that were already stopped.

- I have Retro thrusters and have backed through ships though I've also managed to back myself into every other object on the map at some point too it seems.

- and I can't remember a specific instance but I'm pretty sure I've flown though ships during head to heads.

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I noticed in many head to head times that in fact ships aren't transparent one of another but rather on "collision" its like they both stop in one spot for very short moment then they are pushed little side & slide at themselves like drops of rain on wind. They dont go trough for shure to me.

Someone noticed that too?

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You guys are seeing things if you think there is collision. I shot down a barrel roll canceling gunship the other day by slamming the breaks and stopping with the front half of my FF clipping all the way into the other gunship's hull - and promptly dumping lasers into him like that.
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Think of what player collisions will do to the first 10 seconds of a match when everyone spawns on top of each other! It will be chaos!


Seriously though, I have often thought that this would be a cool thing to implement. The game recognizes when the player ship hits a satellite or rock, so why not recognize when it hits another player ship?

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Think of what player collisions will do to the first 10 seconds of a match when everyone spawns on top of each other! It will be chaos!


I would troll you guys so hard, and that's probably exactly why neither ramming nor friendly fire are implemented.

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Think about it people, your hull is heavily damaged, your shields are almost gone and you don't want to give your opponent the satisfaction of killing you, what do you do? Well you turn your ship around to face him and hit the accelerator and smack into your enemy full speed. And if that doesn't sound entertaining, all you people are the most boring and depressing people I have ever known, and I have know a lot of people...
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Think of what player collisions will do to the first 10 seconds of a match when everyone spawns on top of each other! It will be chaos!


I can just imagine that being the whole match too, no one even gets clear of the spawn, all on top of eachother destroying eachother, and the winner of the match at the end are the guys who destroyed eachother the most:rak_03: Just imagine

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I would troll you guys so hard, and that's probably exactly why neither ramming nor friendly fire are implemented.


Pretty much this I think. There'd just be way too much possibility of abuse and it would be no fun if you got stuck on a team full of kamikazes more interested in crashing into the nearest enemy than playing the objective.

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Think of what player collisions will do to the first 10 seconds of a match when everyone spawns on top of each other! It will be chaos!


Seriously though, I have often thought that this would be a cool thing to implement. The game recognizes when the player ship hits a satellite or rock, so why not recognize when it hits another player ship?


Well sats and asteroids are also fairly static objects. The server already has enough issues with determining relative position. The calculations for determining player collision would have to be generous enough already that it would effectively be a useless mechanic anyway.

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So you need to understand how this game works under the hood. Your fighter starts it's existence the same as your ground character as far as the code sees it. In fact hey are nearly the same digital size, you ground toon would never fit in your star fighter.


In case you hadn't noticed your ground character can walk right through NPC and other players. The same is true for GSF you fly through ships and turrets(NPC) just the same.


I've had some discussion and we believe this transparency of active elements is too deep inside the game code to allow collisions between characters.


Remember "Jump to Lightspeed"? If not please google it. There was a MMORPG called Starwars Galaxies that came out maybe 15 years ago or so, back before WOW, which dealt with starwars on the ground and in space, You did crash into another pilot and blow up if you where not careful. It was great. It was superior in every way except graphics to what we have in GSF. Heck you could even customize your ship to the point that every ship in space was unique. All players could be in space at the same time, the same space, all day if they chose, but space was huge and it was never crowded. You could hyperspace your ship across the galaxy and land it on the planet of your choice when you tired of space. You could take on a corillian corvette in a 20 man group or a star destroyer for that matter in pve and get jumped in the process by a pair of aces belonging to the other faction that just happened to be patrolling the area amid the NPC fighters and support ships. I am sure that if programmers that have probably retired by now could do it way back then in the infancy of MMORPG's the top notch dev's that we have here can. Don't get me wrong I love GSF because it's all we have, but in this moment of explanation I oddly felt like Old Ben trying to explain the grandeur of the jedi order to a moisture farmer named luke on tatooine.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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Yea, turrets are transparent but other people's ships are not. I have found myself bumping into enemy ships before. The mechanic I want is to make it so that if your ship bumps into another ship you both explode, die and respawn. It would make it a bit more realistic. And by the way the starfighters are solid objects.


Even Better. A hard crash should kill both but depending on the crash it would be great to occasionally have some one spin out of control off into space to be shot up by others.

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I want to be able to crash my ship into the other players as a last resort.


I don't care about the excuses, but a SpaceSim should have collision mechanics. So plus #1.


Imagine, a fleet of scouts crashing into the bombers and gunships as the strike fighters secure the waypoints. This would add a very fun element to the game, that any SpaceSim worthy of the name would incorporate.


- Arcada

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...I oddly felt like Old Ben trying to explain the grandeur of the jedi order to a moisture farmer named luke on tatooine.


A more elegant MMORPG for a more civilised age?


I'm sure that can't be the first time someone's made that joke.


I never played SWG, so I can't make an honest comparison, but I do sometimes get a whiff of overripe nostalgia from posts about it. Like it's described as though it were a beautiful and exotic princess; when in reality it was probably an obese, male cosplayer in a Leia costume who hadn't washed in two weeks.


Anyway SWTOR isn't SWG, but it can't help that. Try and forgive it for the crimes of corporations past and accept it for what it is. More fun that way.


Oh, kamikazeing? Would be fun, but the fact you just respawn instead of - y'know, die forever - means it would be abused to Hell and back. Anyone who's damaged and losing could just crash an opponent. No thanks.

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