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Here is my feedback on Rakghoul event


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Well Eric you want feedback on the New Rakghoul plague. As player who did the 1st one. This one is sucks compared to the 1st and the things that I don't like it are enough to make me not want to do it. Since the event gone live. I have done the dailies 4 times the 1st day and once today. I have 11 55 that can do the event but have no intestested in doing the event on them. I did the BHW event on all my characters and found the BHW boring. This event I have been waiting since the 1st one ended.


What I like at it.

-The plague show what stage you are on and how long till the next stage.

-The trinkets. Its nice that there are finial neurtal trinkets in the game besides the martix cube.

-Event World Boss dropping item for everyone in the group for the mounts and pet.

-New story of the event.

-Special Speeder that takes you right to the drill.


What I hate about it.

-Small area of the outbreak. This is the number one thing I hate about the event. It is such a small space; I can't take 5 steps without running into a ganking op group. It doesn't matter if its prime time or off peek times there is always a ganking op group going on. You can't avoid them because it doesn't take no time to cover all of the event area.

-Lack of story. You post on the forums for a week about "outbreak" on Alderaan. Yet its mainly confined to a cave. Last event you gained more and more story as the event went on. No where in the story does it cover how the Rakghouls got there. There have been Rakghoul attacks for a week and yet it is confined to a cave?

-Event OP boss not dropping enough items for mounts and pet for the whole OP. I have yet to do it since I missed when my guild ran it and refuse to pug since BW full supports people swapping to master looter once the fight beings and taking all items.


There is my feedback on what I like and what I don't like.

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-Small area of the outbreak. This is the number one thing I hate about the event. It is such a small space; I can't take 5 steps without running into a ganking op group. It doesn't matter if its prime time or off peek times there is always a ganking op group going on. You can't avoid them because it doesn't take no time to cover all of the event area.

Area seems to be about the same size of CZ-198 with more area being in the contested zone. People complained of ganking going on when that was first released. In fact, every new daily area or event has people complaining of ganking. I like the feeling of fighting through the small tunnels.


-Lack of story. You post on the forums for a week about "outbreak" on Alderaan. Yet its mainly confined to a cave. Last event you gained more and more story as the event went on. No where in the story does it cover how the Rakghouls got there. There have been Rakghoul attacks for a week and yet it is confined to a cave?


If you read the various Codexes you got, they tell the story. One of the codexes cover theories on how the Rakghouls got there: nobody knows for sure yet.


Also, the outbreak is not confined to the cave: there is a world boss outside the cave and many half-turned Rakghouls (Plaguebearers) around House Organa and Thul. They did not want this to take over the whole planet so that those that want to level on Alderaan could with only a little interference.


-Event OP boss not dropping enough items for mounts and pet for the whole OP. I have yet to do it since I missed when my guild ran it and refuse to pug since BW full supports people swapping to master looter once the fight beings and taking all items.


All Op bosses are the same way: The Eyeless and Shellshock are the same way.

Edited by Bstr
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Well Eric you want feedback on the New Rakghoul plague. As player who did the 1st one. This one is sucks compared to the 1st and the things that I don't like it are enough to make me not want to do it. Since the event gone live. I have done the dailies 4 times the 1st day and once today. I have 11 55 that can do the event but have no intestested in doing the event on them. I did the BHW event on all my characters and found the BHW boring. This event I have been waiting since the 1st one ended.


What I like at it.

-The plague show what stage you are on and how long till the next stage.

-The trinkets. Its nice that there are finial neurtal trinkets in the game besides the martix cube.

-Event World Boss dropping item for everyone in the group for the mounts and pet.

-New story of the event.

-Special Speeder that takes you right to the drill.


What I hate about it.

-Small area of the outbreak. This is the number one thing I hate about the event. It is such a small space; I can't take 5 steps without running into a ganking op group. It doesn't matter if its prime time or off peek times there is always a ganking op group going on. You can't avoid them because it doesn't take no time to cover all of the event area.

-Lack of story. You post on the forums for a week about "outbreak" on Alderaan. Yet its mainly confined to a cave. Last event you gained more and more story as the event went on. No where in the story does it cover how the Rakghouls got there. There have been Rakghoul attacks for a week and yet it is confined to a cave?

-Event OP boss not dropping enough items for mounts and pet for the whole OP. I have yet to do it since I missed when my guild ran it and refuse to pug since BW full supports people swapping to master looter once the fight beings and taking all items.


There is my feedback on what I like and what I don't like.


And here is Mine:

1. The event itself is un-doable without a 16 man ops team because you can't get the dailies or weekly done because the other faction attacks you in the tunnels while you are trying to complete your objectives. So, if you're solo or doing the event with a friend, you're screwed.

2. this relic someone spoke of that gives you immunity to the plague...let me guess...you have to have a certain rep level and oh...let me guess again...you can't get rep without doing the dailies and weekly which you can't complete because you keep getting attacked in the tunnels...hummm fair? I think not...

3. The vaccine is 2 K not 1k, it last for 6 hours not 9 and if you die, you have to inject it again. It doesn't last through death. If you are in the tunnels trying to complete your daily/weekly and you keep getting killed by the other faction..again..screwed, you could spend all the credits you make just keeping yourself vaccinated.

4. In the Gree event it is not the robots purposely infecting you. The robots are in strategic places on planets and if you avoid them they don't attack you. The droids ARE NOT ON THE FLEET.! In this event, there are childish, idiot people, standing off to the side at the GTN waiting to explode and then coming over to people minding their own business trying to sell or buy stuff on the GTN on the fleet, purposely infecting them causing them to have to spend credits. Not right and not cool or funny at all!

5. This is a matter of fairness TO ALL! If you want to take part in the event, pick up the mission and go to that planet and have at it. You want to take part in the PVP part of the event, fine, have at it but come up with a way that people who don't want to PVP can complete their daily and weekly and get the reward. Like in the Gree event. In the gree event it is perfectly possible to take part in the event, do daily and weekly with a friend and NOT do PVP, even in the PVP area. In this event, you have no choice. It is being forced upon everyone and I don't like that and I am apparently not alone.

6. And to put the main part of this on Alderaan has to be most absolute dumbest thing I have ever seen. Alderaan is consistently laggy, and stuttery under normal conditions. Not everyone has a super computer to play this game with. I had to try three toons before I found one I could actually do the event with without the screen freezes and it was on Pub side which traditionally gets the crap beaten out of them in PVP by the imps. They just have stronger PVP guilds over there no question...so, I'm screwed...


We have every right to voice our opinions, just as you all who disagree have a right to voice yours as well. There is a such a thing as compromise and the devs could come up with something similar to the Gree event that makes everyone happy. I don't care if the event has been around since the dawn of man, it is time for some tweaks. The game has changed, the player base is bigger with more diversified needs. They need to account for that in these "special events". And when something like this is coming on...they need to let us know. There was no notification, nothing, they put the splash screen up after the event had already started even. Really sucky way to start an event.

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And here is Mine:

1. The event itself is un-doable without a 16 man ops team because you can't get the dailies or weekly done because the other faction attacks you in the tunnels while you are trying to complete your objectives. So, if you're solo or doing the event with a friend, you're screwed.

2. this relic someone spoke of that gives you immunity to the plague...let me guess...you have to have a certain rep level and oh...let me guess again...you can't get rep without doing the dailies and weekly which you can't complete because you keep getting attacked in the tunnels...hummm fair? I think not...

3. The vaccine is 2 K not 1k, it last for 6 hours not 9 and if you die, you have to inject it again. It doesn't last through death. If you are in the tunnels trying to complete your daily/weekly and you keep getting killed by the other faction..again..screwed, you could spend all the credits you make just keeping yourself vaccinated.

4. In the Gree event it is not the robots purposely infecting you. The robots are in strategic places on planets and if you avoid them they don't attack you. The droids ARE NOT ON THE FLEET.! In this event, there are childish, idiot people, standing off to the side at the GTN waiting to explode and then coming over to people minding their own business trying to sell or buy stuff on the GTN on the fleet, purposely infecting them causing them to have to spend credits. Not right and not cool or funny at all!

5. This is a matter of fairness TO ALL! If you want to take part in the event, pick up the mission and go to that planet and have at it. You want to take part in the PVP part of the event, fine, have at it but come up with a way that people who don't want to PVP can complete their daily and weekly and get the reward. Like in the Gree event. In the gree event it is perfectly possible to take part in the event, do daily and weekly with a friend and NOT do PVP, even in the PVP area. In this event, you have no choice. It is being forced upon everyone and I don't like that and I am apparently not alone.

6. And to put the main part of this on Alderaan has to be most absolute dumbest thing I have ever seen. Alderaan is consistently laggy, and stuttery under normal conditions. Not everyone has a super computer to play this game with. I had to try three toons before I found one I could actually do the event with without the screen freezes and it was on Pub side which traditionally gets the crap beaten out of them in PVP by the imps. They just have stronger PVP guilds over there no question...so, I'm screwed...


We have every right to voice our opinions, just as you all who disagree have a right to voice yours as well. There is a such a thing as compromise and the devs could come up with something similar to the Gree event that makes everyone happy. I don't care if the event has been around since the dawn of man, it is time for some tweaks. The game has changed, the player base is bigger with more diversified needs. They need to account for that in these "special events". And when something like this is coming on...they need to let us know. There was no notification, nothing, they put the splash screen up after the event had already started even. Really sucky way to start an event.


I ran the event last 2 nights on Jung-Ma and was only attacked once by another player. Ran around last night solo for half the time and was not attacked once by another player.


There is a mission to spread the infection to 3 other people. The people standing by the GTN to blow up are trying to complete this mission. Just use a 2k vaccine.


They were announcing this event for over a week: they just didn't give us the detail on how the missions would go. Sorry that you missed all the forum, Twitter, and Facebook posts.


Also, as I suggested in your Customer Service post, you need to get a graphics card that meets the minimum requirements of this game. That would prevent the freezing of Alderaan.

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Am I the only one who sees complaints about stuff that the complainers haven't even tried out?


- The Eyeless not dropping enough items for all - although complainer hasn't done The Eyeless yet (and while this is true, it's nothing new; Xeno II doesn't drop the red sphere for everyone either)


- Plague-immune-relics need certain rep standing - but complainer is only guessing that (instead of just checking the vendor)


As for the other complaints: I can understand some of them, but it can be seen the other way round as well.


For example: One thing I like the most about this event is the small size of the cave map. It's even possible to run through the map without feeling the need to embark the speeder. I really enjoy that to be honest.

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And here is Mine:

1. The event itself is un-doable without a 16 man ops team because you can't get the dailies or weekly done because the other faction attacks you in the tunnels while you are trying to complete your objectives. So, if you're solo or doing the event with a friend, you're screwed.


not true at all, the other faction can attack you yes, and it does happen yes but as it is there are some of the quests in the Republic and Empire specific part of the caves only, its why there is a big ledge you got to jump off of when heading deeper into the caves that are shared areas, as well as the quest that takes places right next to the royal houses. As for attacks, its not that bad, many imps will even just let you pass by on a you-don't-attack-me-I-don't-attack-you kind of thing. Also, I know that it really is a problem on pve servers due to that flag problem but as for pvp servers, anyone who chose a pvp server should not really complain as well, it was their choice and I have seen people who have stated they were on pvp servers who complained about the ganking despite knowing all the risks of choosing a pvp server. But as for your extreme exaggeration that it is undoable without an ops group, hate to burst your bubble but except for the operation boss its very doable alone or in a small group.

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1. The event itself is un-doable without a 16 man ops team


False. I have done it in a pair five times now. I've done it solo a few times. I've done it on both PvE and PvP servers. In that time, no one has outright attacked me. Only once on a PvE server did someone attempt to auto-flag me by trying to jump into AoE.


Clearly "un-doable" is gross hyperbole.


2. this relic someone spoke of that gives you immunity to the plague...let me guess...


You're criticizing it, but you don't even know what you're talking about. You are, quite literally arguing from ignorance. To get enough Rep for it, you only need to run the event quests twice. And, as noted above, that's pretty easy to do. Two characters, 90 minutes max, and you're set.


3. The vaccine is 2 K not 1k, it last for 6 hours not 9 and if you die, you have to inject it again. It doesn't last through death.


If you're in the event, you should simply accept that the plague is part of it. There aren't any quests that you're going to fail because you coughed. If you're worried about coughing while PvPing, then keep the vaccine on your quickbar and hit it when people move in to attack.


4. In the Gree event it is not the robots purposely infecting you. The robots are in strategic places on planets and if you avoid them they don't attack you. The droids ARE NOT ON THE FLEET.!


Yes, the event affects the Fleet. It's designed to. The designers want it to be part of the fleet experience. Clearly you don't. However, you're not the game designer, so...


Furthermore: There is no real detriment to being infected on the Fleet. There is no quest that you'll fail. You don't pay repair costs. If you're infected and you don't want to be, wait for Stage 2 and jump into a pit. Plague cured.


6. And to put the main part of this on Alderaan has to be most absolute dumbest thing I have ever seen. Alderaan is consistently laggy, and stuttery under normal conditions.


The event isn't on Alderaan. Its on 'Rakghoul Tunnels'. It's treated as a completely different planet, just like Section X and Black Hole.


We have every right to voice our opinions, just as you all who disagree have a right to voice yours as well. There is a such a thing as compromise and the devs could come up with something similar to the Gree event that makes everyone happy.




They will never make everyone happy. People complain about the Gree event every single time it comes around. People complain about the Bounty event. They complain about the Chevin event, even though it only happened once (actually... because it only happened once). People complain that the plague is too annoying. Others complain that its not annoying enough.


People will always be annoyed. That's part of playing a massively multiplayer game. Specifically, you need to come to terms with the fact that there will be times when you'll be in the minority and you have to deal with things that the majority likes. Consider this a chance to practice this skill that will be very useful in later life.

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not true at all, the other faction can attack you yes, and it does happen yes but as it is there are some of the quests in the Republic and Empire specific part of the caves only, its why there is a big ledge you got to jump off of when heading deeper into the caves that are shared areas, as well as the quest that takes places right next to the royal houses. As for attacks, its not that bad, many imps will even just let you pass by on a you-don't-attack-me-I-don't-attack-you kind of thing. Also, I know that it really is a problem on pve servers due to that flag problem but as for pvp servers, anyone who chose a pvp server should not really complain as well, it was their choice and I have seen people who have stated they were on pvp servers who complained about the ganking despite knowing all the risks of choosing a pvp server. But as for your extreme exaggeration that it is undoable without an ops group, hate to burst your bubble but except for the operation boss its very doable alone or in a small group.




Per the topic douches are gonna be douches it's the internet not much else to be said. Prime times are gonna be rough as people will form OPs groups to gank and stealthers will hide out for hours to gank lowbies not much new there.


My only real complaint is not bolstering lower levels to do the event, it's almost like they are sending you there as bait on a PvP server. For new players I dont like that it might turn them off and they stop doing events or even stop playing if it's frustrating enough. Could've been better thought out imo.


Also the 1st event was awesome and I think that's part of the disappointment as people thought it was going to be the same as that one and turns out it isn't and it's not as fun in their eyes, which is understandable.

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I wish you could go to any planet and do the event....I wanted to do the one on Tatooine....idk if you can though....:(


I would have rather relived the very first event we had with the crashed ship...actually I thought that's along the lines of what they would do, crash another ship but on Alderaan.


I liked the scavenger hunt, and I liked getting contaminated on fleet and contaminating others for the rak dna samples, which you could hoard up and turn in for goodies. There were more challenging group things for people who like that, so there was something for everyone.


In this event, the only things I like doing are giving people shots and shepherding the young ghouls to their cage lol. Killing x number of things is ok, but it all gets old fast. It would have been better if the story was in the game, rather than on facebook and the forums, that's kinda meh. Cheaply done. :/


Biggest peeve is the moving Jawa vendor. Little devil just won't stay still to let you shop.

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not true at all, the other faction can attack you yes, and it does happen yes but as it is there are some of the quests in the Republic and Empire specific part of the caves only, its why there is a big ledge you got to jump off of when heading deeper into the caves that are shared areas, as well as the quest that takes places right next to the royal houses. As for attacks, its not that bad, many imps will even just let you pass by on a you-don't-attack-me-I-don't-attack-you kind of thing. Also, I know that it really is a problem on pve servers due to that flag problem but as for pvp servers, anyone who chose a pvp server should not really complain as well, it was their choice and I have seen people who have stated they were on pvp servers who complained about the ganking despite knowing all the risks of choosing a pvp server. But as for your extreme exaggeration that it is undoable without an ops group, hate to burst your bubble but except for the operation boss its very doable alone or in a small group.


luls at the comment anyone who choose a pvp server should not really complain at all.


Cuz allowing level 55's to kill bambi is just plain good game design and should be allowed.

Come on no one pvp's and wants to be one shot by a level 55. I'm level 30 and getting killed left and right just now. Two days ago I was not getting killed left and right.


This is again the discussion that open world PvP no Game Developer really cares or spends time making it good. Its just stupid kill anything red no matter if you don't get credit and people who speak the lines you do do not improve a situation. Bad Pvp Game design is simply bad. Allowing a level 55 to Pk anyone lower level than them is just donkey level of stupid on any PvP server.

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