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Ranked PvP


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Since about november, we <Void> have tried to talk to officers, guildmasters even members of other pvp guilds about setting up ranked nights seeing how the pvp community is scattered because it def isn't small queue pops happen all the time. At all times during the day and night, even at 5 am....I am just confused how people are not interested in running ranked.

I can already see yo butthurt people that run in pve gear or just dont know *** to do say "this is a rp server go to a pvp server if you want to pvp".... no, ****, ****! this message is not directed towards you! It is directed towards the PvPers that don't want to do ranked! and why? because fear of loss. Because why queue for ranked when you can stomp pugs right? why get beaten when you can pad numbers? ....thats like saying Proper Villans is a PVE guild that only does storymode ops..... would it make sense? of course not.

So to you pvp guilds and rp guilds with pvpers stop padding start queuing where it matters.

I honestly got no more than 30-35 ranked games in in the past 3 months and I can say i been part of 90% of the team ranked scene in this time. It's pathetic and it has to stop!

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A lot of it is people leaving the game, so you don't have your normal groups to run with. I know a lot of people mistakenly think Nemesis is a pvp guild, we aren't, we just happen to have members who enjoy pvp, and a lot of our best haven't been playing as frequently (including myself) which leads to no ranked team.


I'd also add, and this is just me personally, I'm not a big fan of arenas, as they only exacerbate the imbalance between classes and devalue playing objectives. And while on this server at times you can get away with a sub-optimal comp, if you wanted to actually be competitive (which ranked is), your options are very limited in arenas, moreso than in regular warzones.


A third point (and this one is just me ranting at this point), the pvp in this game to me is nothing more than a minigame until Bioware adds some serious open world pvp aspect back into the mix.


And one last reason ranked is a hassle to get going, you can't queue for normal and ranked at the same time. Meaning if its not popping, you basically have to preschedule matches with some other guild to get it going.


That being said, I do wish you luck in trying to get a better ranked community going. Personally I've enjoyed the solo ranked I've done and find the balance there works out better as you know you won't have the same dominant 1 or 2 teams in every game.

Edited by wadecounty
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(I'd also add, and this is just me personally, I'm not a big fan of arenas, as they only exacerbate the imbalance between classes and devalue playing objectives. And while on this server at times you can get away with a sub-optimal comp, if you wanted to actually be competitive (which ranked is), your options are very limited in arenas, moreso than in regular warzones.)


I think this is how a lot of people feel about ranked, but I could be wrong. I also don't think there are that many pvp guild left on the server, or at least there aren't many left on the pub side. I think the best shot at getting ranked going would be to set up some times during the evening for solo ranked. I have done a few of those in the past two weeks and have been a lot of fun.

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I can understand your frustration, you wanting to queue ranked and it just not there, and to be honest if we had cross server queues, your issue may be resolved (along with the resolutions others have mentioned). You are definitely going at it right by attempting to schedule matches with other guilds etc. but even then that's the same 4 teams over and over again...get's old.


However, the one thing you didn't want to hear is a solution to your problem. Rolling on a pvp server to get more/better queues . Sometime you go to a place that just doesn't have what you want, it happens all the time. Have you ever wanted a new pair of Adidas? Would you go to your local Wal-Mart to get those? I don't think you would, they have shoes that are a bit similar, just not what you really want. As you see this isn't the first time a post like yours has befallen this thread, but the answer is clear.


I hope you find everything you're looking for or become content in what you have...all the best!


PS. I have it on good Authority that Proper Villains actually does only do Sm ops, and mostly classic ops as I hear the finally have KP sm on farm!

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PvP pops a lot sure, but there are just not that many on this server interested in ranked. That's why many of us sent toons to Pot5 when transfers happened. Unfortunately removing 8v8's kinda killed that for a lot of us. I'm not interested in the arenas personally, and by the general tone I'm getting neither are many others. Like someone else mentioned above, it really amplifies imbalances and certain comps soar to the top.


I've always enjoyed more objective type games...I played Halo for years and always preferred Capture the Flag and other objective games more than straight deathmatch. Arenas simple don't appeal to me like the 8v8's did.



Finally, only our main group has SM KP on farm. Our other two groups get tripped up on the puzzle boss.

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I tend to play with Mahina and Monika and 1 other, sometimes dansully sometimes tonny. sadly we're european and theyre american so its hard for us to all schedule a time when we'll definitely be on. If there are any tanks (that we know) (geared) and not ***** that play european times, let me know if you're interested in getting something going.
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I tend to play with Mahina and Monika and 1 other, sometimes dansully sometimes tonny. sadly we're european and theyre american so its hard for us to all schedule a time when we'll definitely be on. If there are any tanks (that we know) (geared) and not ***** that play european times, let me know if you're interested in getting something going.


i see u guys on at peak hours too though sometimes. what are your usual game hours eastern?

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Group Ranked is never going to work on this server. There is no doubt that we have some truly Elite PVP'ers on this server. The problem is that there are very few of them and they are distributed very unevenly.


The problem with this is that there are certain people on this server who are game changers, and when you get even 1-2 of them in an 8 man WZ on the same team it can be a game changer, never mind getting 3-4 of them in a 4 man Arena. Now, you stick all those elite players into one of 2, maybe 3 truly elite PVP guilds. That gives you the ability to put together 3 maybe 4, 4 man ranked teams that can really compete with each other. Depending on play times and RL issues, it just doesn't give you enough of an elite player base to be competitive.


A slightly below average player like myself can only take so many ROFL stomping's by these Elite teams before I've used up my monthly allotment of swear words and I rage quit for the night. I think you will find many of the average to above average players feel the same way.


On the flip side, Solo ranked is a dice roll. You are going to get on horrible comp's and you'll have some bad players, but in general you are going to get on a good team ~50% of the time. And yes, there is still class imbalance, but you are much more likely to see a Merc trying Solo Ranked than team ranked, where there really isn't any 4 man comp that includes a Merc that could be considered competitive.


I have other ideas on events to get ranked popping more regularly and will be sharing them as we go. I think the solo ranked night on Monday was awesome and we were planning one for tonight as well, if people are on.

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Group Ranked is never going to work on this server. There is no doubt that we have some truly Elite PVP'ers on this server. The problem is that there are very few of them and they are distributed very unevenly.


The problem with this is that there are certain people on this server who are game changers, and when you get even 1-2 of them in an 8 man WZ on the same team it can be a game changer, never mind getting 3-4 of them in a 4 man Arena. Now, you stick all those elite players into one of 2, maybe 3 truly elite PVP guilds. That gives you the ability to put together 3 maybe 4, 4 man ranked teams that can really compete with each other. Depending on play times and RL issues, it just doesn't give you enough of an elite player base to be competitive.


A slightly below average player like myself can only take so many ROFL stomping's by these Elite teams before I've used up my monthly allotment of swear words and I rage quit for the night. I think you will find many of the average to above average players feel the same way.


On the flip side, Solo ranked is a dice roll. You are going to get on horrible comp's and you'll have some bad players, but in general you are going to get on a good team ~50% of the time. And yes, there is still class imbalance, but you are much more likely to see a Merc trying Solo Ranked than team ranked, where there really isn't any 4 man comp that includes a Merc that could be considered competitive.


I have other ideas on events to get ranked popping more regularly and will be sharing them as we go. I think the solo ranked night on Monday was awesome and we were planning one for tonight as well, if people are on.


I agree with u Viking, only issue is with solo queues there isn't a gear check or requirement to queue for solo ranked, you can be a fresh 55 with level 40 blues and queue up or even worse.... in full 72s or 78s. so the dice roll isn't really fair game considering that if any ap powertech queues up they are likely to win because they can tank and dps just as well with relatively decent mitigation... as a AP ur guaranteed wins 80% of the time in solo ranked, so how is that fair? its equally broken. and also in regards to the "elites" if there were multiple teams and not just these top guilds or whatever queuing it would be balanced even on a lower skill level... IF everyone actually made this effort.

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I agree with u Viking, only issue is with solo queues there isn't a gear check or requirement to queue for solo ranked, you can be a fresh 55 with level 40 blues and queue up or even worse.... in full 72s or 78s. so the dice roll isn't really fair game considering that if any ap powertech queues up they are likely to win because they can tank and dps just as well with relatively decent mitigation... as a AP ur guaranteed wins 80% of the time in solo ranked, so how is that fair? its equally broken. and also in regards to the "elites" if there were multiple teams and not just these top guilds or whatever queuing it would be balanced even on a lower skill level... IF everyone actually made this effort.


Hopefully it changes a bit w/ 2.6 when PFT is tied to HEGC...though I'd love to see them tie the AoE damage reduction/Stun reduction to HEGC as well.


And then have them tie Duplicity/Infiltration Tactics to Surging Charge/Shadow Technique because I think that's going to be the next bastard tank spec.


I hate all hybrids, and I feel dirty putting Ion Cell on in AP right now.

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Hopefully it changes a bit w/ 2.6 when PFT is tied to HEGC...though I'd love to see them tie the AoE damage reduction/Stun reduction to HEGC as well.


And then have them tie Duplicity/Infiltration Tactics to Surging Charge/Shadow Technique because I think that's going to be the next bastard tank spec.


I hate all hybrids, and I feel dirty putting Ion Cell on in AP right now.


I'm warning you guys, you're going to see some Vengeance in Soresu come 2.6, the changes to Rampage are going to make Rage management far easier in tank stance. Although to get the most out of it they'd have to stance dance for their Unstoppables.

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I agree with u Viking, only issue is with solo queues there isn't a gear check or requirement to queue for solo ranked, you can be a fresh 55 with level 40 blues and queue up or even worse.... in full 72s or 78s. so the dice roll isn't really fair game considering that if any ap powertech queues up they are likely to win because they can tank and dps just as well with relatively decent mitigation... as a AP ur guaranteed wins 80% of the time in solo ranked, so how is that fair? its equally broken. and also in regards to the "elites" if there were multiple teams and not just these top guilds or whatever queuing it would be balanced even on a lower skill level... IF everyone actually made this effort.


The gear check is pretty much a self correcting problem. People either get sick of getting destroyed every match, or they gear up, pretty simple.


Class imbalance in Solo ranked is more manageable because there is just as much of a chance that there will be an AP hybrid on the other team, and there is less chance that the other team is 3 PT's with an OP healer, which is the Comp you are going to get group Ranked (Ok, 1 rage marauder, 1 AP hybrid, and 1 Pyro PT with an Op healer ;) ).

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I'm warning you guys, you're going to see some Vengeance in Soresu come 2.6, the changes to Rampage are going to make Rage management far easier in tank stance. Although to get the most out of it they'd have to stance dance for their Unstoppables.


Maybe, but it's unlikely. The changes to Veng require 36 points, because you need Shatter for Rampage, otherwise you're stuck with one stack of Rampage. 36 Pt Veng has solid damage, but it doesn't have the passive survivability. What made Ion AP work was the 30% in Stabilized Armor. Soresu Jugg will be weak. Sin hybrids will be pretty decent, on the other hand.


As for ranked, I won't be participating. Most people I feel comfortable playing with have quit the game/moved off server, and I hardy play anymore either. The ranked on all servers is dying, tbh. If you're really expecting solid, competitive PvP, you should move off servers. With the "mass exodus" of other games, and even the graphics update on WoW (which is a big plus for some), SWTOR is going to take a hit, especially in the PvP aspect. Best of luck to you all.

Edited by Luckeyduckey
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Honestly, and this is the problem i have setting up ranked... is that it never pops. At all.

I mean i've sat more than 20 minutes in a group of 4 people and gotten no pops whatsoever... I've had a hard time convincing myself it's worth it. I have 2 people outfitted in full partisan gear minimum, and haven't gotten any pops at all.

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Honestly, and this is the problem i have setting up ranked... is that it never pops. At all.

I mean i've sat more than 20 minutes in a group of 4 people and gotten no pops whatsoever... I've had a hard time convincing myself it's worth it. I have 2 people outfitted in full partisan gear minimum, and haven't gotten any pops at all.


maybe if you would let people know on the forums what time you try to queue more teams would join?

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I'm curious why you transferred to Bastion and shortly after came back if you actually do enjoy the team ranked arenas?


personally my lagg was terrible there, i was at like 300-400 ms constantly, and to be competitive you can't have that sort of lagg. + the opportunity to play with other friends that did not move on.

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Bastion pops were not as frequent as one might think. Being a west coast server, primetime was shifted. In total, there were not many teams running ranked, probably the reason why the best teams moved over to POT5 later on.


I'd imagine there were at least as many as there as there is here. And if team ranked was the goal, why go from Bastion back to here? I'm just not understanding the motivation if you're going to get upset with people here for not queuing team ranked. It's obvious that's your primary interest, why no be where it happens rather than convince people to put together teams that likely won't be as competitive? Most groups that do it here will be doing it for comms or just for fun with whomever is available in their guild/friends list. Conversely, for your guild, it's a primary focus so you'll be bringing a good comp ready for actual competition...it's no going to turn out fun for anyone really.

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