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Unnecessary Girth is recruiting!


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We are one of the largest PvE guilds on The Bastion for High Tier end game content. If you cant tell by our guild name, we're laid back but also professional.


We’re currently recruiting to fill our 2 new progression groups. However that doesn't mean that we're limiting our recruitment to raiders only. We are more than open to accepting hardcore players, casuals, or anything in between.

The first group that needs to be filled runs Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00PM Server (Pacific). Will update with rolls needed.

The second group is scheduled to run Fridays and Saturday or Sunday, time hasn't been confirmed as schedules are still up in the air, but probably ~6:00PM Server (Pacific).


In general, we are in need of Tanks (any class), Healers (any class), and rDPS (Merc and Sniper preferred but a great Sorc is always welcome). We are more than open to accepting exceptional melee DPS as well. Please don't hesitate to apply!


Please Note: Mumble is a MUST for raiding! Quick, easy download.


Guild Accomplishments!



Server 1st World 4 Dreadtooth 10 stacks kill, Server 1st World 4 Dreadful Entity kill - Grants the Dread Slayer title

3 Groups clearing DF/DP 8 man HM 10/10. Server 3rd since 2.5 release.

S&V 7/7 8 man HM Server 2nd Clear. 4 Groups clearing every week.

5 NiM EC groups, 4/5 NiM Titles (Warstalker) Before 2.0

6 Raid groups 4/4 HM EC, 5/5 NiM KP and 5/5 NiM EV before 1.4 patch

Our guild is one of the guilds that runs multiple HM groups, each group has separate members with experienced raiders to help with progression of the group.

Our goal is to have all our members raiding, this is why we run multiple 8m groups.



We have lots of PvP players here. We're in the midst of forming our ranked warzone groups.


So if your a 55, hit us up. We do trial runs for Operations as long as you pull your weight we will help you get your gear, we do require Arkanian level gear (69) as a minimum. We understand if you don't magically have full Arkanian (Set Bonus) or in our case full Dread Forged/Underworld. Be social with the guild once you receive raider status and you can have your alts brought in.



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We’re currently recruiting to fill our 2 progression groups. However that doesn't mean that we're limiting our recruitment to raiders only. We are more than open to accepting hardcore players, casuals, or anything in between.

The first group that needs to be filled runs Tuesday at 6:00PM and Wednesday at 7:30PM Server (Pacific). Will update with rolls needed.

The second group is scheduled to run Saturday and may have a 2nd day depending on peoples availability at about 7:30PM Server (Pacific).



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We’re currently recruiting DPS to fill our weekend progression groups. However that doesn't mean that we're limiting our recruitment to raiders only. We are more than open to accepting hardcore players, casuals, or anything in between.


The group is scheduled to run Saturday and may have a 2nd day depending on peoples availability at about 7:30PM Server (Pacific).



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We’re currently recruiting to fill 1 slot (See below) in a new HM progression group. However that doesn't mean that we're limiting our recruitment to raiders only. We are more than open to accepting hardcore players, casuals, or anything in between.


We currently need 1 Healer for our newly forming HM progression group. Any Healer class will work, so please don't be discouraged to send in an application.


In general, we are in need of Tanks (any class), Healers (any class), and rDPS. We are more than open to accepting exceptional melee DPS as well. Please don't hesitate to apply!


Please Note: Teamspeak 3 is a MUST for raiding! Quick, easy download.


Unnecessary Girth

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We’re currently recruiting to fill 1 slot (See below) in a new HM progression group. However that doesn't mean that we're limiting our recruitment to raiders only. We are more than open to accepting hardcore players, casuals, or anything in between.


We currently need 1 Dps for a current HM progression group 10/10 HM DF and DP. Any DPS class will work, so please don't be discouraged to send in an application.


In general, we are in need of Tanks (any class), Healers (any class), and rDPS. We are more than open to accepting exceptional melee DPS as well. Please don't hesitate to apply!


Please Note: Teamspeak 3 is a MUST for raiding! Quick, easy download.


Unnecessary Girth

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