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Concerning "Missing Granny".


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I just had the bug today on Quinn.



It was when he betrays you and you get a cutscene with him setting two droids on you. At first he was in the same outfit I had used on him since I got him on Balmorra, but with the giant Missing Granny sphere on his left side (centered around the left side of the belt, making me think it is not the blaster since that is on the right side).

I tried different ways of fixing it, removing one item at a time and the only thing that worked was to remove all items from him, which resulted in him reverting back to his default look.

Now, I tried it with nothing but the character customization too, but the first time the cutscene played he was in his underwear so i esc'd and suddenly he was in his default outfit. Started the cutscene again and he stayed in his default outfit (without customization).



So I don't think it is the customization that some point to.

I think it has to do with using newer items on the characters (basically anything that is not the default outfit) which means that any item might trigger this bug.

Personally, I think it is a higher chance if you use items that were added to the game after release, but I can't be sure.


Since I record the storyline and put them on youtube, this is of great concern for me.

BioWare needs to look into this.

It is NOT fixed by doing a repair in many cases (judging from the responses on the 13 different threads on the subject), so I don't think it is a missing texture or models, but instead it is a problem with loading said model/texture into a cutscene or onto a companion when they are being used as non-companions.


Anyways, thats just my 2 cents before going to bed after way too much time spent on trying to solve this...

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Maybe you could collect the links of all those threads and post them here for emphasis?


On my my Bounty Hunter I tested the the same scene with different combination of companions, always had the problem only with my cunning-based companions...


Also interesting the fact that when the respective companion was active, they were displayed all right. It was only a problem when they were added as currently inactive companions to the scene:




Delete the file called DiskCacheArena and then run the repair on the launcher after login ( not fixlauncher.exe )


I had the error again with Gault on the Tyrant (Bounty Hunter class story). Logged out, deleted the file, hit repair. After the repair the problem was still present. Gault still had a big fat Missing Granny (http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u286/kyanited/345873560_zps7bfa7a09.jpeg) attached to his midsection.


Interestingly, when I make Gault the active companion before entering the instance, he's all right and Mako is the one with the Missing Granny (http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u286/kyanited/345903107_zps5dfbc318.jpeg) (in exactly the same spot on her body).


When Torian is active, Mako and Gault have the Missing Granny.

When Blizz is active, Mako and Gault have the Missing Granny.


When I make 2V-R8 the active companion, both Gault and Mako have the Missing Granny (http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u286/kyanited/345843436_zpsa905e1a7.jpeg), while Torian and Blizz are ok.


Since this happened with Doc on my Sentinel - could it be that it's a problem related to Cunning-based companions?



In this example, Blitz, Gault and Torian all have the default armor and weapons. So Not sure it has something to do with items that were added later.


Also maybe interesting to note that Gault has his sniper rifle drawn and one another sniper rifle on his back, and the white dye in Mako's jacket only works when she's the active companion.

Edited by KyaniteD
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