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New ships purchased on CM should get same requisition as older ships


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Simple point really, for which there is little credible counter-argument. Makes no sense that my stock scout which I've never touched gets all the requisition that my main ships do, but if I buy a ship off the CM for that same character, it doesn't. And no, I'm not asking for legacy requisition (actually against it). So that's it. I learned this by buying the "mastered gunship." Won't buy any more ships for any more alts off CM until that's fixed.
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eh it's not that bad, you're basicly paying 15 bucks for a ship skin and a small XP buff.


Yep. So, why should that ship have to start over with requisition? I can see no reason to buy the CM ships again for any alt where I already have put a ton of time in on GSF. But I agree with you that if they add the requisition, I drop the $15 without batting an eye.:cool:

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Simple point really, for which there is little credible counter-argument. Makes no sense that my stock scout which I've never touched gets all the requisition that my main ships do, but if I buy a ship off the CM for that same character, it doesn't. And no, I'm not asking for legacy requisition (actually against it). So that's it. I learned this by buying the "mastered gunship." Won't buy any more ships for any more alts off CM until that's fixed.


So you are saying that you should get retroactive dailies for any new ships? That would counter the reason to fly those ships! (it's like saying I have leveled a sage already, I should be able to buy a new level 55 sage now)

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So you are saying that you should get retroactive dailies for any new ships? That would counter the reason to fly those ships! (it's like saying I have leveled a sage already, I should be able to buy a new level 55 sage now)



Yes. It works like this now. We get requisition for ships we don't even fly.

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Yes. It works like this now. We get requisition for ships we don't even fly.


It in no way at all works that way.



Try it out: Go write down the reqs on all your ships. Then queue a game. Scroll up in combat before leaving and see what it gave you req for (hint: only ships that you flew that game). Then go look at all the reqs on the ships. The only ones to have budged are the ones you played.



Now, there is one thing that puts reqs on ships you aren't playing- the daily quest gives 750 to ALL UNLOCKED ships. The weekly quest gives 2500 to ALL UNLOCKED ships.



Do you think you should get credit for all the little tokens you clicked on? I do not. You enjoyed the use of that req on your other ships when you clicked it. You don't deserve to have your req and spend it too. During the time you've been getting your little req bonuses, I've been storing all mine in the bank, because once bombers hit I will unlock as many as I can then click away. But in the mean time, I don't get to benefit from the req that you do.




So no, new ships should start at scratch. Otherwise the moment a ship launches good players will have it instantly mastered at no effort whatsoever- not good for longevity, and punishing in general to people who don't play that long. Bad idea, lets NOT do it!

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Now, there is one thing that puts reqs on ships you aren't playing- the daily quest gives 750 to ALL UNLOCKED ships. The weekly quest gives 2500 to ALL UNLOCKED ships.



This is what I'm referring to. I have ships I've never used with tens of thousands of points in requisition. But that's because I always do the dailies and weeklies. This is my point.


I understand the argument that ships that don't fly shouldn't get requisition that is specific to flying, so maybe my OP was over-broad. But my main point remains that if ships I've never flown can have thousands of requisition points, then a ship I buy off the CM should get those same points.


Or, just eliminate the requisition grants from dailies/weeklies that go to all ships. Because as it is now, I can see no reason to buy a ship of the CM unless its on a brand new toon starting from scratch. This has nothing to do with mastering a ship being difficult - it's about the incentive to buy a new ship from the CM where someone has already invested a boatload of time. Right now, there isn't any.


The CM team should take heed. Eventually people will have invested hundreds of hours and garnered thousands of requisition used to master a ton of ships. If you want to keep selling new bodies to us (especially ones that are in the same class as ones we have), there needs to be some incentive to buy these and start all over again. Or else no one will buy these.

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Do you really not see the enormous advantage you can get by unlocking all available ships, using your daily and weekly tokens, and then using cartel coins to transfer the req from ships you don't fly to fleet req?


Cause it's pretty significant.

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You get reqs on ships you OWN, not ships you eventually will own. It makes no sense suddenly for reqs to be transferred over.


Even worse, it would completely cut into one of their main revenue streams: Ship to Fleet Req conversion. The whole point of the model is that you can accumulate huge pulls of reqs in due time, and then when a new ship comes out you have the option to spent CCs to transfer your reqs over to that new ship and master it instantly.


That's a bit source of revenue right there, which they need because GSF itself is totally free. They're not about to give that up, or do anything that makes converting ship reqs to fleet reqs less useful.

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Do you really not see the enormous advantage you can get by unlocking all available ships, using your daily and weekly tokens, and then using cartel coins to transfer the req from ships you don't fly to fleet req?


Cause it's pretty significant.


Sigh, you're totally missing my point. I have ships I've never ever ever ever flown that have thousands of requisition points sitting there unused from dailies/weeklies. Is it "unfair" if I take that requisition and master those ships? it's certainly not unfair to any opponent because I've "earned" that req and I could just as easily use my mastered scout or fighter if I wanted and have even more of an "advantage."


Maybe we're talking past eachother on this point (or I could be missing something obvious), but this isn't about "transferring" requisition. BW has already decided to award req for ALL ships when doing dailies/weeklies. Buying a ship from the CM gives no advantage at all other than I'm paying for faster req (due to the bonus - another topic entirely). I'm saying that the req that my never flown stock scout has earned should be available to my never flown, newly purchased scout, or else why buy?


So, back to my OP, here I am now at the CM, money in hand, looking for something to buy. I see a "mastered" gunship - cool right? Nope. My gunship that I've used since day one has so many upgrades that it makes it pointless to buy this new "mastered" gunship that's lightyears behind the one I have. Just cannot fathom any reason at all why I'd buy it (already bought it once on one toon and won't make that mistake again) unless it's a brand new toon.

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You get reqs on ships you OWN, not ships you eventually will own. It makes no sense suddenly for reqs to be transferred over.


Even worse, it would completely cut into one of their main revenue streams: Ship to Fleet Req conversion. The whole point of the model is that you can accumulate huge pulls of reqs in due time, and then when a new ship comes out you have the option to spent CCs to transfer your reqs over to that new ship and master it instantly.


That's a bit source of revenue right there, which they need because GSF itself is totally free. They're not about to give that up, or do anything that makes converting ship reqs to fleet reqs less useful.


There's no principled reason to divide by own/will own. Flown/not flown, yes, but not own/will own. If you're going to award req to never flown ships, then award it to my never flown CM ship or else I won't buy it. That's really the point. If BW wants to actually sell these to anyone other than the brand new, they need to offer some incentive and right now the small bonus of slightly more req isn't worth the gimp. So they are losing out on 18 bucks a pop right there.


Good point on ship to fleet conversion. But selling mastered ships on the GTN, by definition, already slices into that.

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This is what I'm referring to. I have ships I've never used with tens of thousands of points in requisition. But that's because I always do the dailies and weeklies. This is my point.


You don't merely DO them, you also CRACK THE ITEM. You want that req NOW NOW NOW. Not later when you have more ships. This is a choice you are making.


You want to have your req and use it too.


I have a bank full of these daily and weekly tokens. I'm waiting for bombers. In the mean time, all my ships are less powerful than they would be if I clicked on them for short term gains as you do.




So no, you don't deserve the same consideration I receive because you are using your "currency" as it comes in instead of "banking" it.




Now, a different question is whether this is good design. Perhaps the items should expire after a week or something. But as it is, they do not, and you have played with the intention of using your req up instantly.


Also, you get 7750 req to all unlocked ships each week from these quests. In 19 weeks (about five months), you'll have earned enough req in this method to master EVERY ship. So then every ship that comes out would be instantly mastered, forever.


Do you think that's intended, or a good idea? Because it really sounds super silly to me. The game is supposed to last a couple years at least, right? Maybe even several? And your proposal is that every ship be instantly mastered to anyone who plays for a few months.


It's easy to pool req. Req keeps happening. Buy your cartel market ship and the req will stack up each day. You don't need the level of hand holding you are asking for.



then a ship I buy off the CM should get those same points.


No, because you didn't have that ship. Pool if you want that.


Or, just eliminate the requisition grants from dailies/weeklies that go to all ships.


I will agree these seem damned strange.


Or else no one will buy these.


I buy every CM ship, and have no problem with this. I have never heard anyone else say anything like this, and many people like leveling ships from scratch and even roll fresh characters.


Even worse, it would completely cut into one of their main revenue streams: Ship to Fleet Req conversion.


I don't think this is a large thing. It also feels odd- spending dollars for a very short term gain? I mean, if you xfer everything from your skybolt to get your strike fighter maxxed, then what about when you want to level your skybolt? You gotta go back the other way?



Is it "unfair" if I take that requisition and master those ships?


No, because you earned that req. It would be unfair if you could fork copies of that req to ships that aren't available now- crack your tokens, spend it on your main ships, then get copies of that on your CM ships and bombers later. And of course in a couple months, every ship you crack will instantly be mastered with your system. Ugh.



I see a "mastered" gunship - cool right? Nope. My gunship that I've used since day one has so many upgrades that it makes it pointless to buy this new "mastered" gunship that's lightyears behind the one I have.


It's "mastered" in that it gains 10% req increases. It's a different model, which you may or may not like. Once you have both your gunships with all their components, you could have them tuned for different roles or enemies and bring both to battle in your hangar. I bought that gunship the moment it popped. If you need to receive thousands of req to play a new ship, maybe CM ships aren't your bag, given that they are reskins.


I will also point out that if your idea was applied JUST to CM ships, they would be crazy wild pay to win concerns.



There's no principled reason to divide by own/will own.


Except that every ship would start with every component at max. That's a game breaking ramification of your terrible idea.


If you're going to award req to never flown ships, then award it to my never flown CM ship or else I won't buy it.


It's ok, I will. I don't think you are the market if you need a massive in game reward to justify spending the cartel coins.

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Sigh, you're totally missing my point. I have ships I've never ever ever ever flown that have thousands of requisition points sitting there unused from dailies/weeklies. Is it "unfair" if I take that requisition and master those ships? it's certainly not unfair to any opponent because I've "earned" that req and I could just as easily use my mastered scout or fighter if I wanted and have even more of an "advantage."


Maybe we're talking past eachother on this point (or I could be missing something obvious), but this isn't about "transferring" requisition. BW has already decided to award req for ALL ships when doing dailies/weeklies. Buying a ship from the CM gives no advantage at all other than I'm paying for faster req (due to the bonus - another topic entirely). I'm saying that the req that my never flown stock scout has earned should be available to my never flown, newly purchased scout, or else why buy?


So, back to my OP, here I am now at the CM, money in hand, looking for something to buy. I see a "mastered" gunship - cool right? Nope. My gunship that I've used since day one has so many upgrades that it makes it pointless to buy this new "mastered" gunship that's lightyears behind the one I have. Just cannot fathom any reason at all why I'd buy it (already bought it once on one toon and won't make that mistake again) unless it's a brand new toon.


Transferring requisition is such a huge deal that there are entire guilds out there full of quality pilots that buy all the ships they can in order to get all the req they can. Now, consider this. I have a fully mastered Mangler on my imp. This Mangler has around 20k spare requisition lying around doing nothing. It's not an enormous amount, but it's certainly significant. If BioWare went with your suggestion, I could then buy the cartel gunship... which would come fully mastered and with 20k ship req just begging to be converted to fleet req. Oh, and from now on, all my dailies give +750 req and my weeklies give +2500 req.


I mean, I'm already on track to master a bomber just with the daily and weekly tokens I have lying around, but that would be pretty ridiculous. Mastering one ship the day it comes out, ok, that probably shows that I play more than is possibly healthy. Mastering all three? That's just plain not fair to the pubs. Give it a few months and I'll completely burn out on GSF because of a lack of progression. I'm already rolling on different servers to get my upgrades fix, so it's not implausible.


Yes, your new gunship is a couple kilometers behind your old one in terms of upgrades. It's basically a req bucket now, or you could gear it up (by transferring req from your current gunship and other ships) if you like the skin.


On ships other than gunships, which are designed so there's more than one viable build, you can buy the cartel versions so you can fly multiple different builds of the same ship into the same match. For example, I have a Flashfire, which I've built to maximize killing power and mobility while hugging the satellite. I also have a Skybolt, which I'm building to maximize mid-range killing power for matches where I don't find myself on the satellite as much. I may eventually build my Novadive as a long-range communications and support ship, and its inevitable cartel equivalent as... something else, I'm sure I'll think of something by the time it's released. You can do the same thing with strike fighters. Gunships are poorly designed, not least because they have one clearly superior build that every good gunship pilot runs without variation, so there's no point in upgrading any but the most pretty gunship.

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Transferring requisition is such a huge deal that there are entire guilds out there full of quality pilots that buy all the ships they can in order to get all the req they can. Now, consider this. I have a fully mastered Mangler on my imp. This Mangler has around 20k spare requisition lying around doing nothing. It's not an enormous amount, but it's certainly significant. If BioWare went with your suggestion, I could then buy the cartel gunship... which would come fully mastered and with 20k ship req just begging to be converted to fleet req. Oh, and from now on, all my dailies give +750 req and my weeklies give +2500 req.


I mean, I'm already on track to master a bomber just with the daily and weekly tokens I have lying around, but that would be pretty ridiculous. Mastering one ship the day it comes out, ok, that probably shows that I play more than is possibly healthy. Mastering all three? That's just plain not fair to the pubs. Give it a few months and I'll completely burn out on GSF because of a lack of progression. I'm already rolling on different servers to get my upgrades fix, so it's not implausible.


Yes, your new gunship is a couple kilometers behind your old one in terms of upgrades. It's basically a req bucket now, or you could gear it up (by transferring req from your current gunship and other ships) if you like the skin.


On ships other than gunships, which are designed so there's more than one viable build, you can buy the cartel versions so you can fly multiple different builds of the same ship into the same match. For example, I have a Flashfire, which I've built to maximize killing power and mobility while hugging the satellite. I also have a Skybolt, which I'm building to maximize mid-range killing power for matches where I don't find myself on the satellite as much. I may eventually build my Novadive as a long-range communications and support ship, and its inevitable cartel equivalent as... something else, I'm sure I'll think of something by the time it's released. You can do the same thing with strike fighters. Gunships are poorly designed, not least because they have one clearly superior build that every good gunship pilot runs without variation, so there's no point in upgrading any but the most pretty gunship.


Pretty much all of what you said is true, and fair and a decent argument against granting any requisition to ships that are not flown. But none of what you said would entice me to buy a ship off the CM for anything other than a brand new toon - which is the point of the OP. I mean I get your point about having multiple, viable builds of, say, a scout. But, save that point, why should I care about fleet req for buying new ships if I can buy any mastered ship off the CM? BW is already cutting into the value of fleet req by selling mastered ships on the CM. That argument really is an argument against selling mastered ships in the CM at all - again, a separate and legit point. Honestly, if BW is really concerned about making $$ on the ship-fleet req transfer, then granting the accumulated dailies/weeklies ship req to a CM purchase only enhances that since you have to pay to do the ship-fleet exchange.


So the only "advantage" one gets from getting requisition applied to the new CM ship is potential for faster upgrades of the ships you own - and this is really the only reason why I would care about fleet req. There is no in-game advantage whatsoever (except being faster to upgrade). But you've already "earned" that req you're converting from doing dailies/weeklies anyway. Your parked, never-flown, stock scout has done just as much to "earn" that req as your newly purchased CM gunship has.


Even with all that said, I still haven't heard why buying all the ships you can and storing them day one, gradually building up req from dailies/weeklies is any more legit than buying a new CM ship and giving it the same req as your unused ships' dailies/weeklies req. You've already said that there are those who are using this exact strategy. Why is it okay if I buy all the CM ships I can one day one and park them, but not okay if I buy the ship much later? That really begs the question of why give req to ships that aren't flown at all? But if you are okay with that, I don't know why it's any different for a CM ship - but I guess we'll not see eye to eye on that.

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Seems to me the primary point of Premium ship is to pay to get faster requisitions to level up a ship type you don't already own, for the appearance, or for an extra req bucket.


And sure, if you already own a ship of the same class with all the reqs, there's no reason to buy the premium equivalent (except aesthetics, I guess). But there's nothing wrong with that.

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Pretty much all of what you said is true, and fair and a decent argument against granting any requisition to ships that are not flown. But none of what you said would entice me to buy a ship off the CM for anything other than a brand new toon - which is the point of the OP.


Oh, if you're asking why you'd ever bother unlocking a Flashfire when you can fly a Skybolt with +10% req, or a Dustmaker when you can fly a Dominator... yeah, if you're looking at it from that point of view, there isn't a good reason, really.


It comes down to how much you care about it. I bought an Ocula on my imp because I was in a competitive guild on a competitive server. There were a number of pilots - in my guild, in my faction, in the other faction - racing for upgrades to get an edge over everyone else. Because of that, I picked up the Ocula. (I've regretted it ever since - it's an ugly ship, and now I have way more req than I know what to do with. I mentioned my Mangler has about 20k req sitting around doing nothing... my Ocula has closer to 150k. I guess I could build an identical scout, but that seems like a waste of cartel coins.) On any other server, I probably would not have dropped the CCs so early on.


I'll admit I've been a little confused while reading your posts, because you don't use very specific language. That's ok - the game's young enough that the nomenclature isn't super defined yet. I figure when you talk about "[buying] any mastered ship off the CM", you don't mean a mastered ship (a ship with at least one component in each slot fully upgraded), you mean a ship with the 10% bonus requisition. But when you talk about new ships getting the same requisition as older ships, it can get a bit confusing - you obviously don't mean the +10% req bonus, not in this context, but I'm sometimes not sure whether you're talking about the requisition earned from daily and weekly quests, the requisition earned from the 500 daily bonus requisition, the requisition earned from matches flown, or some combination of the three.


For the sake of example, let's imagine a player who owns a Sting and is considering buying an Ocula. He's flown a fair number of matches in his Sting over the past week, and has earned a bunch of requisition. Specifically, he's earned 2,500 ship requisition from the weekly, 5,250 ship requisition from seven dailies, 3,500 ship requisition from seven days of daily bonus requisition, and 50,000 ship requisition and 5,000 fleet requisition from matches. How much requisition do you propose the Ocula come with, from which sources, and by what reasoning? Do you propose the premium ships lose the "mastered" bonus requisition? (I don't want to call it the "+10%", because I'm starting to wonder whether 10% is a good value for that bonus.) Do you propose they come with any upgrades unlocked? Why or why not?


Apologies for seemingly ignoring the rest of your post - I did read it, but I want to clear up any potential conclusion and re-read the thread before I say too much more on the subject.

Edited by Armonddd
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Do you really not see the enormous advantage you can get by unlocking all available ships, using your daily and weekly tokens, and then using cartel coins to transfer the req from ships you don't fly to fleet req?


Cause it's pretty significant.


And pricey... which is of course, what the people who made the system want you to do...

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The CM ships are identical to the existing ships except they have a permanent 10% bonus to requisition gain. You can use the fact that they are identical to be more prepared for changes in the flow of a match.


For example, your sting is equipped with burst lasers, damage capacitor, and retro thrusters. In the course of the match you start getting wrecked by enemy gunships and nobody on your team is handling them so you switch to your Ocula which has quad laser, range capacitors, and barrel roll. They are essentially the same ship, but with an alternate loadout you can can handle different situations to try and secure the victory.

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Oh, if you're asking why you'd ever bother unlocking a Flashfire when you can fly a Skybolt with +10% req, or a Dustmaker when you can fly a Dominator... yeah, if you're looking at it from that point of view, there isn't a good reason, really.


It comes down to how much you care about it. I bought an Ocula on my imp because I was in a competitive guild on a competitive server. There were a number of pilots - in my guild, in my faction, in the other faction - racing for upgrades to get an edge over everyone else. Because of that, I picked up the Ocula. (I've regretted it ever since - it's an ugly ship, and now I have way more req than I know what to do with. I mentioned my Mangler has about 20k req sitting around doing nothing... my Ocula has closer to 150k. I guess I could build an identical scout, but that seems like a waste of cartel coins.) On any other server, I probably would not have dropped the CCs so early on.


I'll admit I've been a little confused while reading your posts, because you don't use very specific language. That's ok - the game's young enough that the nomenclature isn't super defined yet. I figure when you talk about "[buying] any mastered ship off the CM", you don't mean a mastered ship (a ship with at least one component in each slot fully upgraded), you mean a ship with the 10% bonus requisition. But when you talk about new ships getting the same requisition as older ships, it can get a bit confusing - you obviously don't mean the +10% req bonus, not in this context, but I'm sometimes not sure whether you're talking about the requisition earned from daily and weekly quests, the requisition earned from the 500 daily bonus requisition, the requisition earned from matches flown, or some combination of the three.


For the sake of example, let's imagine a player who owns a Sting and is considering buying an Ocula. He's flown a fair number of matches in his Sting over the past week, and has earned a bunch of requisition. Specifically, he's earned 2,500 ship requisition from the weekly, 5,250 ship requisition from seven dailies, 3,500 ship requisition from seven days of daily bonus requisition, and 50,000 ship requisition and 5,000 fleet requisition from matches. How much requisition do you propose the Ocula come with, from which sources, and by what reasoning? Do you propose the premium ships lose the "mastered" bonus requisition? (I don't want to call it the "+10%", because I'm starting to wonder whether 10% is a good value for that bonus.) Do you propose they come with any upgrades unlocked? Why or why not?


Apologies for seemingly ignoring the rest of your post - I did read it, but I want to clear up any potential conclusion and re-read the thread before I say too much more on the subject.


I'm sorry I've been somewhat imprecise with my language because I'm still learning the nuances of the system. But what I'm specifically referring to when I say "requisition" is the ship req that has been awarded to all the ships in my hangar from dailies/weeklies, whether I've flown those ships or not. I'm specifically not referring to the requisition that was acquired from missions/flying matches. In your example, that's 11,250 in req. I'm also not suggesting that anything else be "unlocked." I brought this up because I leveled a brand new toon and bought a CM scout/ and fighter on day one. I never used the "stock" scout because I wanted the 10% req boost (that BW says is due to ship being considered "mastered" which is admittedly confusing b/c it's not "mastered" in the sense we are referring to). I never even clicked on the stock scout (or fighter) until I did so by accident one day and noticed that it had several thousand ship req sitting there. I then went to Dulfy and learned that all ships in your hangar get the dailies/weeklies ship req. If that's the case, then in my logic, that should apply regardless of whether you bought and parked a ship or whether you just recently bought one. I really can't see a principled reason to award req to ships that are just hanging out, but then not to one that's bought on the CM a bit later. On the other hand, as I said in earlier posts, I see why these non-flown ships would get req - you can pay $$ and convert that ship req to fleet req, which is more $$ for BW. That's all the more reason to allow me to spend $15 on a CM ship, PLUS the whatever amount I might spend in conversion of ship-fleet should I choose to do that too.


Anyway, I ASSumed ;) that when the new CM gunship was released, this same requisition would apply. I find it bizarre that it doesn't (and I genuinely believe BW will change this) because for any "advanced" player, there is really little reason to buy the CM ship. As you've pointed out in your case, you already have more req than you can use so the 10% "boost" isn't an advantage and other than having slightly different specs of the same class - something I'm not advanced enough to desire - it's barely enticing. But to my surprise, there was zero ship req for my new gunship. So I thought - "who is this for?" It's only for the brand new, which seems like a pointless waste of a potential market.


If BW allowed the new CM ships to earn the same "dailies/weeklies req" (sorry I don't have a cleaner term) that my other ships have earned, then buying one of these could make sense almost no matter where you are in your progression unless you've totally and completely "mastered" all your ships and have zero use for any req boost or any other builds. Yes, you'll be slightly behind your main ships, but still not totally gimped. And at some point, we'll all be maxed out with a toon and I've gotta believe BW will still want to sell new CM ships to us just like they do adaptive armor and such. But who will buy one, given the mechanics of GSF, if you have to start over from scratch with upgrades?? I mean, you pay 15$ to get roflstomped when you have perfectly good ships that you can dominate with??

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Anyway, I ASSumed ;) that when the new CM gunship was released, this same requisition would apply. I find it bizarre that it doesn't (and I genuinely believe BW will change this) because for any "advanced" player, there is really little reason to buy the CM ship. As you've pointed out in your case, you already have more req than you can use so the 10% "boost" isn't an advantage and other than having slightly different specs of the same class - something I'm not advanced enough to desire - it's barely enticing. But to my surprise, there was zero ship req for my new gunship. So I thought - "who is this for?" It's only for the brand new, which seems like a pointless waste of a potential market.


It is for the people who are more advanced players and want the option of a slightly different loadout as well as the players that are going to use that extra ship and the req it gets from dailies/weeklies and turn it into fleet req to use on their other ships. This is a big source of income for bioware and while I understand what you mean in your original post, I believe that the change you suggest is never ever going to happen because of the imbalance it would create when a new ship type is released and the people who have been playing since day 1 suddenly have hundreds of thousands of req on a ship while the newer players have less than 20k.

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Think of the fresh new ships as a way to get a fresh new challenge from a game you've spent hours and hours on, without resetting the game, rolling another toon, spending any CC to convert greens to pinks, or even losing any progress you've already made.


I would get tired of stomping the competition over and over again (though some people would not. if you are one of the people who doesn't get tired of not having a challenge, that's fine, but you're not the target the alternate ships are aimed at) and possibly stop que'ing, UNLESS I had access to some type of challenge, the exact type of challenge that brand new, un-upgraded ships provide.


The fact that req can already be transferred from greens to pinks and spent on a fresh ship gives one option of circumventing (or ruining imo) this new challenge, and if the fresh new ship had retroactive access to all the daily/weekly ship req items ever consumed, there would be no access to the fun I get out of said challenge, and less reason for me to queue over time.

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[...]I believe that the change you suggest is never ever going to happen because of the imbalance it would create when a new ship type is released and the people who have been playing since day 1 suddenly have hundreds of thousands of req on a ship while the newer players have less than 20k.


I definitely agree with this. My imp has done a lot of dailies and weeklies - I missed launch day and took a two week vacation, but that's still over a month of dailies and at least four weeklies I have that tomorrow's player will never get. Call that somewhere in the neighborhood of 35k requisition - that's enough to master a weapon. By the time f2p access comes around (which will probably come with several new ships), I'll have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100k+ ship requisition per ship just from dailies and weeklies. Consider that it only costs ~160k requisition to master a (single build of a) ship from stock, and that I already have excess requisition lying around... it just wouldn't be fair. And, of course, that's ~4,000 CCs (around $35) BioWare doesn't get from me, per ship.


Besides, the superior strategy is to simply save your daily and weekly tokens until you get all the ships. A daily token is worth about as much req as one win or two losses, and a weekly about thrice that, so if you can get away with playing a couple more matches a day, there's hardly a downside. It's a practical workaround that requires more study than I think a lot of people are going to do, but for those of us on the forums, it's a very viable strategy. (My character on The Ebon Hawk actually uses daily and weekly tokens to fuel fleet req for buying more ships. Go figure.)


I feel like if you save your daily/weekly tokens, the +10% req that a premium ship gets makes up for the matches you've flown on your other ships (because most people are going to fly matches in the stock/fleet req ships before they buy a cartel ship).


Beyond that, as was already said, cartel ships are good for req buckets and, if they ever release a pretty cartel ship, replacing the "standard" variant for cosmetics.

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It is for the people who are more advanced players and want the option of a slightly different loadout as well as the players that are going to use that extra ship and the req it gets from dailies/weeklies and turn it into fleet req to use on their other ships. This is a big source of income for bioware and while I understand what you mean in your original post, I believe that the change you suggest is never ever going to happen because of the imbalance it would create when a new ship type is released and the people who have been playing since day 1 suddenly have hundreds of thousands of req on a ship while the newer players have less than 20k.


I agree there would be an imbalance. But IMO it's just as fair as those who have hundreds of thousands on ships never used. But I think that's where I disagree with most so maybe you're right. But gosh, wouldn't BW relish the opp to turn that hundred thousand into CCs when people convert to purple?


I also realize that I'm prolly not the target market if this design remains this way. I'll still buy these for new toons for the bonus but honestly I didn't enjoy gsf at the beginning when I was pretty under geared. So for my temperament I'm happy to pay dues on a new toon but not once I've gotten leveled up.

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