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Okay so I just finished makeb and hit 55 on my merc.....I go to start the oricon questline AND......my hunter has a lisp, no joke his voice has a very very noticeable lisp with nearly every sentence.....is this a bug? or what?


anyone else notice this, its.....rly odd lol.

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Denova and dailies before Darvannis featured a really badly recorded Jedi Knight voice. Voice quality was very low which resulted in a slightly different voice. Maybe that's the problem here, too? Sorry, I didn't play BH up to Oricon! ;p



He puts an emphasis on "s" but it's not a lisp to me xd

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Okay so I just finished makeb and hit 55 on my merc.....I go to start the oricon questline AND......my hunter has a lisp, no joke his voice has a very very noticeable lisp with nearly every sentence.....is this a bug? or what?


anyone else notice this, its.....rly odd lol.


Yes and it is completely stupid on BWs behalf. Oricon also. Playing Clint Eastwood with lisp :confused:

Edited by Aetideus
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