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How do I get the D-3X bounty?


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I have been trying since the bounty program started and I have never gotten the D-3X bounty. I have done it on multiple characters during the week and even tried different responses from the informants, different planets, but it has never been offered to me. Is there a trick to getting D-3X?
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According to Dulfy's site, D-3X can be found on Hutta/Ord Mantell, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Alderaan, Voss


Link: http://dulfy.net/2013/07/27/swtor-bounty-contract-week-henchman-bounty-guide/


If you are having trouble getting it, you can reset the mission after talking to the contact. If they give a different target, simply reset the mission, then go interrogate the shady characters again. Repeat until they give you the target you need.

Edited by GatorAndy
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Funny you mention this because I did my very first Bounty Contract this weekend and it ended up being this droid. I found him and fought him perfectly fine... not sure what the issue is! For the record I found him on Coruscant.
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Yeah everyone one has their "White Whale"...


For me its Trubba, have only gotten him once and still need to freeze him to complete my achievement.


As the above poster said it is just the Random Number Gods doing their thing. At least follow Dulfy's advice about picking the right planet then grind, grind, grind. Its all we can do :)


PS. I've had D-3X a heap of times so it really isn't any harder to find him than any others. Just that ramdomness is lumpy. Hence everyone having a different Whale...

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Well, I finally got him. First time I tried GatorAndy's suggestion and deleted the mission by mistake so I went back to the fleet to take it again. Went to Voss and Had to reset 3 times before getting the droid bounty. All I want is to complete the henchman set and it is a real pain.
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