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Want to just thank all the players who over the last couple of years have made this game for me, whether it be my fellow guildmates or my PVP friends/enemies. Special thanks goes to those who made my early morning grinds less tolerable, whether you are a PVPer or a fellow PVEer.


It was good while it lasted but as with all things it must come to an end. For all those people who owe me anything consider your debts cleared.


The daily grind and running the same raid content has just got a little too monotonous, so without further ado I will hand it over to Mr Palin (d'oh Mr. Idle, thanks bran, losing my Monty for that one):


Some things in life are bad

They can really make you sad

Other things just make you swear and curse

When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best...



For the immediate future I will keep my enjin profile and you may find me in other games (look for the Nabi's :D )


I may check in every now and again as new raid content is released but for now Goodbyeeee!!!!!


P.S. Before anyone says, "Can I haz ur stuff!!!" I will spread what little wealth I have left to the people I feel deserve it.

Edited by bsbrad
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Want to just thank all the players who over the last couple of years have made this game for me, whether it be my fellow guildmates or my PVP friends/enemies. Special thanks goes to those who made my early morning grinds less tolerable, whether you are a PVPer or a fellow PVEer.


Man nab'i, you will be missed. You were one of the strong community members that put a good face to our server. I hope to see you again in the next round of swtor. Let me know on enjin what game you are playing. I'll see you there!




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Thank you everyone for all the kind words, I am sure I will pop in from time to time to show people how to heal their fellow PVPers ;) and to try to calm down the QQing on the forums.


The rest of the Solatium crew have also followed to Pandaland (I main Holynabi on Naz'grel at the moment) while we wait for new and exciting content either in this game or elsewhere (Wildstar seems to be the consensus as far as trying out the new MMOs)


As always if you see a Nabi pass by in a game, wave or kill it, your preference.

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