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Robes Falling through Vehicles


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I've seen the thread here before, but I cannot find how far back it goes. This is not listed under the "known bugs" thread.


An example, I utilize the "Sanctifed Carertaker's Robe" (chestpiece, forgive me if I listed it wrong) and most vehicles look ridiculous. I've had this issue with other robes. Now, I've heard that you can rectify this by playing on medium settings or something like that, however that is unacceptable.


Cartel market speeders are great and so are many quest earned vehicles. However, why would I want to ride them when it looks like either my character's robe goes through the bottom of the vehicle or it flies through the back.


The issue is that many of the Cartel Market items are "aesthetic" in nature, however they look ridiculous for most "robe-like" characters. I'm pretty sure that someone tested the items on characters but did someone really not notice "Hmm, that goes through most vehicles you can sit in."


I know that aesthetic issues are below game breaking issues (achievements, class issues, etc.) but this affects the Cartel Market and many characters. Robes, trenchcoats, etc. look ridiculous in seated mounts.


I purchase things off the cartel market after utilizing the "preview" button. However, the preview button does not accurately portray the item in actual use. Now not only am I out the cartel coins, but i'm stuck with an "aesthetic" item that looks ridiculous with other Cartel Market Items.


Since this has been an issue, why not fix the preview window to accurately show how robes are going to function in the vehicle? Or fix the issue completely?





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Why is that when I preview a mount with my robe it looks as intended? When I actually use the mount my robe falls through?


1. Playing in medium settings is not the correct "fix"

2. Is it false advertising? I buy an item expecting it to work one way and then it does not when I receive it. Luckily I only buy from the GTN. Imagine buying an item from the Cartel Market. Would you refund their money for giving them an aesthetic item that does appear the same in the game?

3. If the coding is already in place (when you preview a mount) how much harder can it be to make it work in game?

4. "Don't wear those robes." So I get a Cartel Market item (in this case two, a robe and a mount), but I bought the item that does not work with certain mounts from the same market?


Not a priority to other bugs, I get that. However, someone must have tested these vehicles with character models. Maybe they missed it, because the preview looks right. Or someone was like "Eh its just aesthetic, it's not like we are pushing aesthetic items on them."


Come on.

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Yes really annoying.


Some great costumes with capes or so, look rediculous with some cool mounts.

I have to match all the time some type of mount that fits with a type of clothing that not clips through the mount.

So that means.. Wearing most times or always gear with no cape or mantel.

And that is really a shame, because some of these gears and mounts would look rather cool together.

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Why is that when I preview a mount with my robe it looks as intended? When I actually use the mount my robe falls through?


Because they do not apply game physics/gravity effects in preview, but they do in game. Capes and robes are subject to in game physics/gravity. Have you ever noticed a cape floating up above your head as you drop down in a turbolift?


I'm not really sure they will ever fix this.


Annoying? could be, if you let it. Personally, I'm long past the issue. If they fix it, great, if not.. life goes on IMO.


My bigger concern is if they try to fix it.. they may bork visual effects up even worse, like clipping your robe.

Edited by Andryah
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