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How much req does it take


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I've been leveling a toon from 1-55 entirely through GSF (haven't even left Ord Mantell for class quests yet).


After making the req to buy my Flashfire and buying 0 upgrades for any other ship, it took me from levels 6-30 to master it, just so you have an idea of the time frame. For the purposes of what I was doing, I did not convert ANY ship req into fleet req EXCEPT the first 5000 to buy the Flashfire.


Course now I'm 41, and have made so much req that I've mastered almost every single component type just for giggles - the only thing i haven't finished upgrading is sabotage probe.


I'd save it to convert to fleet for a bomber but the cost to convert as much req as I'll have by then will be nearly 100 dollars, if not more. It gets expensive - I did it on my sage when GSF first launched so I could master her Pike quickly and spent over 40 dollars on cartel coins. Yikes.

Edited by silvershadows
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I think someone posted 307000 earlier (i didn't count it myself))


That's way too much for simply mastering a single component in each slot and way too little for mastering everything available.


It takes at least 152.5k req to master a ship. If nothing that came stock was something you wanted to use, it would take 165.5k req to master the ship. In practice, you need something somewhere between the two.


Five-tier major components cost (1k + 2.5k + 5k + 10k + 15k = ) 33.5k req to fully upgrade. They also cost 2k req to buy, if they're not part of the stock components.


Three-tier major components cost (1k + 5k + 10k = ) 16k req to fully upgrade. If they're not part of the stock ship, they cost 1.5k req to load on.


Minor components cost (1k + 1.5k + 2.5k = ) 5k req to fully upgrade, and 1k req to unlock.

Edited by Armonddd
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That's way too much for simply mastering a single component in each slot and way too little for mastering everything available.


It takes at least 152.5k req to master a ship. If nothing that came stock was something you wanted to use, it would take 165.5k req to master the ship. In practice, you need something somewhere between the two.


Five-tier major components cost (1k + 2.5k + 5k + 10k + 15k = ) 33.5k req to fully upgrade. They also cost 2k req to buy, if they're not part of the stock components.


Three-tier major components cost (1k + 5k + 10k = ) 16k req to fully upgrade. If they're not part of the stock ship, they cost 1.5k req to load on.


Minor components cost (1k + 1.5k + 2.5k = ) 5k req to fully upgrade, and 1k req to unlock.




Well that's a relief.

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Well that's a relief.


It's half of what you probably first thought, but it's still a lot.


This is exactly why I recommend all players unlock all nine ships before using your daily and weekly reward tokens (except for the weekly token that gives a flat 500 fleet req, since that's independent of the number of ships you own). The amount of req you can get from them is massive. You can either save it for when you feel like upgrading that particular ship, or you can use cartel coins to transfer it to fleet req and master a particular ship much more quickly.

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or you can use cartel coins to transfer it to fleet req and master a particular ship much more quickly.



Like I said in my previous post, the cost for that can get *awful* high. I really only suggest doing it if you have the cash to spare or just need a small boost to get that last component.

Edited by silvershadows
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Like I said in my previous post, the cost for that can get *awful* high. I really only suggest doing it if you have the cash to spare or just need a small boost to get that last component.


Oh, definitely. It's still a possibility, though, and it's something some players will want to do, so I mention it.


And, of course, subscribers and people with authenticators get free CCs each month, so they have some to burn on GSF if they want to.

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True but for example -


Currently if I convert all my ship req to fleet req, (25,800 total cause I just finished upgrading one last component), it would cost 1,032 cartel coins. That's 10 bucks right there, and 25k won't even fully master a main component from scratch.


You're looking at 40 + dollars to master a ship, and you have to fly ships to convert the req so you may as well just fly the ship you intend to upgrade a lot and get the req on it, unless you have the cash laying around.


I've used my last two monthly grants on converting to fleet req for my sage's pike and whatnot, but still needed to buy additional coins out the wazoo to master it.


Of course, there's nothing wrong with doing it if you have the cash to spare. I do wish they would give us an in-game credit option to do it though - currently it is the ONLY thing you can buy with cartel coins that you cannot also purchase in game with credits via another player, the gtn, or legacy level bonuses.

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4 minor components x 5k each = 20k

2 engine/shield/system x 17500 each = 35K

3 weapons systems x 34k each = 102 k


So 157000 requisition, as a ballpark figure, cause this is from memory and for some of the lower tier upgrades I can't remember if they were 1000 or 1500 req.


That's enough to master one build on a particular starship. If you want to master all possible builds on a specific ship multiply by three and then add an extra 36k for unlocking component slots.


So for maximum mastering all components on all ships, roughly half a million req per ship, times 8 non-cartel ships.


You should be good to go with about 4 million requision. So if you're a decent pilot and a subscriber, maybe on the order of 3000 GSF matches, an excellent pilot working dailies, weeklys, and mastered ships for bonus req might cut that to less than 2000 GSF matches. Maybe even less than 1500 matches, I haven't tallied up how much you can squeeze out if you're working the system for every possible bonus requisition point. If you really want to master all of the ships to the max, you'd better make a spreadsheet and figure it out though, because getting max bonus req will make a BIG difference in that case.

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It's half of what you probably first thought, but it's still a lot.


This is exactly why I recommend all players unlock all nine ships before using your daily and weekly reward tokens (except for the weekly token that gives a flat 500 fleet req, since that's independent of the number of ships you own). The amount of req you can get from them is massive. You can either save it for when you feel like upgrading that particular ship, or you can use cartel coins to transfer it to fleet req and master a particular ship much more quickly.


Well, some might not want to buy the two cartel ones :p


And as stated, not all have the money to even convert a fraction of what they'd get

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(haven't even left Ord Mantell for class quests yet).


Does this mean you haven't been doing the Daily/Weekly GSF quests?

I didn't think there was a GSF terminal on the starter planets. (there are terminals on Fleet and Capitol World)

That would be a LOT of lost Req if true.

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Does this mean you haven't been doing the Daily/Weekly GSF quests?

I didn't think there was a GSF terminal on the starter planets. (there are terminals on Fleet and Capitol World)

That would be a LOT of lost Req if true.


No, because those are tied to GSF, I do the daily/weekly. I left Ord Mantell when I hit level 8 and went to the fleet - have been standing in the same spot on the rail next to the PVP terminal ever since :p I meant that I haven't even done any of my class quest yet.


I haven't gotten any experience points in any other manner than GSF and GSF dailies/weeklies, however.

Edited by silvershadows
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It costs a minimum of 147,500 and a maximum of 160,500 to master a ship.


Each ship has three expensive primary components. These have 1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, and 15k. These components are 33,500 each.

Each ship then has two less expensive primary components. These have 1k, 2.5k and 10k. These components are 13,500 each.

Then each ship has 4 secondary components. Each secondary is 1000, 1500 and 2500. These components are 5000 each.


You will probably not be happy with your default components in all cases and have to unlock a couple, but these range from 1k to 2k.



OP, please put these numbers in your original post so that if someone searches in here they can find it.

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