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15 kills, 12 Assists, 2 deaths and 90,000 damage in my last match. Yes, that's what a GUNSHIP did....we lost 1000-996. And you mean to tell me that's NOT overpowered and unbalanced? LMAO. Bioware get a clue. I get one shot from Scouts, people who are jumping all over the screen. Edited by OpeningToEndgame
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You earned the MVP for "most obfuscated thread title" and "most confuse post". I do not even know if you are ironic or not about being overpowered.


Yeah, so you killed many people, assisted a lot and made a lot of damage... you still lost though and I bet that a scout got more ship req. for hugging a sat.


Oh and also you did not get one shot. You might have taken a lot of damage from the shot that killed you... My scout sometimes does 1200dmg or even more on a lucky crit, but that does not kill a gunship, that is at full shield and full hull. You were either damaged already or you were taking multiple hits.

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Troll detected. Total damage done means nothing. Ion cannon is aoe and can be spammed. The gunship can even sit by the spawnship and attack the turrets to get a high overall dmg.


Proof of this is in the stats the OP already stated. There is no possible way anyone could legitimately do that damage with the stated stats.


For instance, about an hr ago i did 65k damage, had 27 kills, 17 assists and 0 deaths.

Edited by renegadeimp
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I've gotten similar k/a/d ratio on my strike fighter. The fact that your match's final score was 1000-996 means that things are fairly well balanced.


... and lasted a long time... so plenty of time to do some damage to shields... have those pesky shields recharge and do some more?

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Troll detected.


Really from you. Pot calls the kettle black. I've seen you reply to so many many threads and provide no value and essentially imply that conversation is pointless.


While I agree that this is not proof at all that GS is overpowered. Further I agree that the OP of this thread has a reputation for bad threads, and his Tilte is go back to school but a good one this time wrong.

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Really from you. Pot calls the kettle black. I've seen you reply to so many many threads and provide no value and essentially imply that conversation is pointless.


While I agree that this is not proof at all that GS is overpowered. Further I agree that the OP of this thread has a reputation for bad threads, and his Tilte is go back to school but a good one this time wrong.


Show me ONE thread that fills your description of my posting. I post fact when i reply. YOU and others post conjecture and unlikely scenarios, then claim it happens all the time.

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