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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: January 21st


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On January 21st, all game servers and swtor.com will be unavailable while we perform maintenance. Patch 2.5.2a will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows:


Date: Tuesday January 21st, 2014

Duration: 2 hours

Time: 3AM PST (11AM GMT) - 5AM PST (1PM GMT)


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

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What will be fixed? I hope the AFKers using bots on GSF 24/7.


:d_evil: Agreement: Or how Gunships are able to snipe players through the construction environment on the Makeb GSF B satellite (unless that's not how that works, in which case, I have some folks to report) That and the ability to leave a GSF match while it's going.


:d_evil: Statement: Too many players are treating it like they did the War Zones. They leave when things go bad. Players shouldn't be allowed to leave War Zones, and they DEFINITELY should NOT be allowed to leave GSF matches once the match has started.


:d_evil: Mockery: But then that's punishing players who are sucked into a losing War Zone that they don't want to be a part of.


:d_evil: Retort: That's the luck of the draw. The point is to get those who don't know how or refuse to be a team player to either learn to work with others and blame themselves for their own faults, or quit playing in them.


:d_evil: Mockery: But then your singling players out. That's not a nice thing to do.


:d_evil: Irritated Retort: Those players are like meatbags that cause trouble at a party. Eventually they will be ignored by enough people that they will either shape up or find something else to do. If they don't want to be upbuilding and helpful, then that's what they deserve. They can't get better if they don't learn that doing that is wrong.


:d_evil: Admission: I used to do that too when it came to a specific War Zone that I really dislike. But I learned very quickly how nobody likes it when team members start leaving. Specifically when things have just started to go bad.


:d_evil: Reminder: And don't forget, I'm the one who's writing this. That means that this includes me too. I can get sucked into a losing match. And I don't like to lose a match. If those players don't want to be mature, then the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer it. And being sucked into a losing match is much better than having to suffer through an entire match with one or more who badmouth and don't want to work together.

Edited by HKtheindomitable
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Calm down, If they aren't telling us the patch notes now, They are fixing an exploit. and hopefully the Frenzied Zealot armor's bugs.


It has wrong colouring, doesn't it?


I hope they will add the new direct purchase Jedi armor (hopefully it's gonna be Kotor 1 set!) by 2.6! I plan to get back into raiding with new buffs :]

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They never post the patch notes until Monday night (UTC) 'cos they don't finish breaking new things until then :D


(Seriously they have a list of things that they want to patch, but until Monday are never sure which will make it to the live patch, due to last minute bugs appearing etc.)

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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:d_evil: Statement: Too many players are treating it like they did the War Zones. They leave when things go bad. Players shouldn't be allowed to leave War Zones, and they DEFINITELY should NOT be allowed to leave GSF matches once the match has started.


Problem: They would just go AFK and prevent backfill by someone who may still want to play the Warzone during the remaining time, regardless of the outcome. Also would not solve the problem of someone just closing out of the client.

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Fixing the no sound bug in GSF?


Pretty please :jawa_angel:


Yeah, I'd like this one fixed too. I've been choosing not to play GSF because of it. Really hard to tell whats going on when I can't hear a thing.. including being hit. I know they're "Aware of the problem", but that's an excuse being overused in MMO's now, so overused that CRYPTIC and STO used it that they finally decided that the issue with Season 8 Preventing players from logging in wasn't their fault and arbitrarily decided it was fixed and left many of us hanging out to dry (Which sucks for me as I was a founder and LTS member of STO).


If Bio Ware does this then I think I'll give up on games, MMO's especially as Bio Ware in truth is my favorite game developer and if they pull the "We can't fix it" card and then says "Its resolved, sorry" then I'll be done with games.

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Problem: They would just go AFK and prevent backfill by someone who may still want to play the Warzone during the remaining time, regardless of the outcome. Also would not solve the problem of someone just closing out of the client.


:d_evil: Correction: The ignore list keeps player's from being queued with such ones. If players don't notice the little purple guy on the map just sitting off in the corner where nothing is happening/will happen for half the match and put that player on the ignore list, they will get queued up with that player.


:d_evil: Statement: As far as those who close the client, there's only so much that can be done to prevent foolish meatbags from causing trouble. One way is to force a password reset for those who close and open their client so many times (about 3 to 5 times) within an hour to half-hour. Along with a long wait to be able to queue up for anything again.


:d_evil: Query: But won't that cause queue times to take longer?


:d_evil: Answer: Only for those trouble making meatbags who were mentioned in my previous post. Meanwhile, all the others who wish to have a good time playing the WZ/GSF, even if they lose, will be in match after match. The queue times should get shortened because there will be little back-fill, there will be only (or at least mostly) matches with/against those who will actually do something.


:d_evil: Query: What if they leave once every hour?


:d_evil: Answer: Then that's 2 of 5+ matches every hour that has potential trouble, which is better than it happening every match.


:d_evil: Recitation: And again, as long as you have those players in your Ignore list, you don't have to worry about queueing up with them.


:d_evil: Side note: The numbers I have used are for example purposes only. They are not to be taken as absolute solution.

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