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Premade Play is an Entirely Different Game than Pug Play


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Ummm it defaults to kills... nothing else (though I admit I do not know what takes precedence over a tie in kills)

I've been 2nd in kills by a few and first in everything else and yeah... it is not some weird combining thing like you "know" it to be.


I have to take your word for now, but I could swear I see players with less kills higher than others when their other scores are much beefier, so I thought it must be an overall combination.

I could be mistaken, as I don't pay THAT much attention to it other than the usual quick glance.

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I have to take your word for now, but I could swear I see players with less kills higher than others when their other scores are much beefier, so I thought it must be an overall combination.

I could be mistaken, as I don't pay THAT much attention to it other than the usual quick glance.


Nah, it sorts by kills, ties broken by (I believe) damage.


Either way, sorting by kills is worthless. I generally sort by damage and run an eye down the other columns before I leave.

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Oh and for the record, objectives count is basically number of seconds within defense range of your satellite. (you get 1 offensive point for a complete capture, no matter how long it takes)


I'd personally call that important (guarding your "point getter") but not the be-all-end-all argument for what mattered the most for a team's win (or loss).


We all have roles to play to get a win. Killing the enemy is a way to prevent them from performing their strategy to win.

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Nah, it sorts by kills, ties broken by (I believe) damage.


Either way, sorting by kills is worthless. I generally sort by damage and run an eye down the other columns before I leave.


Yep, my mistake, I just noticed there was a a tiny half transparent arrow defaulted to kill count in the match I played since my post.


My personal style is side defending nodes rather than actually sitting on them in a strike or GS so it was easy for me to just assume my kill count + assists were adding up to more than some other achievements.


But I agree the board is pretty moot as kill counts = Killing blows, Assists can e achieved by popping a single ding on an enemy and nothing more, node cap score can be gained by camping a sat for the entire match without being engaged, damage score is a little more true than the rest IMO, though there is still something to be said for a player who scrapes a decent amount of shields but can't finish the job.


But hey, the scores will never be able to determine contribution very well without some over the top love from the designers, and that is pretty pointless obviously.

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Ok I just checked how it sorts ties... there appears to be no rhyme or reason to it... I even checked alphabetically... not that either.


The only thing that may be a factor is if two people each get 6 kills, that the 1st one to get his 6th gets listed higher...

(checked assists, deaths, total damage, DPS, hit %, objectives, medals, alphabetical order) All were disproved on one scoreboard (had ties at several numbers which made it easier)

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I'm not going to stop playing with my guild/friends because it makes you unhappy.


We do use voice chat, though at any given time only part of our team is in there. Hell, I prefer listening to Rammstein while I'm flying (it makes me better, I swear!) so I'd rather NOT be in voice chat. It really doesn't make a difference, there is no real reason in GSF to coordinate targets since everything dies in a couple seconds or less, and you'd have to be blind to not see the indicator blinking to know which satellite is under attack.


We go up against premades on the other side all the time. I don't know, nor care, if they are using voice chat.


We've been beaten solidly by pugs who just outflew us. We've beaten pugs into the ground. We've beaten other premades into the ground and been beaten in by them as well.


GSF is more about individual skill and spatial awareness than anything else.

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Same pug vs premade arguments. The people hammering on this thread are the ones reaping the benefits of the current matchmaking.


Here are the three established truths of PVP:


1. PUGs don't enjoy playing Premades

2. Premades love to play PUGs

3. Premade don't particularly enjoy playing other premades

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I don't think there should be a solo and group queue. You think premades are at an advantage. They can be but not as much as you think. When you see a blinking light that means that, that satellite is under attack and whomever can help should get over there to help. You can also see on the map where your team and the other team is so you know where to go.


I play both as a premade and as a solo and I see no difference between the win/loose ratio between the two.

Edited by Mdgshorty
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Same pug vs premade arguments. The people hammering on this thread are the ones reaping the benefits of the current matchmaking.


Here are the three established truths of PVP:


1. PUGs don't enjoy playing Premades

2. Premades love to play PUGs

3. Premade don't particularly enjoy playing other premades


Actually, we'd rather play against a premade and get a good fight. Luckily, we do, quite often. And luckily, there are some pretty good pilots on our server who not only group up but solo queue consistently (I solo queue all the time, for example, if guildies are doing something else or if it is late/early and people aren't on).


When we get a group of ace pilots against us, it doesn't matter if they're grouped, or in voice chat. They can give us a run for our money, and can also beat us, if they fly better.


There isn't much fun in stomping the other side 1000 to 1 or 1000 to 300. It discourages them and they dont want to queue anymore. On the other hand, I don't want to hand them anything because you don't learn and get better by having things handed to you.


Pre-mades are a part of MMO's. They have always been here, and always will be here. They are less of an issue in GSF - it isn't that you have a group of good pilots in voice chat, or even in a group together. It's just that you have a group of good pilots in the same game together.

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A PuG should only play against a PuG.


If these Premade-Freaks want to play in their Group.... and theres no other Premade Group.... so what.... who cares.


Its the only way for getting a fair play !


But i am sure... the devs dont care 'bout it....

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A PuG should only play against a PuG.


If these Premade-Freaks want to play in their Group.... and theres no other Premade Group.... so what.... who cares.


Its the only way for getting a fair play !


But i am sure... the devs dont care 'bout it....


And we'd still play in a group, we'd just all queue at the same time, solo.


You get this in 'solo ranked' queue all the time as it is.


Suggestion: Make a friend or two.

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I came back to the game after over a year to play the GSF. It was fun, and I actually leveled up to 55 and got an alt to 40 and started taking in other new content as well. This week things seem to have gone to ****, though.


I mostly gunship, but I usually start in a scout. Time was I'd race to an objective that my teammates were heading to, we'd talk in chat beforehand and send a gunship to whichever someone was scout rushing if one was available. If you can ninja the satellite, awesome. If not, you tried to keep the enemy occupied on the side of the satellite where your teams gunship was parked. It was fun, and didn't always work out, but was a pretty solid strategy.


As a gunship I'd usually wind up with some cover as well, with teammates paying attention to where enemies were in relation to the gunship. Fully upgraded Ion cannon meant they'd get easy kills by defending me, and I dominated damage dealt/assists.


Now, though, the game is a cluster****. I either wind up with a team of people who've been playing and we wipe the floor with new players, or the other way around. I haven't had a single close match in either direction, and it is damned annoying. I usually wind up with the highest damage now still, sure, but my assists are almost always single digits as the total kill count for the rest of my team rarely breaks 5. If I go slug I can "help" by landing kills, but I've started matches by getting the first 5 kills only to be stomped on once the enemy team decided to kick my ***. Can't really hold my own when 4 scouts can spend the entire match chasing me around if my team can't take on a 7v4 fight with the rest of them.


I've uninstalled and unsubbed. It was a fun break from normality this winter, but as a casual player who can only pick up an hour or two every other night at best while my partner sleeps it isn't something that can work for me. Have fun, all, I'll come check it out a few months from now. Hopefully it'll either be fun again as skill level differences stop mattering so much, but I'm guessing I'll wind up seeing even more disparity and 1337-posturing.

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A PuG should only play against a PuG.


If these Premade-Freaks want to play in their Group.... and theres no other Premade Group.... so what.... who cares.


Its the only way for getting a fair play !


But i am sure... the devs dont care 'bout it....


people that want to play a game with their friends and guild members in a multi-player game are not freaks by a long shot... you know what is freaky though, people that demand to play a multi-player game like it's a single-player game... and demanding that people that want to play with their friends and guild members be left out of said multi-player game so someone can play it like a single-player game... and before you say it; i mostly PUG, it's not often i have a wingman with me... so :p Mr. Hurtbottom...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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people that want to play a game with their friends and guild members in a multi-player game are not freaks by a long shot... you know what is freaky though, people that demand to play a multi-player game like it's a single-player game... and demanding that people that want to play with their friends and guild members be left out of said multi-player game so someone can play it like a single-player game... and before you say it; i mostly PUG, it's not often i have a wingman with me... so :p Mr. Hurtbottom...


People who wants to get an not fair advance.... by starting a pre made group are always freaks. If they dont find any other gang who wants tp play premade vs premade.... they can queue as solo player....


I dont care of such premade cheaters!!!

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People who wants to get an not fair advance.... by starting a pre made group are always freaks. If they dont find any other gang who wants tp play premade vs premade.... they can queue as solo player....


I dont care of such premade cheaters!!!


Wow, calling people freaks and cheaters... great way to endear yourself to the community.

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I'm not that concerned about "premades", then I am concerned about AFKs and cowboys. I get tired of being the leader in a pug and watching my team just scatter across the playing field like a basket of loose puppies. Why I made that metaphor, I don't know.


What I do know is that folks that have played since early access consistently that have geared up their favorite fighter are top the board. I fly with people who just randomly shoot their guns at nothing, or don't realize the distance gap, or fly in a straight line for too long. So, just chill out will you.

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People who wants to get an not fair advance.... by starting a pre made group are always freaks. If they dont find any other gang who wants tp play premade vs premade.... they can queue as solo player....


I dont care of such premade cheaters!!!



Sweetheart, you've got some issues.


Pop some xanax or smoke a bowl or something and calm down.

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Update: I was really hoping that allowing the preferred status into the mix would've watered down the frequency of premade but so far it hasn't .


If you've been playing since december, and asuming the matchmaking works, it should put you against other 'playing since december' pilots more often than not(and put the preferreds against each other). So the frequency of the premades(composed of oldtimers) you see in your matches shouldn't change much.

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even preferred players wanna play with their friends and guildies... get over it, being a lone wolf is your choice and that includes everything that comes with it... i don't whine about "premades" when i'm flying solo, and no one else should either... suck it up and learn to play with others or accept the consequences of your decision not to...
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firstly, i am a pug gsf player, i love gsf and its all im doing currently.


hell NO to seperate queues, i dont want a seperate queue for premades and solo's and thats comming from a pug.


seperate queues youll see pop times increase. your also admitting you cant do anything against a premade.


ill give u a example of a match last night in my scout that i dont play much, was in a god aweful team against a few i know always team up, i started trying to organise the pugs, yes u guessed it they didnt listen to a damn word, so few mins into match decided to play as a solo scout, i went from point C taking there cap off, to B doing same then to A and repeated this process over and over they lost every base none stop to me, we still lost but if i could do that if my pug team had a ounce of skill we would have won, how do i know that? next 5-6 games i saw some regulars on my team that were ALL solo queues and that same enemy team we battered up and down every match because we worked together and we were all solo queues.


Before calling premades look at yourself and those around u in pug matches. play as 8/12 solo pugs you will lose.


Then on the other hand there not always premades i know this because ive talked to them when i swapped faction to a lowbie and queued myself and saw there "premade" in a rep v rep match split on both teams, last time i checked premades dont do that and cant do that.


i really hope bioware never introduces seperate match making like being asked for.

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I said nothing of the sort, also, I rarely lose.

A true premade is indistinguishable from pug players 90% of the time, but when the second you start tailing one known Voip'er and 6 people all dart at you from across the map, without that player taking any sort of pause to possibly call for help, well, this is really self explanatory..


If you have any issue with VOIPers, why dont you start VOIPing? IDK why in an MMO, this is an issue. I use VOIP in ops, so why wouldn't I use it in PVP? Get a mumble or vent or TS and a headset. Then tell the people that you play with to do the same.


Similarly to an op, if you do a PUG, it's gonna suck relative to if you're in a guild that all has a VOIP service and can communicate without typing. There is no issue here, just a lack of hardware for you to compete against those groups that are coordinating over VOIP.

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Regarding VOIP: If that is a prerequisite then it's all the more necessary to separate queues. What I suspect is that the majority will enjoy the more random games where everyone is a solo pugger, the result being more people will GSF solo queue. Based on the massive support seen here on the forums of premades I'm sure the group queue would do just as well even better. wink wink.


Regarding Matchmaking:

Our server has so few regular gsf'ers on the imp side that our irregulars of new people with just two ships are thrown up against solid blocks of multiple teams of 4 who have all ship slots filled. Within seconds they acquire two bases and use the third contested base as gunship target practice.

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