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New Players: DO THIS FIRST!


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Realize that Galactic Starfighter has Dailys and Weekly Missions. They can be located at the PVP terminal on the Fleet in the Combat Area.



Daily: Provides you with 750 Ship Requisition (PER EVERY SHIP YOU OWN!!!) per a day. All that is required is that you either A) win (1) match or B) loss (2) matches.


Weekly: Provides you with 2500 Ship Requisition (PER EVERY SHIP YOU OWN!!!) and 500 Fleet Requisition. All that is required is that you either A) win (4) matches, B) loss (7) matches or C) a combination of both which equals 7.


Overall, do these when you can and you will level up equipment fast and even the ships you aren't actively playing get to level up equipment for no additional cost.

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Note that you can hold these. They are items that you can put in your bank. If you are planning on unlocking Cartel Coin ships, do that BEFORE you start clicking your req builders.



You start with the Novadive/Blackbolt and the Starguard/Rycer. You can, for cartel coins, straight up by a Gladiator/Enforcer, which is the exact same thing as the Starguard/Rycer with a different skin- and of course if you really like this ship, you could bring two to a game with different loadouts and swap between each time you die (you cannot change the ship's loadout except between matches when not queued).


You can also, for cartel coins, buy a Skybolt/Oculus. This ship is mechanically the same, not with the starting scout, but the scout that begins locked, the Flashfire/Sting.



For 5000 req each, you can unlock the Flashfire/Sting, another scout, and the Pike/Quell, another strike fighter than can bring two types of missiles to bear but only one type of blaster.



You can also unlock for fleet requisition two types of Gunships. The cartel versions of those are rare drops in the cartel packs (dogfighter's).






What follows is a statement someone will disagree with, but, don't. It's generally true.


You should be interested in the Quarrel/Mangler (the gunship that can get an ion cannon) and/or the Flashfire/Sting (the scout unlockable with fleet req) and/or the Occulus/Skybolt (the scout you can buy for cartel coins). These ships are very effective and almost all the QQ threads are about them. If you decide that you really like the playstyle of another ship, that is fine- you can be effective in any ship, and strike fighters (of which the Quell/Pike is generally considered a bit better) have things they can do that the others cannot, even though I didn't list them. But if you were wondering where the power is at, that's where the power is at. But you can be good in anything.

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