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Imperial Agent Ending - Need help!


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Good day to all. And I need help with Imperial Agent Storyline end ( chapter 3)



So, I am at the turning point of what to do with black codex. Intelligence was disassmbled at the start of chapter 3, and i read there is an option to rebuild intelligence

Something like this


Neutralish: Imperial Intelligence goes on as normal, you stay on as Cipher Nine.


Basically in this ending, the Minister of Intelligence(aka Keeper during the Prologue-beginning of Chapter 2) uses the Black Codex you get at the end of the game to to blackmail the crap out of the Sith and let them keep Imperial Intelligence going as normal. To get this ending, you have to pretty much be neutral and give the Black Codex to the Minister of Intelligence at the end of the game. THE SITH WILL ASK YOU FOR IT FIRST, DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. You can either lie or straight out say no. If you make too many LS choices, you will piss off the Sith to the point they pretty much don't allow Intelligence to continue as is.

In my opinion, if there would be a canon ending, this is probably it.




I was trying to get that ending, but all what Minister offers me - is to go rogue. What am I doing wrong?



Does it matter, that I let Ardun Kothe live?



P.S Coulnt find any video of that ending. But it was said in different threads that it exists, so I wonder.

Edited by Ash_Alone
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I'm pretty sure the ending you linked was removed in Beta.


The most nuetral thing you can do now is


Keep the codex, erase your identity.



And no it doesn't matter that you



Let Ardun Kothe live, but it does matter if you gave him the codex when he asks for it. If you didn't, you're fine.


Edited by chuixupu
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