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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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See now normally I do a monthly post asking for the Imperial Knights set....But I think I will finally stop, not because it won't happen.. but simply to SAVE it from being destroyed from BW...


So far 80% of their Lore friendly outfits they have released have been an abomination and completely wrong on many levels and just look complete garbage, so yeah, gonna stop asking for it for fears they will utterly destroy it :-P

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Here is another request for the Jedi Character Creation Armor.


As has been mentioned before, by me and others, this is the only character creation armor that is not available. (The last Character Creation armor to be released was the Bounty Hunter's set back in March 26th, 2013 as part of patch 1.7.3.)


Please note, the Jedi Character Creation Armor *is not* the Valiant Jedi Armor Set.

Here are some links to help see the differences:

Jedi Character Creation Armor

Valiant Jedi Armor Set

As you can see, the armors are significantly different.


Another interesting fact:

when doing the Boarding Party (on the Imperial side) about a third of the Jedi's defending the ship are wearing... wait for it... the Jedi Knight character creation armor.


It is already in the game. All that is needed is to take those assets, make them Adaptive, give them a nice little name (ex: Devoted Defender :)) and put the result on the Cartel Market.


Here's hoping :).


YEA LETS add more jedi robes that are bath robes and close to the vliant jedi armor and battlelord set. which is already in the game. there are plenty of sets close enough to that . the only difference is the bracers. and the shoulder pads

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  • "Outlander armor", as shown on the character depicted in the trailer and gameplay demos. This means it uses the chestpiece model with the lowered hood.
  • Republic Spacetrooper armor, complete with advanced thruster pack on the back which can use jetpack ability FX.
  • Imperial Spacetrooper armor, complete with advanced thruster pack on the back which can use jetpack ability FX.
  • Carapaced biotech armor.
  • Cinematic Imperial Trooper armor.

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I would like to see some of those revanite jedi outfits for sale, loved the design that went into some of them.


Also a Voss Diplomat type armor - sort of designed this way. It is a loose edit of a cgi but something along these lines sort of a cropped jacket type thing. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e277/CruciatusCurse/designswrt3_zpsrutkflsw.png Dyeable of course.

Edited by Tourmaline
needed to add
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The new KotFE chick's outfit (I know her name, but I am not saying it to avoid spoilers) complete with the ************ HAIR showing with her hood!!! (If you don't mind spoilers, watch the latest august 26th Twitch Stream for KotFE... you'll know her when you see her just by what I said here)


Knowing her name is Vaylin is hardly a spoiler. Bioware has her listed on the main KOTFE site with in-game screenshots with her name written on them.


I would like to see some of those revanite jedi outfits for sale, loved the design that went into some of them.


99% of them are either obtainable from the CM or are weird dyejobs of existing pieces.

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The new KotFE chick's outfit (I know her name, but I am not saying it to avoid spoilers) complete with the ************ HAIR showing with her hood!!! (If you don't mind spoilers, watch the latest august 26th Twitch Stream for KotFE... you'll know her when you see her just by what I said here)


her armor is sweet looking. im sure we'll get it.. they have released alot of in game iconic charcters armors.. satele shan... thana vesh.. tons

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I know a similar model already exists in the game as is, but I would love to see Darth Jadus' armor added to the game, specifically his helmet.


- Helmet

- His armor


Additionally, I'd LOVE to see the armor Revan wore in Knights of the Old Republic during his Darth Revan time added. I'm not a huge fan of the armor he currently has in-game (or had, I guess.)


- His armor Yes, I'm aware this is a drawing, but it is what he wore in game (he used PANTS not lower robes Bioware, come on!)

- A close-up for detailing purposes


Finally, can you PLEASE give this thread the Sticky-treatment?

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I know a similar model already exists in the game as is, but I would love to see Darth Jadus' armor added to the game, specifically his helmet.
That helmet is also already in the game. It's a standard piece of the Phantom & Classic Phantom armor sets, and the entirety of the rest of his armor can be found complete in the Malevolent Interrogator Armor Set. If you enjoy a bit of light-up action, the Charged and Overloaded Interrogator sets are also the same.


For an Imperial character (thanks to faction fashion differences), I believe you can also find crafted helms which are identical in appearance. I'm all in favor of singular sets that are interesting, but we've got enough recolors of existing models, don't we?

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- His armor Yes, I'm aware this is a drawing, but it is what he wore in game (he used PANTS not lower robes Bioware, come on!)



He actually did wore robes in KotOR. BUT, on a similar note, I would love to see some more chestpieces that include a... drape, I guess? Something like a tunic. I love that look, especially since a lot of my characters are very mobile (I hold that it's a bad idea to wear a dress in an acrobatic sword fight), but I don't care for the pants-look very much. And so often in the current game the d****** comes from the belts, which I have never been a fan of. Just more of them, and a lot more variety.

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You know, I'd love to see a Sith Mask that looks similar to this. It definitely has that dark look to it, and considering the Tuk'ata are wolfish, it could even be named after them. Of course, some modifications would have to be made so it fits the look better, by adding either the lower fangs and/or the horns on the back of the mask.
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Knowing her name is Vaylin is hardly a spoiler. Bioware has her listed on the main KOTFE site with in-game screenshots with her name written on them.




99% of them are either obtainable from the CM or are weird dyejobs of existing pieces.


Not everyone looks at those pages, so yes that could still be a spoiler. I knew a girl that merely telling her that the first Mass Effect game has a guy named Garrus that likes to calibrate things made her go off on me. So, I feel now it's better to err on the side of caution, because I don't know what you consider to be a spoiler.

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