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Server With +90% Republic Win


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For those who want regular (not ranked) well over 90% win rate go play Republic side on Tomb of Freedon Nadd Europe. Its designated English but you will find just about every language spoken. Ranked solo is well and alive and its about 50/50 and active ranked teams on all night.



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I think TRE is more in favor of the pubs than TOFN is, TOFN balanced out pretty well just before my departure. If I were to guess I'd say that the main reason might have been that a bunch of the decent people, for one or another reason, decided to play ranked on their imp chars and carried that over to normals. Perhaps they've gone back to the goodie-two-shoes side. Edited by MidichIorian
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Let me see. Last week I think it was 3 people so fed up with repubs they said they were finally leveling imps. So I bet the op is imperial and looking for more easy derps to kill, or he's from another server and trying to dump his derps onto Tomb.


or you can go to the server and see for your self..or even go to server forums and ask...



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Let me see. Last week I think it was 3 people so fed up with repubs they said they were finally leveling imps. So I bet the op is imperial and looking for more easy derps to kill, or he's from another server and trying to dump his derps onto Tomb.


The op is right. I play daily on TOFN and Reps are rolling the most Warzones. The best time to play Imps is (according to my observations) around midnight or early in the noon. Afternoon and evenings are heavily dominated by Reps.


In the rankeds (yolo) I would say that Imps are slightly better - 60/40.


Dunno why. I don't wanna really speculate.

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The op is right. I play daily on TOFN and Reps are rolling the most Warzones. The best time to play Imps is (according to my observations) around midnight or early in the noon. Afternoon and evenings are heavily dominated by Reps.


In the rankeds (yolo) I would say that Imps are slightly better - 60/40.


Dunno why. I don't wanna really speculate.


Imps in ranked is more like 70/30 or 80/20 - it's equally imbalanced there as it is in normals, just in the favor of imps...


Example: I went from 1400 rating to 1230 in the matter of a few games with the EXACT same playstyle of mine being used by me... Though at the time I think I remember seeing a surge of really bad players; might be the possible answer.


(And my results at the end of an arena would almost be identical in a lost one to a won one; ofc that is if I didn't get brutally murdered in a matter of seconds, so it's not a l2p issue on my side. On the other hand, it might be that I use the, hands down, worst class in YOLO ranked after gunslinger, the infamous commando)




Now, some might wonder: "But why don't you play normal queue?"


The answer is simple: My computer runs at 5-7 FPS in 8v8 warzone. It's not funny. Not the slightest bit.

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Not sure where you get those percentages from op. Solo arena is better imp side though imo. Regs - I have toons both sides - many terrible players on both factions but imps do have some solid premades , reps on the other hand - not so many good ones (again my opinion).


A lot of people rerolled imps because of some really bad players rep side in arena solo - I do far better on my sorc than sage in arena simply because the majority of arena solo players imp side are more team orientated in my experience. Most of my toons are rep though, and this morning I would say I won more games rep side than I lost (solo queuing regs) on a variety if 55s.


In regs It is hard to say which faction is favoured really since players have toons both sides but I certainly wouldn't say it favours reps 90 percent win ratio, its much closer than that between factions. Wouldn't say imps or reps are more dominant, probably 20 or 30 players on each faction that are very competent and its more than likely the same people anyway.


I would say from my observations that the average sorc is better than the average sage for instance, though that is just my opinion.


It is the weekend though, you get some very special players at the weekend (not in a good way).

Edited by PloGreen
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I'm from OP*s server.


I had 6 month pause playing SWTOR and noticed when coming back that imp players are at average more worst than republic side. Especially bad they are in Starfighter.


But I can't say that republic would win 90% of games. Last two weeks I've played both sides and can't say the ratio is that bad. Best of imp seem to be really good while bad are really bad. Republic side seems just more constant.


Been playing on pre 55 and 55 levels. It seems that it does not take lot to make a difference in games. Not many stellar performances, I guess best are doing ranked?

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Indeed I find players who are passionate about PvP tend to do ranked either solo or group. Myself I do regular WZ only to get the freaking daily out of the way! Even as solo ranked I win about 60% of my games. But regular WZ its not just that Imps lose its how we lose:


Regular (non ranked): Arena as soon as a player dies in round 1 he leaves...

WZ: During the first 30sec at least 1 player will leave

During the next 30sec half the WZ will bail...


Imps are getting beaten so bad its like they have no clue what they are doing...half the WZ IMP side don't speak English, the ones that do call others n00bs!


ToFN Imp side regular random WZ has to be the worst PvP in the game...red Eclipse -a PvE Server- has some of the best and balanced PvP in this game...people stay and fight win or lose and the games tend to come down to the last few seconds BUT no solo ranked at all.

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For those who want regular (not ranked) well over 90% win rate go play Republic side on Tomb of Freedon Nadd Europe. Its designated English but you will find just about every language spoken. Ranked solo is well and alive and its about 50/50 and active ranked teams on all night.






I play mostly imperial but it seems that republic do win most of the time, well for me. When I Switch to rep, i win more games.

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you clearly never played no TOFN.


I play there since release.

Plenty pve heroes low valor low expertise on reps side regular wz, no any kind 90% wins. Most good ranked reps players leave game or reroll imps. 90% reps wins were on tofn during 1.4-1.7 patches, not now.


Solo ranked terrible for reps side too.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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ToFN Imp side regular random WZ has to be the worst PvP in the game...red Eclipse -a PvE Server- has some of the best and balanced PvP in this game...people stay and fight win or lose and the games tend to come down to the last few seconds BUT no solo ranked at all.
I personally think that normals are better on TRE, which is why i currently play there, but I wouldnt say that it's balanced. Perhaps if you always play on an imp premade and even out the odds but as a pug you'll win much more on the pub side.


Worst reg PvP would, IMO, go to POT5, hands down. People there will quit if you look at them funny.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I personally think that normals are better on TRE, which is why i currently play there, but I wouldnt say that it's balanced. Perhaps if you always play on an imp premade and even out the odds but as a pug you'll win much more on the pub side.


Worst reg PvP would, IMO, go to POT5, hands down. People there will quit if you look at them funny.


time to test that theory and queue up on POT5 and /e looks at you funny.



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