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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please put all PvP achievements under the PvP category, or disable them on PvE server


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As a PvE player, it greatly annoys me that there are several achievement categories that I can't ever get to 100%. It's not just that I don't do PvP - many of the achievements are practically impossible to get on a PvE server. I mean, kill 500 players on Quesh? 1980 on CZ-198? What do you expect me to do, camp these places nonstop for a year in hopes of seeing enough flagged players? There's already a Player vs. Player category, let's stick to it.


In addition to the PvP achievements under most planets and daily areas, there are also the valor achievements in the legacy section. Those also would fit better under the PvP section, since valor is gained from PvP.

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I play on a PvE server and I play mainly PvE even though I do PvP some times.


However I don't agree with this thread. I think that if it can be done, the achievement should stay no matter how obscure or difficult or unlikely it is. The only sorts of achievements that shouldn't be there are ones that are impossible for your character to obtain... like defeating a world boss from an event that is long passed.


Now, I have no objections for there being achievements for things only certain people can achieve... but they should not count toward your overall completion score.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I agree with this thread. First and foremost, because a PVP achievement, regardless of what planet or location it is for is a PVP achievement. It has NOTHING to do with completing the planet what so ever. It is just the "other" side of game play. The poster of this thread makes a valid point, that while on a PVP server these achievements are easier to obtain, PVE servers are not for PVP focus anyways. Now I'm not bashing PVP, though I must admit I do not like it very much, but the purpose of separating PVP and PVE focus on servers is so players can focus on what they enjoy most. So to make PVP achievements part of a 100% completion of a planet when the person does not focus on PVP on a PVE server, it's a little bit counterproductive. There is no magic achievement that a person can gain that's going to make them start liking PVP, so it should not be... discouraged, to not do PVP. It's 2 sides of the coin, and should be separated accordingly. Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree... I have nothing against PvP, but trying to complete achievements makes it annoying... put them in their own category.


Make a new category called "World PVP"

And move all the planetary, daily, and event PvP achievements under it.


Also PLEASE make valor rank legacy wide... this shows the PvP skill (time spent) of the player not the character.

(Social should be legacy wide as well) ... I really have no urge to PvP on alts because of this.


And what makes Alderaan so special you need to kill 1000 players? Making up for only needing 50 on Nar Shaddaa?


If you wanted to finish all the world pvp achievements that would be killing about 10,000 players. Hard to do on a PvP server let alone a PvE server.








Nar Shaddaa-50








Section X-1000

Black Hole-500

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I agree... I have nothing against PvP, but trying to complete achievements makes it annoying... put them in their own category.


Make a new category called "World PVP"

And move all the planetary, daily, and event PvP achievements under it.


Also PLEASE make valor rank legacy wide... this shows the PvP skill (time spent) of the player not the character.

(Social should be legacy wide as well) ... I really have no urge to PvP on alts because of this.


And what makes Alderaan so special you need to kill 1000 players? Making up for only needing 50 on Nar Shaddaa?


If you wanted to finish all the world pvp achievements that would be killing about 10,000 players. Hard to do on a PvP server let alone a PvE server.








Nar Shaddaa-50








Section X-1000

Black Hole-500


While I agree that the PvP quests need taken off of planet completion...


Valor should be character only (or through legacy be shared amongst the same advanced classes if you happen to have 2 of the same). I know more than a few people who can play one type of build/class combo amazingly well and clean up while playing a different role you would swear they have never PvP'd a day in their life.


We all know those people, put them on a sniper and have them defend a turret or ramp and they will do the job perfectly on target and clean up the scoreboard if given a chance. Take that same person and put them on a BH healer that needs to stay on the move constantly or go splat? They fumble and suck. Take a madness sorc player that fully uses the build (healing and damaging while shielding/healing allies) and place them in a tracer missile merc build...watch them get splatted over and over again. Thus valor should not be shared, earn it on your alts...it seriously only takes a weekend of PvP to rank up....plus...if you are PvPing as you level your valor is only 4-8 games from capping anyway.


Social rank should definitely be legacy wide! Character wide makes no sense at all now that we have legacies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thus valor should not be shared, earn it on your alts...it seriously only takes a weekend of PvP to rank up....plus...if you are PvPing as you level your valor is only 4-8 games from capping anyway.


Huh? It only takes you a weekend to hit Valor rank 100? lol I'd like to hear how you did it.


As for pvp'ing while leveling you can only hit valor rank equal to your level... so at 55 you could only hit rank 55. Once at max level you can increase valor rank up to level 100.


You get about 2-4k valor per match depending on w/l.


I'm currently in the 60's in valor and it takes between 20-30 games a rank. Avg game is about 15mins, so around 6 hours of pvp per rank. Or about 60 hours to get from valor 60 to 70.


I've read other posts where its about 300k valor per level when you hit the 90's ... that would be about 100-150 matches per level. Say you blew through them and only needed 100matches a level... That's 25hrs a level. If you got a level a week that be 10 weeks.


Getting from valor 60-100 could take a year of PvP at 3-4hours a day.


^^^ I'm not complaining... I would just like to be able to split this up between different characters... not just my main. This is why I think valor rank should be a legacy stat. I don't feel any urge to PvP on any of my other toons. And I get tired of pvp'ing on my main... would like to try different chars but have no desire because of valor rank)


Yeah yeah its just a number, but being OCD about getting all my achievements completed, this is an issue for me :p


(All those numbers are educated guesstimations.... please feel free to correct me if you have better experience/knowledge)

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