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make starfighters that are Force-user specific


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Absolutely.... NOT


This kind of stuff ruins games. FYI - Luke flew an X-Wing with the Force yet Wedge was still a better pilot in the same ship type. This is NOT Gundam... ships do not need jedi/sith influence.


To be fair, they TOTALLY do in the lore. A trained Jedi Ace certainly had significant advantages (able to sense incoming attacks, that sort fo stuff).


But I agree that Force Users shouldn't get any special edge in GSF. At best, it might be fun to have some sort of class specific ability, but that'd just make balancing even more difficult.

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I thought about this myself. Maybe have the force users have innate abilities to dodge incoming attacks (passive) and have non force users have the passive ability to crit more or something.


But then I remember wow and how broken human rogues were and how ppl rolled specific races for buffs.




NO. thank. you.

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Absolutely.... NOT


This kind of stuff ruins games. FYI - Luke flew an X-Wing with the Force yet Wedge was still a better pilot in the same ship type. This is NOT Gundam... ships do not need jedi/sith influence.


This isn't Gundam, this is Star Wars.

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This isn't Gundam, this is Star Wars.


Sure, things like these exist. At the same time, though, this is a game - it's meant to be fun for everyone, not just for you. Introducing a division between force users and non-force users will just introduce problems.

Edited by Armonddd
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I'd rather not have this. Maybe if they build a PvE version, or the changes are merely flavor changes (e.g. Blaster Override is Force Concentration or something on the force user ship). But I'd rather stick with what we have. Edited by archifikoss
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Sure, things like these exist. At the same time, though, this is a game - it's meant to be fun for everyone, not just for you. Introducing a division between force users and non-force users will just introduce problems.


What problems? This game is all about division between classes. Why do you think there are 8 advanced classes? No problem here. Adding ships like this won't reduce the quality of your current ships.

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This could potentially be implemented in the current system as an aesthetics-only feature without affecting current gameplay mechanics. If a variant was made for a current ship type that matched it in base stats and mod availabilities, you would just have a unique variation that identifies the player as a certain class in space.

To use the OP example, the Jedi Starfighter could be the same as a Star Guard mechanics/stats wise but have a different skin.


I would like to add that I don't think this should strictly apply to Force users. If such a thing were ever implemented, there should be a variant for other classes as well.


I am largely in favor of customization options that let people express themselves aesthetically in a game that is mostly cookie cutter mechanics-wise. Would anyone see a problem with this type of change?

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This could potentially be implemented in the current system as an aesthetics-only feature without affecting current gameplay mechanics. If a variant was made for a current ship type that matched it in base stats and mod availabilities, you would just have a unique variation that identifies the player as a certain class in space.

To use the OP example, the Jedi Starfighter could be the same as a Star Guard mechanics/stats wise but have a different skin.


I would like to add that I don't think this should strictly apply to Force users. If such a thing were ever implemented, there should be a variant for other classes as well.


I am largely in favor of customization options that let people express themselves aesthetically in a game that is mostly cookie cutter mechanics-wise. Would anyone see a problem with this type of change?


That'll work.

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Luke flew an X-Wing with the Force yet Wedge was still a better pilot in the same ship type. This is NOT Gundam... ships do not need jedi/sith influence.


to me, this statement should have shut this thread down. so much win with this statement.

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I thought this was a pretty good idea, but after I read so many people saying "no", I am totally against it.



Are you kidding me? You're playing Star Wars, and you don't want to see the Force in space? Someone said it's not Gundam. That's right, It's Star Wars. I don't understand how the lack of the Force in GSF isn't a regular part of the discussions here.


Even if you had only heard pieces of the story in passing you would most likely assume that using the Force in space is a part of the deal.

I suppose it was a rhetorical non-moment when Obi-Wan overcame the usual restrictions of death to advise Luke to "Use the Force" instead of a targetting computer on that final run at the Death Star to save the entire galaxy from the merciless oppression of a corrupt Empire.


It is bewildering to think people would intentionally and so emphatically deny even discussing an idea that would make the game more fun in an interesting and obviously thematic way. Bewildering I tell you.

Edited by Brilo
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