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Gooing to get even more lonely playing a Sent - Main


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Well its gooing to get very lonely in the Guardian/Sentinel DPS Forum (after 2.6.), well but keep buffing the facestompping Classes further. OP in PvP and to be OP, like there brother the Gunslinger, in PvE. Allready see the last hardcore Sentinelplayers rerolling on one of those to classes. Great Sentinel Players, who have enough from Bioware nerfing there class continously since 1.0., have either rerolled or left the game already. On the german forums the Sentforum is dead, it became very fast known to most Sents it would be wise to reroll Gunslinger or something else after 2.0.. Seeing no new players really choosing that class anymore, Bioware did it. They made the hard to learn and even harder to master Melee DPS so weak even core Sentinels who have only played it since launch switched to Gunslingers, Sabos, Commandos or Guardians just to name Classes a handful of great sents i knew switched to.


But great Job Bioware listening to the most played Classes that are already by far the strongest in at least one terrain. Now they can be the strongest in every terrain. Great more arrogant Gunslingers running around the fleet, more people flaming if a Sentinel even dares to join an Operation or Battleground (I am exxagerating a bit here;-))


Sentinels got atm the worst survivability of all Meleeclasses the longest CoolDown on there Def CDs of all DPS Classes, the only Class who got no Stuns, one Root on a long CD and no Snarres. Did I mention that their Burst is nonexistent, oh please 8k Smash from Fokustree every 20s or so? Their sustained DPS is, going by the average player, in the bottom three, please don´t always take the best 10% of the Sentinels as measurement for applying stuff. Yes I also reach 3,1k -3,3k on the puppet easily and if lucky sometimes reach beyond that on some bosses, the average Sentinel won´t, I played since launch Wachman Sentinel, nothing else. I think I know my Sentinel and how to play it. Even if some Smashmonkeys think me stupid gooing in to Battlegrounds playing Wachman, well it works in 8v8 in 4v4 sometimes its great and sometimes its just the worst thing to pick.


Remember that self heal nerf by 100%, yeah that was based on a margin of roundabout 3-5 Sentinels total per Server pre Makebtime, that had reached a Critratio over 45% (+ Class-Spec Buffs etc in the Wachmantree), and did like 25-30% of the HPS the normal healer did in an operation. Bioware forgot that only 20% of those 250-300k Heal in example a Dreadguard HC Fight where NOT Overheal. Nevertheless they nerfed it since somebody whined and it was time for a Balance...srry....KillSentinelPopulationpatch.


Or the nerfing of Pacify, yeah it was somewhat overpowered to use it on an operation boss, but hey 6s -90% precision on white damage only helped on one certain boss in Karragas. At least the reduced the CD, oh wait they put the Cooldown higher up again. Or the ****game they are playing with guarded by the force and force cammo. Hey that Gunslinger over there got the same thing, in a usable version and it even purges all negative effects oh wait, they also got their 45s purge now. How about giving the Sentinels a purge on Force Cammo, would put their survivability up a bit. They are no Heavy armour users like Guardians/Vanguards (only other two classes without a purge and/or despell)


Btw. I have no problem with Gunslingers, I just dislike how Bioware made that an easy to go ROFL-Class. Lucky for me most Gunslingers don´t know there material. Same goes for most healers and other players and that is why god old school Sent Players will be on top of most other classes.


What do you think do 99% of the People do when a glowing full stacked Focus-Sent charges into their middle?


I tell you, they wait to see how he blasts 10k in their face followed by Double Saberthrow and/or Masterstrike leaving at least one of them dead to the ground.


What do you think do 100% (I can confirm that for Jarkai Sword) of all Players do when a Blue glowing Watchman has his two Dots full stacked on them?


Nothing. They ignore him, just to flame after the Battleground how overpowered those damm Smashers are, while there only was a Watchman in the BG.

Just for the Public, Watchmen does those red dots on you, if there is a three next to it you shold despell/purge it if you are not a Guardian, Vanguard or Sentinel. In every second full stacked Dot the Sent will blow a Zen causing you to eat 3k ticks from the thing with the three and 1k ticks from the small dot + a heal debbuff (good sentinels keep that up on ther target (cripling throw) and throwing 4-7k Slashes with either Masterstrike, Merciless or something else in your face.


Same goes for Ataru, normaly most Ranged seem to forget rule one when dealing this a Sentinel with a yellow Sword form. First, you know what precision Slash is? Good stun him when he plops that Buff on himself, he will be less dangerous, or just get away from him. Second, you don´t know what it is? Look it up.


I know how to coutner shados because I informed myself what they normally do when going for Sents. It is all about information, not about nerfs.


I don´t think Bioware will understand, they will just nerf us further. Most non Sents don´t even know there is something beside Smasher and have no clue which trees a Sentinel has.


Nevertheless I will still play Sentinel, at least they put the Commando Heal back on track, hopefully our healers may reroll on their Mains (Commando Heals) again if 2.6. makes two teaming commandos viable again in Nighmares.

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Here is a lesson boys and girls, never use Goo (and its many forms) and lonely in a post title.


as for sents, yah, other classes are competitive, imagine that. watch out, the sky is falling pretty quick.


Only reasonable take away from this is that watchman sents need love in PvP (this just in!).

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The guy is right in a way.. apart form the burst is no good :) he must be watchman... combat has good burst.. i doubt its still the best.. but its up there..

But it seems the Combat sents have been forgotten recently.. looking for anything online is always filled with watchman stuff...and combat are also dropping down the dps charts too (apart from the odd one)... that affects HM ops selection!

With all the new class changes coming out in 2.6 - its the second one in a row that combat sents have had no increase in anything worth while (damage wise)... ranged have had plenty too much recently and are getting even more... this can only lead to saber weilding dps being bottom of dps charts?? ***? this isnt battlefield lol

Anyone else feel combat sents are being hung out to rot?

I understand peoples desire for more balance.. and some of it was needed.. but it feels like it will tip too far.. and thats not balance!!

Ive been looking at a recent HM DP & DF dps chart.. of which some of u will know already cos KBN has been very busy recently :) (great info mate btw!), and those charts are filled with slingers with 1 combat sent near the bottom on a few, some dont even have a combat sent on them.. maybe its just the player.. who knows.. but there has been a definate swing... and its not the sabers :)

With smugglers and VG's having massive burst now aswell as sustainable dps... where does that leave the future of combat sents?

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The guy is right in a way.. apart form the burst is no good :) he must be watchman... combat has good burst.. i doubt its still the best.. but its up there..

But it seems the Combat sents have been forgotten recently.. looking for anything online is always filled with watchman stuff...and combat are also dropping down the dps charts too (apart from the odd one)... that affects HM ops selection!

With all the new class changes coming out in 2.6 - its the second one in a row that combat sents have had no increase in anything worth while (damage wise)... ranged have had plenty too much recently and are getting even more... this can only lead to saber weilding dps being bottom of dps charts?? ***? this isnt battlefield lol

Anyone else feel combat sents are being hung out to rot?

I understand peoples desire for more balance.. and some of it was needed.. but it feels like it will tip too far.. and thats not balance!!

Ive been looking at a recent HM DP & DF dps chart.. of which some of u will know already cos KBN has been very busy recently :) (great info mate btw!), and those charts are filled with slingers with 1 combat sent near the bottom on a few, some dont even have a combat sent on them.. maybe its just the player.. who knows.. but there has been a definate swing... and its not the sabers :)

With smugglers and VG's having massive burst now aswell as sustainable dps... where does that leave the future of combat sents?

There really isn't much in it on average for sentinel specs. You need rng gods luck to be on your side to get to the highest parses for both specs and i think both combat/watchman are capable of getting there if you get some nice rng they are both very rng reliant... The highest parses are watchman atm sure but i'm sure if someone got a really really lucky combat parse they could do as much for sure.


In practice combat has its uses while i parse higher as watchman on average (because i've played it more in pve, though my combat isnt that far off anymore because i decided to take some time to work on it), combat suits certain fights way better then watchman because of the design of the spec. Its upfront burst is just alot more useful with certain mechanics/fights.


I really just spec depending on the fight.

Edited by AngusFTW
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When I see a post in the Sentinel forums complaining that we either aren't loved or we are underpowered I know the world is undeniably ending. :( I wish I had more time. So many more women I wanted to love. Kids I wanted to have. Dogs I wanted to sick on tresspassers. :(


My main is a Sentinel. Has been for the last year(Juggernaut the year before). Sentinels are one of the greatest classes in Human history. They were there at the sacking of Rome and the march to Berlin. Planted the flag on the Moon and discovered the Americas. Invented the automobile and the internet. Fought Megatron in Chicago and Loki in New York. We invented the number 3000 on all parsers and proved DPS could tank. We smash, burn and rush our opponents. We are Sentinels and are Star Wars the Old Republic's greatest class.

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When I see a post in the Sentinel forums complaining that we either aren't loved or we are underpowered I know the world is undeniably ending. :( I wish I had more time. So many more women I wanted to love. Kids I wanted to have. Dogs I wanted to sick on tresspassers. :(


My main is a Sentinel. Has been for the last year(Juggernaut the year before). Sentinels are one of the greatest classes in Human history. They were there at the sacking of Rome and the march to Berlin. Planted the flag on the Moon and discovered the Americas. Invented the automobile and the internet. Fought Megatron in Chicago and Loki in New York. We invented the number 3000 on all parsers and proved DPS could tank. We smash, burn and rush our opponents. We are Sentinels and are Star Wars the Old Republic's greatest class.


Epic post man, love it :D little over the top, but i like alot of icing on my cake..


Sent was my 7 th 55 (not boasting, cuz tbh it common) , and is now my most played, i have a , sniper,op,jugg,sin,sage,pt,merc and sent is my Main cuz pound for pound, she burn down opponents asap.. she is powerful as hell..


Juyo form ftw btw

Edited by Scyphon_
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The guy is right in a way.. apart form the burst is no good :) he must be watchman... combat has good burst.. i doubt its still the best.. but its up there..

But it seems the Combat sents have been forgotten recently.. looking for anything online is always filled with watchman stuff...and combat are also dropping down the dps charts too (apart from the odd one)... that affects HM ops selection!

With all the new class changes coming out in 2.6 - its the second one in a row that combat sents have had no increase in anything worth while (damage wise)... ranged have had plenty too much recently and are getting even more... this can only lead to saber weilding dps being bottom of dps charts?? ***? this isnt battlefield lol

Anyone else feel combat sents are being hung out to rot?

I understand peoples desire for more balance.. and some of it was needed.. but it feels like it will tip too far.. and thats not balance!!

Ive been looking at a recent HM DP & DF dps chart.. of which some of u will know already cos KBN has been very busy recently :) (great info mate btw!), and those charts are filled with slingers with 1 combat sent near the bottom on a few, some dont even have a combat sent on them.. maybe its just the player.. who knows.. but there has been a definate swing... and its not the sabers :)

With smugglers and VG's having massive burst now aswell as sustainable dps... where does that leave the future of combat sents?


Combat/Carnage has THE strongest burst in the game (pvp wise).

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When I see a post in the Sentinel forums complaining that we either aren't loved or we are underpowered I know the world is undeniably ending. :( I wish I had more time. So many more women I wanted to love. Kids I wanted to have. Dogs I wanted to sick on tresspassers. :(


My main is a Sentinel. Has been for the last year(Juggernaut the year before). Sentinels are one of the greatest classes in Human history. They were there at the sacking of Rome and the march to Berlin. Planted the flag on the Moon and discovered the Americas. Invented the automobile and the internet. Fought Megatron in Chicago and Loki in New York. We invented the number 3000 on all parsers and proved DPS could tank. We smash, burn and rush our opponents. We are Sentinels and are Star Wars the Old Republic's greatest class.

That. Was. Awesome.

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