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Missiles and quality of life


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Now, I know I'm just speaking for myself here at the moment, but I for one find missiles to be just a bit ... awkward to use. Often I find myself releasing the right mouse button a hair too early, trying to anticipate the completed lock. Equally often, I mash it in frustration when for some reason (possibly distortion lock break) the locking process gets interrupted while the enemy is well within range. Be it lag, latency, or some other reason, it frustrates me to no end, and I _want_ to like missiles.


Clusters, due to their low lockon time, are least affected, but still ...


The one thing I think would help, and that I find myself wanting more and more often is a toggle in the GSF preferences menu saying 'launch on lock-on', that would result in the game not waiting for you to release RMB but fire the missile as soon as lock-on is completed.


Another quality of life improvement would be for GSF to acknowledge that RMB being _pressed_ means 'I want to be locking on to this person' even when lock-breakers are used, so lock-on would resume the moment lock-breaking effects stop, should the enemy still be within the circle.



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The one thing I think would help, and that I find myself wanting more and more often is a toggle in the GSF preferences menu saying 'launch on lock-on', that would result in the game not waiting for you to release RMB but fire the missile as soon as lock-on is completed.


This would kill the mindgames of missiles other than clusters and rocket pods and make it even easier to dodge them. Do you want more launches on me with fewer actual hits?


Another quality of life improvement would be for GSF to acknowledge that RMB being _pressed_ means 'I want to be locking on to this person' even when lock-breakers are used, so lock-on would resume the moment lock-breaking effects stop, should the enemy still be within the circle.


I'm not sure how I feel about this, because I like the idea of rewarding people for breaking LOS. Making it so you can automatically restart the lock sounds... simplistic. On the other hand, it'd be a lot less frustrating.


Now, if we were talking about lasers and missiles on the strikes that get two of them... yes, please let them automatically start shooting/locking on after I press the swap button if I'm holding the appropriate mouse button. That's punishing me for using my abilities, not rewarding my opponent for skillful play, so it should go.

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Going to have to say that I wouldn't care for most of those changes as it seems the game's balance seems to have already factored in the human error aspect that you want alleviated. Those changes would indeed make missile use much easier but also more effective which would have balance implications.


My only real complaint is the delay between hitting the button and the lock beginning. I often lose my lockon by releasing the button because I dont think im getting a lock on due to the delay in any feedback. Usually I get the lock on sound the instant I let go of the button. Then I'll click it again real fast hoping to not lose the lock and sometimes do that two or three times in a row before I get myself out of the self induced negative feedback cycle. That's about the point I think its time to go run a flashpoint.

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Going to have to say that I wouldn't care for most of those changes as it seems the game's balance seems to have already factored in the human error aspect that you want alleviated. Those changes would indeed make missile use much easier but also more effective which would have balance implications.


Pretty much exactly what i wanted to write. It would make missile use easier, which in turn would affect game balance, so it's not just a QOL change.

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Just tell which settings I need to whack with a hammer so I can hear my missile's lock-on sound over the noise of my blasters (as well as the pew-fest around me) and I'll be a happy, bloodthirsty pilot.


Seriously, better descriptions on those sound toggle-thingies would be a huge QoL improvement for me.:(

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Just tell which settings I need to whack with a hammer so I can hear my missile's lock-on sound over the noise of my blasters (as well as the pew-fest around me) and I'll be a happy, bloodthirsty pilot.


Seriously, better descriptions on those sound toggle-thingies would be a huge QoL improvement for me.:(


Say it with me: "bop bop bop bop bop BEBEBEEP". Release on Be.

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The one thing I think would help, and that I find myself wanting more and more often is a toggle in the GSF preferences menu saying 'launch on lock-on', that would result in the game not waiting for you to release RMB but fire the missile as soon as lock-on is completed.


I actually agree with this.




I would want it as a toggle. Because I *********** love sitting back on my quell when we're playing the special olympics team and using my protons to lock them from 10k+ out only to hold it without firing.


I take a shot every time I watch one of them slam in to something trying to evade the missile I'm not firing.

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I actually agree with this.




I would want it as a toggle. Because I *********** love sitting back on my quell when we're playing the special olympics team and using my protons to lock them from 10k+ out only to hold it without firing.


I take a shot every time I watch one of them slam in to something trying to evade the missile I'm not firing.


The psychological effect of that lock-on warning is nothing to sneeze at.

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I actually agree with this.




I would want it as a toggle. Because I *********** love sitting back on my quell when we're playing the special olympics team and using my protons to lock them from 10k+ out only to hold it without firing.


I take a shot every time I watch one of them slam in to something trying to evade the missile I'm not firing.




Does it really happen ?

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Just tell which settings I need to whack with a hammer so I can hear my missile's lock-on sound over the noise of my blasters (as well as the pew-fest around me) and I'll be a happy, bloodthirsty pilot.


Seriously, better descriptions on those sound toggle-thingies would be a huge QoL improvement for me.:(



I wish the lock-on symbol would turn green to indicate it's ready to fire. If things are going crazy with blaster fire, or someone trying to lock on me, I can't hear the tone.

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