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Toggle Accessories / Weapon's Cell Display


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Part I:


Does anyone have a Bounty Hunter? Does anyone have an Imperial Agent? Does anyone notice how that wrist device pops up out of nowhere when you need it? Then goes back to where it came from?


My idea is simple: Allow players to toggle that thing on and off at will.


It'll be a character customization, like hide head slot and show darkside corruption; just another option. When toggled on, that wrist device is always visible. When toggled off, it only shows up when it's used.


Part II:


Does anyone have a Bounty Hunter? Does anyone have a Soldier? Those cells you load into your weapon are nifty, and the barrel of the gun even glows with specific rings based upon which cells you have loaded in. However, wouldn't it be nice to have the freedom to choose their visibility? Maybe some people don't want such rings visible, do they have to run around without a cell for that?


My idea is simple: Allow players to toggle that thing on and off at will.


That way, if a player has a weapon(s) they like the look of, those cell indicators won't be getting in the way. The Hyperstorm Heavy Canon, is my example. That gun has a cool blue glow emanating from the barrel.


I mostly design my characters after pre-designed OCs belonging to myself or my friend. This character has an assault gun that shoots blue lasers that tear apart matter like a disruptor. To represent this, the SWTOR toon is a Commando learning the skill tree of armor piercing. That Hyperstorm cannon is also a perfect representation, especially considering she has a blue-core eviscerating crystal loaded in. But, that blue glow is pointless now that it's hidden under a set of green rings indicating the armor-piercing cell.


In conclusion, I'd like to see more customization control in the hands of us paying players.

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  • 3 months later...

Look at the Kyber Assault Cannon. Only Commandos can use it, and Commandos need a cell active. But, the cell rings just stick out of the middle of that thing like a sore thumb.


There are just some assault canons, rifles, and pistols that would look better without the cell rings visible. Thus, we should be able to hide them like we do our head gear.

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I would also like the things to stay as they are, for us, the OTHER paying players.


What about saber stances, mr. OP? What about knives and shotguns the size of two thirds of an avatar?


I`d say curb your OCD and live without your precious green on trooper.

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I would also like the things to stay as they are, for us, the OTHER paying players.


What about saber stances, mr. OP? What about knives and shotguns the size of two thirds of an avatar?


I`d say curb your OCD and live without your precious green on trooper.


Much anger in this one, I sense.

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I would also like the things to stay as they are, for us, the OTHER paying players.


You do know what toggle means, right? Thus, we actually have a choice. For people like you who want the cells displayed, you may have the cells displayed. For people who want they cells invisible, they may have the cells invisible.


What about saber stances, mr. OP?


Already addressed in Better Poses For The Stances.


What about knives and shotguns the size of two thirds of an avatar?


What exactly are you saying?


I`d say curb your OCD and live without your precious green on trooper.


I don't know what you're saying, anymore, and I don't understand why you're so angry.

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I think they are good ideas. And maybe have an option for the type of bracer that appears on the bounty hunters. Like either the full bracers or just cylinder like emitter on the back of the wrist and forearms.


And while we are on this. I would love to be able to change the Agent's thigh pistol. The NPC blaster looks ugly as all heck and I have blasters that are a ton better.


Speaking about agents, I would also love to see the agent's blade in a sheath, like on the waist or the like, as well as seeing the Smuggler's scatter gun on his/her back. Now I have not see it in much action so I don't know how the weapon works >_>;

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Fevee, I`m saying about secondaries that look like crap, like the vibroknives and the shotguns. Make an agent and a scoundrel and use abilities that require knife and shottie and look at them how they are animated and the size of them.


It is only fair that, IF your change is implemented, which will benefit ONLY one class out of 4 (Trooper - BH), then the other 3 should have equivalents as well. And I don`t like having a knife or a shottie the size of about half+ of my toon visible. Also, for sage / sorc, how will I represent the Focus? Perma-glow?


Also, about saber stances, you didn`t address nothing - it`s just a proposal, or wishful thinking.



There is too much effort involved, regardless, for a feature that will apply only to a PASSIVE weapon, since it is clearly visible on your cannon while it is in use. It`s also well in line with their ideas of displaying passive weapons - "unpowered", if we are to judge by the animated ones - Tac Hud sniper, the blue/red / whatever screens on cannons / guns / rifles, light trails on the DLA rifle, etc. Makes sense for your cell to be "inactive" on a shouldered weapon, thus invisible.


Incidentally, I also own that gun and it isn`t glowing when it`s sitting on your shoulder, which is well in line with "inactive weapon policies".


[EDIT] http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee17/Jamie-kun305/Levy1_zps7dba4697.jpg <-- suppose I use this one. It`ll look like crap with the toggle on.

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Not every idea has to benefit every class in some way, shape, or form. And yea it sounds like the knife and shotgun needs a bit of work. But it is a bit unfair to attack his base idea for not being equal to all when it is not required for that.
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Fevee, I`m saying about secondaries that look like crap, like the vibroknives and the shotguns. Make an agent and a scoundrel and use abilities that require knife and shottie and look at them how they are animated and the size of them.


Since you have an unrelated suggestion, suggest it yourself; it has nothing to do with my suggestion.




It is only fair that, IF your change is implemented, which will benefit ONLY one class out of 4 (Trooper - BH), then the other 3 should have equivalents as well.


As Misako_Oono put it, not every suggestion has to benefit absolutely every type of player. What exactly do you want? Cell display on every weapon? It's not like I'm asking for one class of character to get an overpowered new move. I'm asking for a cosmetic change for the only class that already has a unique attribute. (Gasp, oh the inequality!)


Also, about saber stances, you didn`t address nothing - it`s just a proposal, or wishful thinking.


You weren't very specific. What about the saber stances, then? What are you complaining about? Or are you mad that my suggestion for different poses for knights/warriors doesn't include a suggestion for multiple poses for all the other classes as well?


There is too much effort involved, regardless, for a feature that will apply only to a PASSIVE weapon...


You, like many others, misunderstand something. This is the suggestion box, not Bioware's programmer's technical support. We're here to give Bioware cool ideas; not tell them how to do it. Too many of you guys have this misunderstanding.

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As Misako_Oono put it, not every suggestion has to benefit absolutely every type of player. What exactly do you want? Cell display on every weapon? It's not like I'm asking for one class of character to get an overpowered new move. I'm asking for a cosmetic change for the only class that already has a unique attribute. (Gasp, oh the inequality!)

You want the trooper and the BH. I want the other 3 as well, on "equality" grounds. This idea has to benefit everybody, not only some random class. And it will require some work for knives and shotguns AND adding visuals for saber stances and whatever Force glow for Force users. Pretty work intensive for a very minimal impact, IMO. Why do I want the others, too? Because I own all 4 basic classes and it would really blow to have only one "special".


You, like many others, misunderstand something. This is the suggestion box, not Bioware's programmer's technical support. We're here to give Bioware cool ideas; not tell them how to do it. Too many of you guys have this misunderstanding.

You, like many others, misunderstand something. Not all ideas are good. And I don`t like to see Bioware spend time on stupid ideas when they are already pushing bugged PAID content - like the big butt Unfettered Trench Coat and the return of a fixed 2013 bug AND the recently missing gauntlets and belt for the Mira set. So I will shoot as many holes in what ideas I think are bad / useless / irrelevant, in the hope that Bioware focuses on worthy ones.


At least you can`t say I lied to you. And I do think your idea is bad, because it discriminates between classes - only one would have this feature out of 4.

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Learn to use the quote system a little better.


At least you can`t say I lied to you. And I do think your idea is bad, because it discriminates between classes - only one would have this feature out of 4.


The only reason someone should be so strongly opposed to the idea is because it will drastically change something about your gameplay. Guess what: It won't. It would just be a fifth option to the Customize Appearance: Hide Head Slot, Show Dark Side Corruption, Unify Colors, Hide Cell Rings, and Show Accessory. Meaning it would be an optional detail you would have the freedom of choosing or leaving alone.


And what if I suggested a new piece of debris for Consulars to use Project on? That's unfair to all the other classes, isn't it. Or, maybe my suggestion only affects the Consular because only the Consular picks up random debris to lob at their foes. Or would you like Knights, Smugglers, Troopers, Warriors, Inquisitors, Agents, and Bounty Hunters to begin lobbing/shooting this same piece of debris so that it would be fair?


Honestly, you're just being ridiculous. Plus, don't you realize that Troopers and Bounty Hunters already have cells loaded into their weapon? That class has something unique that all the other classes don't have. If anything, you should be complaining for the removal of those cells or at least the cell display.


You want the trooper and the BH. I want the other 3 as well, on "equality" grounds. This idea has to benefit everybody, not only some random class. And it will require some work for knives and shotguns AND adding visuals for saber stances and whatever Force glow for Force users. Pretty work intensive for a very minimal impact, IMO. Why do I want the others, too? Because I own all 4 basic classes and it would really blow to have only one "special".


Look, if you want to suggest knives and shotguns, do it in your own thread. I am only addressing the heavy-armor, cell-loaded Troopers/Bounty Hunters.


If you want to be so obsessed with inequality why don't you start complaining that all classes should be able to wield all weapons and use all abilities? Consulars should use sniper rifles, Warriors should use assault cannons, Agents should use saberstaffs, Troopers should use pistols, and so on and so fourth.


Also, Sentinels should be able to use Snipe with their two sabers, Assassins should be able to use Full Auto with their saberstaffs, Commandos should be able to use Force Leap, Snipers should be able to use Disturbance, Gunslingers should be able to use Death From Above, and so on and so fourth.


Or maybe you can understand how ridiculous you sound.


You, like many others, misunderstand something. Not all ideas are good. And I don`t like to see Bioware spend time on stupid ideas when they are already pushing bugged PAID content - like the big butt Unfettered Trench Coat and the return of a fixed 2013 bug AND the recently missing gauntlets and belt for the Mira set. So I will shoot as many holes in what ideas I think are bad / useless / irrelevant, in the hope that Bioware focuses on worthy ones.


Okay, you don't like the idea. But that doesn't mean gut me and hang me out to dry. Instead of just flaming, ask questions, suggest amendments to my suggestion, be a part of the community and help mold suggestions to their peak.


I have been holding back, so much, on making political analysis and accusations; because you just emanate it so strongly. But I don't think such comments are allowed in the forums here, so I shall continue to withhold.

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You have your opinion on the worth of such an idea, I have mine. We both pay for this game, so we are both entitled to express our opinions. It is your given right to express yours, just as it is mine to express disagreement. You can like it or you can`t, makes no difference.


At the present time I am mostly against any "fluff" idea, since the game is still buggy and it gets buggier by the day. I would like all hands on deck fixing bugs, like one particular coat that is bugged since August 2013 - cartel market item, no less, not busy implementing some stupid visual thing that is ALREADY in the game, just not enabled when the weapon is passive.


You see, the time to code fluff stuff, like one extra tab, would be better spent in redoing the damn trench meshes or skeleton, or fix the big butt bug fro the second time.

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At the present time I am mostly against any "fluff" idea, since the game is still buggy and it gets buggier by the day. I would like all hands on deck fixing bugs, like one particular coat that is bugged since August 2013 - cartel market item, no less, not busy implementing some stupid visual thing that is ALREADY in the game, just not enabled when the weapon is passive.


You see, the time to code fluff stuff, like one extra tab, would be better spent in redoing the damn trench meshes or skeleton, or fix the big butt bug fro the second time.


From how you sound, and I'm not trying to be a jerk here, it seems that this sub-forum should be shut down until all bugs have been fixed in game. With that said, instead of shutting down every "fluff" idea here, think of it from the POV of "After the bugs have been fixed, would this be cool/useful/interesting/ect.?"


There are more teams then one working on this game and there could be a dedicated team just for bug fixes while another is working on guild strongholds, and another is working on updates and yet another is working on new content. The "fun" thing about bug fixing and updating is that some bugs hold a larger priority other others and fixing some bugs might cause other bugs to pop up. Like if a character is a certain advanced class with XYZ gear and has this exact skill tree set up, then in PVP he/she can one shot any other character with an ability instantly and repeatedly. That would be a bug/exploit they would fix first before a bugged jacket. It might be on the list, but it could be pushed down the list with more important bugs and exploits popping up.

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There are more teams then one working on this game and there could be a dedicated team just for bug fixes while another is working on guild strongholds, and another is working on updates and yet another is working on new content. The "fun" thing about bug fixing and updating is that some bugs hold a larger priority other others and fixing some bugs might cause other bugs to pop up. Like if a character is a certain advanced class with XYZ gear and has this exact skill tree set up, then in PVP he/she can one shot any other character with an ability instantly and repeatedly. That would be a bug/exploit they would fix first before a bugged jacket. It might be on the list, but it could be pushed down the list with more important bugs and exploits popping up.


Yeah, that`s how the legend goes. Thing is, I am yet to see all those teams. You see, past the legend, all we`re getting are reskins and bad ones at that, old bugs coming back and what else? Makeb was done by the "old" team in 2012 even. The famous space project was the same.


You see, their Q&A team had a Forum post about a cartel item being bugged in 2013: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=674012 and it`s still not fixed. Big team and sure as death fixing bugs, right? And I`m sure there are others.


Ultimately, why I am so dead set against this idea - it is useless and irrelevant to the vast majority. And since we get 500 new ideas per day, it is in my best interest for it to be put at the bottom of the list.


I like other ideas, like a social tab, or new better daytime clothing, not only trash ****** evening clothing. Having the option to choose a set of armor for looks or better clothing is higher in my book than a toggle for weapon effect - not when it is already in the game in the form of pressing a button for the gun to become "active".

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than a toggle for weapon effect - not when it is already in the game in the form of pressing a button for the gun to become "active".


The option is not in the game. There is no way to have the cell's buff going without having the visual effect. And it could be a lot simpler to put this in over fixing a bug or two. You don't know what they, the game devs, are going to do in terms of bug fixes or suggestions. From what I have seen so far, there isn't a lot they do with these suggestions. For all we know is that they look over this, don't even open the page, and keep going.

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The option is not in the game. There is no way to have the cell's buff going without having the visual effect. And it could be a lot simpler to put this in over fixing a bug or two. You don't know what they, the game devs, are going to do in terms of bug fixes or suggestions. From what I have seen so far, there isn't a lot they do with these suggestions. For all we know is that they look over this, don't even open the page, and keep going.


If you draw your weapon, it will apply the effect. You need to redraw it pretty fast, but that`s life - we can`t have everything. What he CAN have is the blue glow from the gun, IF he keeps it drawn.


As for ease of implementation - tell you what - I DONT KNOW if drawing or redrawing a 3D mesh, such as the butt one, or redo the rigging / skeleton of an armor is simpler that implementing a second tab, plus adding on all weapons off states, plus whatever changes will be needed that I don`t know about.


BUT, altering the size / shape of an already existing 3D model, or changing one variable from the 4 possible rigging values of an armor seems more easier than coding a new tab AND new weapon states.



Tell you what: When there will be no more bugs in this game and all MY ideas would have been implemented, I will fully support your idea. You are asking me to wait for yours. Are you willing to wait for mine?

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Tell you what: When there will be no more bugs in this game and all MY ideas would have been implemented, I will fully support your idea. You are asking me to wait for yours. Are you willing to wait for mine?


Y'know, you're being pretty selfish.


Report bugs to customer service, and suggest ideas here. This is the suggestion box, where we bounce ideas off the community. We're not tech support, and you can complain about bugs elsewhere. We're not asking for you to wait for anything, I had an idea and I'm suggesting it. However you, are saying something along the lines of "My ideas are better than yours; so mine get priority."


If you want, I'll take a look at your suggestion. If I like it or have any input, I'll comment on it; bumping your thread up. But I'm not going to comment just to tear it down; if I don't like the idea, I'll leave it alone. All ideas start on the same level, and you're being quite selfish when you demand that yours rise above all and especially at the expense of the others. If you have an idea, suggest it. If you have an amendment for someone else's idea, comment on their thread. But stop trying to tear down ideas that aren't yours.

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  • 2 months later...
Cell rings still tend to be oddly-placed. It would be really nice if we could toggle them away so they won't be seen. It's not like telling which cell is loaded will be impossible; there will still be the buffs to indicate loaded cells.
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  • 2 months later...
Hyperstorm Heavy Cannon, Kinpin's Assault Cannon. Those two, specifically, have a unique glow at the barrel end that makes them worth getting; it's probably the reason some people ever get it. However, that glow is obstructed by the cell rings when one enters combat. Does that player have to unload the cell and loose its benefits just to have the cosmetic appearance they were aiming for with the cannon they bought? Or perhaps we can just toggle off the display, so we get the benefit but not the obstructive rings.
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Any reasonable reason why the add those rings in weapons?


Rule of Cool.


And cosmetic.


I would love to visually see my portable carbonite freezer spray wristband on my BH. Nd I want to see my trooper running with a blaster on his/her hip. And that latter one on my Agent's. Right next to the vibroblade on the hip.

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  • 7 months later...

With the release of new weapons which showcase a glow that adapts to whatever crystal you've loaded in, I restate this suggestion. What's the point of having a red crystal (for example) in my assault cannon, and having the red glow emanate from it when it's just going to become in green cell rings when combat starts? I'd like to see an option to hide cell rings.


While I'm at it, I'd also like an option to hide saber charges. Mostly focused at Assassins, but I would personally like to hide my Assassin's saber charge so one can actually see the saber's color, underneath. I know Lightning charge conforms to the installed crystal, but the other 2/3rds of the charges don't. Perhaps a few of us just want a clean-looking saberstaff for our Sith Assassin. 2/3rds of the Jedi Shadows get to have that, and maybe even that 1/3rd would like to suppress the new lightning-looking effect they now have on their saberstaff.

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