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Black Squadron vs. Death Squadron on POT5


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Maybe the OP should try and get with one of these massive GSF guilds to get in a group, get tips,etc... Also , I've created a pilot channel for Pot5, to help pilots organize outside of a guild with other pilots... Heck, start your own GSF guild. If you want, hit me up in game or if you're PUB, hit up one of those guys and group up. Death Squadron and Black Squadron would be glad to help another pilot if they're serious about flying.


No one should be complaining about baddy PUGS, while bashing premades. Be proactive and get with other pilots. This is an MMO last time I checked.


What are your toon names? I'll look for ya

Edited by -KeggER-
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In my younger days I was in Uber Guilds that raided and all that stuff.... The better than you or your guild stuff was there. I have seen the way people act. The differance in this situation is that these guys may talk crap, but most people will group with just an asking.


Last night Keggerr and I groupped with whoever and did well. Premade is a misnomer. In GSF you dont need the Best Class for healer and right spec for the dps... Its more like Tired of that GS... getting my scout.


We have pubs and Imps in the same voice coms FFS.


Try this /1 LFG GSF and see what happens . I bet you get a group. Or on POT5 ask in the pilot channel.



You too can be "premade" or as I called it in previous games.... A group.

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In my younger days I was in Uber Guilds that raided and all that stuff.... The better than you or your guild stuff was there. I have seen the way people act. The differance in this situation is that these guys may talk crap, but most people will group with just an asking.


Last night Keggerr and I groupped with whoever and did well. Premade is a misnomer. In GSF you dont need the Best Class for healer and right spec for the dps... Its more like Tired of that GS... getting my scout.


We have pubs and Imps in the same voice coms FFS.


Try this /1 LFG GSF and see what happens . I bet you get a group. Or on POT5 ask in the pilot channel.



You too can be "premade" or as I called it in previous games.... A group.


QFE. PREMADES ARE JUST GROUPS. If you're looking for a group, join the Pot5 pilot channel and see if anyone has an opening. I know last night as Wux was saying, I filled our group with random ppl and we did very well. We even qued with and against another Death Squadron group. Was good times all around.

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yea its allways more fun when people are launghing in voice commz but its true like keg and wux and every one are saying we do watch the pilot channel and we love to fly no matter who it is with or what we are flying I have nothing but mad respect for all of our faith full Gsf pilots on both side holler at us and we will get our gun on
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I don't know how other servers are besides POT5 and Ebon Hawk and my own server of The Bastion, but I will say its good to see good communities on Star Fighter. Had some excellent matches tonight against some of the best imp pilots I know with some of the best Pub pilots. I know some were in a group and talking and others were solo queing (I was back and forth Group que when some guildies were on Solo when they left) The longer this thing goes on the more good pilots seem to be coming out of the Wood works to me.


I hope when it goes live for Free-to-Play that those people don't get turned off to quick and put some time into practice and grouping with known good pilots to learn a few things so we can continue to see more and more good pilots.

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In the last week or so I have definitely seen more names of those queing for GSF on Pot5. The pilot channel is great on the imp side ( not sure about the pubs) for getting ppl grouped up. Depending on when I log in, Death squadron may have a full group or two. I'll ask on the pilot channel is anyone wants to group and I usually get at least 3 takers. Lately some names I have never heard of. This is a good sign that ppl are looking to play, and the community is promoting it by grouping with unknowns, givin tips, and even getting guild recruits. Grouping keeps the que pop times to a minimum so it's constant action. I'm excited that preferred access goes live this week!
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