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More debate on Matchmaking - will be essential now that prefs and F2P can join up


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I've been playing GSF fairly frequently and have had great fun. Now, not so much fun anymore. The reason being that the hard-core fanatics are running around in hi-spec'd ships with extra topping. I've had several encounters where I've gone space-chicken-race against someone and got shot to pieces instantly, despite having fairly heavy shields and armor. After investigation, = asking the players what spec they have, I've come to the conclusion that we're now having a situation where we basically PvP in space with lvl 22 ships against lvl 55 ships. The results are predictable.


There has to be some kind of matchmaking, unless we're going to see heavy nerfing of the "high-level" ships. There's no way to beat someone who's flying with all the extensions, regardless of skill, unless you have the same level of extensions.


I once found another player with same class ship (a scout in this case). I followed him around and emptied my magazines twice, without killing him. Finally, he managed to turn in behind me and shot me down with a 5 second-burst. That's the difference between someone with all the extensions installed, compared to my ship, with just a few extensions.


What is now going to happen is that there will be lots of fun for us who have played a while, when newbies come in to become laser fodder. Not so much for the others. Also, not so much fun for us after a while, when there are no more people to fight.


Conclusion: There has to be some kind of matchmaking in GSF, or a few people with heavily equipped ships will exterminate all others and thus also the GSF player base.


And, no, this is not an issue about my lack of skill, I usually park somewhere at the top half of the board, despite focussing on the team victory. I can just see that skill is not longer essential, equipment is.


for a start, there is match making but theres not enough to put all new starters together and all epxeriended together.


Second your way off base with no way to kill someone with top end ship unless u have same even with skill. Ive started Spce pvp on every char and quite often im in top few for damage/kills etc on a unmodified ship and against some i know for a fact fly top end ships.


Skill is most important thing, team work also as important.


Lack them two things you will always struggle. mods only help a unskilled player a bit.

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I do not see a bright future for GSF. The DEVs haven't said anything about the issues people are reporting.


Why would they? Early access is just another phrase for "paid beta test". Until it goes live properly next week, ANYTHING can change and they most likely dont want people to think things are set in stone.

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As people have pointed out... skill can trump an upgraded ship under a lesser pilot, in general. There will always be scenarios were the latter won't be true, but a skilled pilot will know the limitations of their ship and adjust accordingly.


I've started fresh on several toons in GSF and have found little issue in performing adequately... in fact the only time I was terrible at GSF were the first days I played it. Learning how to best achieve objectives, the strengths and weaknesses of my ship versus my opponents, etc.


So when I enter a match and see a team primarily composed of people with only 2 or 3 ships (one of three being a gunship), the first presumption I make is that most of the team is likely inexperienced. Against a team of people who have 4 and 5 ships in their que (or evidence of purchasing one or two of the fleet ships), I can bet with relative certainty that these (likely) more experienced players will win.


Anyway, the point is that experience and skill in a junk ship will trump a lesser pilot in a better ride. When F2P folks enter into GSF... I fully anticipate that for the first week or two that there may be some very skewed, slaughter filled matches... but by the end of the first month, that things will even back out as folks gain experience.

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Anyway, the point is that experience and skill in a junk ship will trump a lesser pilot in a better ride. When F2P folks enter into GSF... I fully anticipate that for the first week or two that there may be some very skewed, slaughter filled matches... but by the end of the first month, that things will even back out as folks gain experience.


It probably won't be too bad. From what i understand , F2P players outnumber the subs somewhere around 3 to 1. Which means the majority of pilots after F2P's are let in will be newbies fighting each other.


Vets will have a field day if they get put into those matches, that's for sure, but then there shouldn't be that many(heck, even today the majority of players in GSF fly like newbies, i know all the good pilots by name).

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Dont expect regular queues for a while after preferred/f2p get access. Theyre still going to get destroyed by skilled players playing on alts or simply those that have good skills. The poor players will then ease off playing or stop altogether. Same as what is happening now.


The hope is that they have TONS of matches going so the matchmaking can work in theory... but with the barren *** wasteland we have now. It's always premade vs Pugs...

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