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Gear repair cost by GSF intended?


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Every now and then I get damaged gear from just running GSF, it doesn't seem related to wins or losses and doesn't occure after every match.

For me it's in the range of 88 credits after every other match. Any one else having this issue?

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I believe people have narrowed it down to your mainhand weapon and I recall someone suggesting unequipping it before entering to avoid the fee, or using a dummy green weapon that you equip before entering.


This is just what I recall reading, I've done no testing myself.

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I believe people have narrowed it down to your mainhand weapon.


I can confirm this.


My GSF toon was a level 29 guardian when i started flying. He is now level 42 purely from GSF matches. His mainhand condition is 14%. The rest of his equipment is all 90%+

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Yeah, it's definitely just the mainhand. It's barely even a problem, though - the low durability warning only popped up for me after fifteen or so levels of GSF, and at something close to twenty matches per level, I definitely made more money than I spent.


Hell, that entire repair bill - including the rest of my armor, which was at 60% or so after some questing - was covered by the earnings of one match.

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