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Old Timers Guild hosting a +10 datacron run on Saturday 1/11 at 5PM EST Empire side


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Anyone level 45 or up can get this +10 to all stats datacron. All you need to do is come to the museum on the Ziost ship where you will need to get a blue crystal and then head into the tunnel to the datacron. We will be announcing it in general chat along with directions on how to get what is needed.
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As the shadowlands resident celebrity, some of my famous alts may make guest appearances and I am happy to do some charity work and assist with pulls if there is any need for them. In either case, thank you in advance OTG for both setting it up and opening it to the community as a whole.
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  • 2 months later...
Actually, I am trying to make contact with someone in the OTG to see about joining. I am currently on the Bergeren Colony server which is west coast and I am on east coast so miss out on most of the action due to the time difference. I have 5 level 55 toons and and getting pretty discouraged but thought I might try moving one toon over to see how it goes. How does this work? can someone contact me ? my toon is ilightning there doesn't seem to be an old timers guild on bergeren so I'm looking for two things a more mature guild since I'm 68 years old and people who are actually on when I am so we can go kill stuff with no drama...... I hope someone can make contact with me so we can discuss. thanks
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  • 2 months later...
Actually, I am trying to make contact with someone in the OTG to see about joining. I am currently on the Bergeren Colony server which is west coast and I am on east coast so miss out on most of the action due to the time difference. I have 5 level 55 toons and and getting pretty discouraged but thought I might try moving one toon over to see how it goes. How does this work? can someone contact me ? my toon is ilightning there doesn't seem to be an old timers guild on bergeren so I'm looking for two things a more mature guild since I'm 68 years old and people who are actually on when I am so we can go kill stuff with no drama...... I hope someone can make contact with me so we can discuss. thanks



Hi rlapple, I'm so sorry none of us got back to you on this sooner. No, we are not on the Bergeren server, but on The Shadowlands server. If you are still looking to join OTG, you can find out more info here: http://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?188-OTG-Recruiting-Post


Again, sorry it took so long for us to reply.

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  • 1 year later...
Glad I could help Light. :)


I am trying to inquire about joining OTG as well. I'm currently on Prophecy of the five server, but I am willing to move or build new chrs on your server. I am a 64 yr old grammy who loves Star Wars and mmo gaming. I've seen your guilds in just about every game I've played. You all sound like my kind of people. Could someone pm me and advise how to join and what server you are on.



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Glad I could help Light. :)


I am trying to inquire about joining OTG as well. I'm currently on Prophecy of the five server, but I am willing to move or build new chrs on your server. I am a 64 yr old grammy who loves Star Wars and mmo gaming. I've seen your guilds in just about every game I've played. You all sound like my kind of people. Could someone pm me and advise how to join and what server you are on.



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