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Respec ship


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I think there should be a respec. Maybe someone made some mistakes at first, and instead of making them play longer and farm it all out. A respec should be implemented.


I feel you don't understand the subtle mechanics of Grind and game longevity. Moreover there is an option that in someway allows you to pay for insurance of sort, that being the Cartel vehicles, If you buy them early they will accumulate Requisition from your weeklies and Dailies and you can rebuild from the ground up for half of the classes, and likely more mirror Cartel ships will become available soon.

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I think there should be a respec. Maybe someone made some mistakes at first, and instead of making them play longer and farm it all out. A respec should be implemented.


Tell me if you still feel this way next month.


I made plenty of mistakes on my first three ships. I then figured out what I was doing (mostly) on the fourth and mastered it relatively quickly. I went back and mastered one of the first three relatively quickly after that. Now, after taking a two week break, I'm saving up to fully master a gunship when I can get one on the 14th (hopefully). I have something like 100k of the 160k I'll need to do that, and there's still a full week to go (with seven dailies and a weekly - an extra daily and weekly if I let myself do them before actually flying the gunship). If I hadn't stopped playing for a while, I'd probably have another ship fully mastered and already have all the req for my gunship, and this whole next week would be largely inconsequential (I have no desire to upgrade a Quell in addition to my Rycer, though I suppose I could upgrade a Sting to replace my Ocula for cosmetic reasons).

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First off thank you to the earlier poster who gave the info about the choice splits in the talent tree's. Been googling all over trying to find that out.


On the matter of respec, i would be happy if it happened as i could undo some of my wasted requisition from noobish mistakes. But if it is not implemented i can live with it


Thankfully not wasted too much, mainly bad equipment unlocks, and two first level upgrades on said items. Only wasted about 5-8k (not sure if i unlocked some then went back to default equip so cannot be completely accurate),so not too bad overall.


If it did happen it would have to be returned as ship requisition only in my opinion. The system adds up the cost of all unlocks and upgrades and credits that to the ship you are doing the respec only. Even if you used fleet as part it those should be returned as ship req.

Edited by Rusah
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I think there should be a respec. Maybe someone made some mistakes at first, and instead of making them play longer and farm it all out. A respec should be implemented.


Perhaps have a limited time refund when first purchasing a component like with comm gear. You have a window in which you can try it without any upgrades and get a full refund if you don't like it.


Being able to experiment with different components when you're trying a ship type for the first time and refund the ones you don't like if you do so within a certain time frame seems fair. I certainly bought my fair share of components to try out different combos and it would've been nice if I had had the option to refund the req on components I decided not to use after just a few matches.

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Thankfully not wasted too much, mainly bad equipment unlocks, and two first level upgrades on said items. Only wasted about 5-8k (not sure if i unlocked some then went back to default equip so cannot be completely accurate),so not too bad overall.


Yeah, after 500+ matches, that's nothing. Just keep playing, upgrades aren't even that critical once you have the right components in place.

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Yeah, after 500+ matches, that's nothing. Just keep playing, upgrades aren't even that critical once you have the right components in place.


Exactly, to me a reset would be a nice convenience to undo those mistakes but that's all. I honestly am ok either way on this one.


One good thing too, since i do not use coins to transfer req (the cost of coins to transfer just the daily's and weekly's req is too much for me to pay), by the time i upgrade my first ship i will be sitting on a good 30k req to start me on the next, then more after i finish a second and so on. So by doing the daily and weekly every time, i will get a larger and larger upgrade jump on each ship as i start it. Currently sitting on about 20k req on the ships i haven't started yet.


I think my next ship will be the cartel scout. don't use my sub cc for much so can get that ship from my sub coins next free coin day. Will mean no jump start for that one, but still cartel shop ship without buying extra coins is pretty sweet :)

Edited by Rusah
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