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The Official Weapon Wishlist Thread

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Let's see what I can think of:


KOTOR style heavy repeater rifle

Moddable Sith Warblade

Ajunta Pall's sword

Collapsible electrostaff (since the ones we get in-game are pretty short compared to what we've seen in the lore)


Speaking of collapsible weaponry, they could also make these:

  • KotOR style folding staff
  • Collapsible blaster rifle
  • Collapsible sniper rifle
  • Collapsible assault cannon
  • Collapsible pistol

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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The problem with pistols and single-bladed lightsabers is there is not a lot of space on the hilts or barrels to show off. More so with pistols, because they have managed to do some pretty cool effects with the lightsabers and their blades are more appealing, and vibroswords are always a popular alternative. Blasters you don't see much of, and except for a few of the super expensive highly visual blasters like Black Nebula Heavy Blaster and Rangehunter Blaster Pistol, there are not many pistols people are seen strutting by with.
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I'd like to see a sawed-off version of the Interstellar Regular's Blaster Rifle, i.e. without the thin barrels off the end. Could be used both for a blaster rifle variant and for a scattergun.


Another thing I'd like to see are more energy-bladed melee weapons, like with the old Gladiator's Striker Techblade. However, I'd like to see the blade color affected by color crystal, as well as a clear energy effect like a "hard shield" modified for cutting. Could be completely clear, or have a hexagon or other shield-like effect.


Another possible effect for a techblade would be a thick electrical arc, running the blade's length between two emitters.


A lightsaber with a wide, European sword style guard would also be an interesting one to see added. I'd pick it up if one like that was made.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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After buying and trying the new interstellar regulator cannon and hearing, yet again, another interesting looking cannon with a bland firing sound coming out of it, more interesting gunfire noises please. At the very least, ones that actually sound like blaster cannons.


Hell, you don't even necessarily need to make all new ones. How about the noise made by the Nightmare Pilgrim's cannon? That sounds pretty cool.

Edited by Bleeters
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DL-44 hand weapon (Han Solo's gun)


Black Sniper riles. No large barrel that is 1 ft wide and ugly, no glowing sights, please. Just a simple M1 looking black sniper rifle.


LEGACY offhand Knife, Shield, and Focus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lightsaber's similar to Darth Krayt and Darth Talon.

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an "old republic" lightsaber hilt, from SWG.


It's the right timezone/line for it.


Lightsaber whip would be nice too.



I'd also like some "single blade lightsabers" that count as double/dual weild; but have them held differently so people can't whine about not being able to tell us apart; despite buff bars etc.

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I would very much like to see a more technologically advanced rotary assault cannon be added. It could still have three barrels, but have a look more similar to the "X-115 Heavy Sonic Carbine" blaster rifle. I like the light steel color plating with dark steel color internals that the example weapon has.


I wouldn't be averse to this being part of a new set of weapons. In fact, I'd probably do whatever I could to get each different one if this was the case.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm.... I want more realistic weapons......


More vibroswords wouldn't be misplaced, but I want more broadsword-looking ones, not these stupid glowing sticks....


Also, I would like more sniper-like blaster rifles (for Troopers and Operatives), as well as some more shotgun-like blaster rifles.

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No pistol should ever have 2 side by side barrels. Ever. Or three barrels in any configuration. That being said here are some real world pistols I would like to see all Star Wars-ed up.


Pistols with stocks:

- Inspiration for Solo's Blaster

- Inspiration for Boba Fett's Rifle

- Pellet gun w/ Star Wars feel


Normal Pistols:

- A wrist blaster for BH's. They barely use their blasters, PT's don't use them at all except for Rapid Shots, as it is and I think it would look cleaner if they just had nothing in their hands. The majority of their abilities are fired/launched/sprayed from things on their armor anyway. Some animations would have to change but I can dream.

- Desert Eagle

- Heavy Revolver


Why is it so hard to find a compact rifle that only has one barrel? The 3 barrel weapons in this game drive me crazy. Also most of the compact rifles don't have stocks. How does my VG stock strike someone with no stock? Some rifle designs I wish BW would give the Star Wars treatment:


Compact Carbines:

- Pistol Carbine

- Modern Carbine

- Bullpup Carbine


Normal Rifles:

- Steyr AUG

- Galil




Really I just want some sleeker sabers. When I look at my chars holding a saber they look like they are holding a can of soup. All the hilts are so big they don't look like the sleek, elegant weapon of a more civilized time. They look more like a bat you can turn off and on.


All the weapons in the original films were modified/heavily based on actual weapons. BW should be sticking to that design philosophy. Most of the weapons they have created for this game look like generic sci-fi laser guns, there are a few exceptions like the revolver style pistols. They should get back to the roots and draw inspiration from actual weapons. Contemporary weapons look much more modern than the ones used in the original films but that doesn't really matter, the prequels looked like they took place 500 in years in the future so I'm willing to just chalk it up to generational differences.

Edited by Capt_Beers
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Capt_Bears, your post got me thinking.


What about something similar to the P90 for a Blaster Rifle, with its longer stock and shorter front? Something similar to the PS90 version could be used for a Sniper Rifle variant, with the extended barrel that contains a flash suppressor at the end. That kind of aesthetic is something that hasn't been done yet in this game to my knowledge, and I really like the way it looks.


I would really like a weapon series like that. In fact, something similar could be done for pistols, similar to what they did with the Heavy Modified Blaster Carbine. The front of the weapon would only be as big as a pistol, but it would have the stock extending behind it somewhat indicating modified use of a rifle.


There could also be an Assault Cannon version, although it would likely look quite different from the two rifle versions and pistol variant. It would still maintain the "short front, longer back" aesthetic.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Capt_Bears, your post got me thinking.


What about something similar to the P90 for a Blaster Rifle, with its longer stock and shorter front? Something similar to the PS90 version could be used for a Sniper Rifle variant, with the extended barrel that contains a flash suppressor at the end. That kind of aesthetic is something that hasn't been done yet in this game to my knowledge, and I really like the way it looks.


I would really like a weapon series like that. In fact, something similar could be done for pistols, similar to what they did with the Heavy Modified Blaster Carbine. The front of the weapon would only be as big as a pistol, but it would have the stock extending behind it somewhat indicating modified use of a rifle.


There could also be an Assault Cannon version, although it would likely look quite different from the two rifle versions and pistol variant. It would still maintain the "short front, longer back" aesthetic.


I personally have never liked the look of the P90 but that's the type of design philosophy I would like to see. Stop designing weird looking weapons and get back to the roots of SW design. Looking at most of the good looking weapons in the game, IMO anyway, you can see they are heavily influenced by actual weapons.

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I personally have never liked the look of the P90 but that's the type of design philosophy I would like to see. Stop designing weird looking weapons and get back to the roots of SW design. Looking at most of the good looking weapons in the game, IMO anyway, you can see they are heavily influenced by actual weapons.


Another one I'd like to see them do is a modular-looking weapon series, where all the versions (including assault cannon) look like they use the same base weapon with modular components attached.


Something that at its lowest configuration level looks and functions as a pistol, although parts can be visually added on to turn it into a rifle, sniper rifle, or assault cannon. Arguably, the assault cannon version would be pretty compact, due to it being a modular version of the same weapon, like the others.


To my knowledge, there are real weapons like this, although they don't seem to include a minigun configuration. Yet.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Another one I'd like to see them do is a modular-looking weapon series, where all the versions (including assault cannon) look like they use the same base weapon with modular components attached.


Something that at its lowest configuration level looks and functions as a pistol, although parts can be visually added on to turn it into a rifle, sniper rifle, or assault cannon. Arguably, the assault cannon version would be pretty compact, due to it being a modular version of the same weapon, like the others.


To my knowledge, there are real weapons like this, although they don't seem to include a minigun configuration. Yet.


The XM-8 is weapon like this. It does have a light machine gun configuration so it could be done just invert the pistol grip and move it to the back and put a handle on the top to use for the front hand.

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I'd like to see assault cannons using some of the KOTOR repeater models.


Specifially Canderous Ordo's heavy repeating blaster/Mandalorian Heavy Repeater


Also the light & heavy repeating generic blasters from KOTOR I (I can't find good pics at the moment).


It would be really nice since they'd maintain the look of being much bulkier than regular blaster rifles but also have a more portable look to them. I'd really like that since I RP my commando as more light infantry that values portability over the current bulky assault cannons that look more fitting for heavy infantry.

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