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Which Madness build will generate more damage for PVE?


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The above poster is extremely wrong. While the talent to increase damage on crushing darkness seems tempting, in reality it represents very little of your dps relatively speaking. Ping in the alacrity talent will give you far greater vendor over the course of a fight by allowing you to hit just a few times more with force lighting which continues up to 40% of your dps. If you want to see this for yourself just look up the dps competition thread and look at what sprc madness/balance is using to get top numbers.
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The above poster is extremely wrong. While the talent to increase damage on crushing darkness seems tempting, in reality it represents very little of your dps relatively speaking. Ping in the alacrity talent will give you far greater vendor over the course of a fight by allowing you to hit just a few times more with force lighting which continues up to 40% of your dps. If you want to see this for yourself just look up the dps competition thread and look at what sprc madness/balance is using to get top numbers.
Did I, at any point, discuss alacrity? I noticed that he had it in one build but I couldnt be arsed with figuring out what he had replaced to open up for those points. So I was only discussing those other abilties.


And it doesnt even matter because unless he edited and replaced subversion it must have been a display bug. He has no points in it now but I'm 100 % sure that it showed up for me the first time I checked the link, back when I posted my first post.

Edited by MidichIorian
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