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Instant Losses


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It's getting a little aggravating to spend 15 minutes waiting for a que to pop and then the second you take it you get a instant loss on the scoreboard because not enough people have decided to participate. What was the reason for the que to pop in the first place and have a 60 second timer if the match hasn't even started and there is a good 30 seconds or more before it does to give a loss. Does this give a loss to both teams or just one team because I have yet to win a match that has ended short because of this. It also records it as a loss on your perminate achievement record, which really makes me want to go argh! Granted once I hit the 100 matchs played or 500 matchs won I shouldn't be able to know after that if I didn't record all my matchs ground and space into a excel sheet. Edited by Zohkar
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Queue as a premade. You get a faster queue because as you are a group of 4, it fills the battle in a big clump. When you queue as single you are more likely to miss a spot due to premades queuing and filling the spot first. This means you have to wait until the next queue.

As a premade, you dont even have to work together, although its advisable. Just use it for faster queues.



tl;dr form a premade and get faster queues.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Telling someone to que as a premade is not a solution, as not everyone has the option of doing that.


Everyone has this option. Play a game solo. Afterwards message someone of similar skill level from that match to group with you. More often than not they will. Add people that group with you to your friends list.


In any case, it would be a lot less disturbing to new players if it didn't say it was a loss, but rather just said the game was cancelled due to their not being enough players.


Also, the game shouldn't cancel until the actual timer reaches zero. I've accepted a pop with 10-20 seconds left to do so and the game had already been cancelled, likely because I was slow to accept the pop.

Edited by Puja
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Also, the game shouldn't cancel until the actual timer reaches zero. I've accepted a pop with 10-20 seconds left to do so and the game had already been cancelled, likely because I was slow to accept the pop.


^^^ This, definitely this.

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One of the major reasons I don't group up is that I don't like sitting around not doing anything. So while I am waiting for a que to pop I could be doing dailys or something real life comes up like letting the dogs in or out. It's not fair to my team mates if I need micro moments or want to do dailys while they just sit waiting for the next pop. So I que solo because then I only have to worry about myself and not holding up 3 other people like I have been waiting for the last 25 minutes for a person that went AFK in a raid. The issue really is here, that you shouldn't get a loss if the game cancels, just call it a draw or don't count the match since it never started at all.
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