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***SPOILERS*** So is the emperor dead or isnt he..??


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Also, Darth Marr says at the end of the Makeb story line that he is in fact not dead...


Quote Darth Marr: "They speak truth, the Emperor is gone, dying is not dead, no matter what propagandas say, he will not be mourned". So you can say, he's in a coma or behaving like someone in a coma.

You've got one important word wrong there - Marr says "dying IF not dead". That means something completely different - "dying is not dead" would mean that the emperor is alive but dying, "dying if not dead" means the Emperor is either dead or dying but, importantly, Marr doesn't know.

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The ambiguity is what makes it so good.


There are some who suggest that the game is CLEAR in the answer to this, but that just isn't the case. The fact of the matter is, none of the characters on the sith side who would know do know. The whole point of the warrior story points out that many believe the emperor to be dead already, or inconsequential. The Warrior story left me feeling that politically, it was best for those on the Dark Council to act as if the emperor was still alive, as that would secure their positions of power. Imagine being the Emperor's wrath, and having come to a point where you have a title that basically gives you carte blanche to do whatever you want. Even it you believed the Emperor was dead, why would you upset that apple cart. All of the Dark Council members seem to understand that as well.


I heard it suggested that the emperor would be replaced by another emperor, but there's no basis to this. If anything, it seems to me that the Empire is learning to function in spite of this power vacuum. There is enough of a bureaucratic infrastructure in place and enough pragmatic people in power that a transition, even if just temporary, is in order

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Not really, since the Emperor's Hand have a direct connection to the Emperor..


Thats what THEY say. Yet for some reason the emperor kept mentally talking to a great many people over the various storylines, but NOT the wrath. For some reason.

Edited by Karkais
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You've got one important word wrong there - Marr says "dying IF not dead". That means something completely different - "dying is not dead" would mean that the emperor is alive but dying, "dying if not dead" means the Emperor is either dead or dying but, importantly, Marr doesn't know.


I think this is misinterpreted. What Marr seems to be saying to me is that the Emperor is no more, regardless of his status. All the imps say "long live the Emperor." That is what will not be mourned. I take this as Marr seems to be similar to Malgus, in that he recognizes the shortcomings of a government tied to a madman who might not even exist anymore. Dead or not, the absence shows the flaw and weakness. Like Baras, I doubt Marr will miss dealing with idiot mystics like the Hand, or the Voice. The Emperor hasn't been seen in years, and there are rumors some knight killed him. In ANY case, this indicates an inability to lead, and the future of the Empire stands in the hands of Marr and the Warrior, and the influences of Baras and Malgus are just as important than the whims of a weak madman that nobody even knows is alive or not. It doesn't matter, because he is no longer relevant, regardless of how powerful he once was.

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Thats what THEY say. Yet for some reason the emperor kept mentally talking to a great many people over the various storylines, but NOT the wrath. For some reason.


Most likely due to the fact that the previous Wrath, Lord Scourge, sold out and went rogue. Also, Darth Acina states that the Emperor's Wrath receives info on a need-to-know basis, not when the Wrath wants. Here...



Never really hurts for people to rely a bit more on the game and less on implying that everyone is lying, whenever something doesn't suit their particular theory. Lost count of how many times I pointed this out... :rolleyes:

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Let me ask a different but related question: How would you define death in the Star Wars universe? And do the Sith, the Jedi, etc. have any solid definition? Okay, the Jedi says "There is no Death, there is the Force", yet they are quick to declare someone dead and acknowledge death. But they are hypocrites in many other aspects as well. The question is: How do you define death? And how the Empire defines death?



If you have played the Sith Inquisitor storyline to the point of visiting the Dark Temple, you see that there are "Ghosts" who can still talk, kill, manipulate the force, even if we would call them dead for centuries. And they can be inside your body, and perhaps it is possible for a such ghost to gain control over a body.


The emperor is strong with the Force, and if killed could end up in this state, probably can end up in a body and can assume control of it. If his personality is intact, his spirit can be bound to a body and he can manipulate the force AND has most of the empire behind him, is he really dead?



As you see, both the game and other stories show us a state where some force user can be declared dead by some, but at the same time able to act, use the force, and maybe even enter another body. The moment it is up to political interpretation, the question is: what will happen now?


If he will be seen as dead, and we will see a new emperor, or anyone else controlling the empire: Anyone who said he is alive will seen as an enemy to the new emperor. Only people too close to him anyway can risk saying he is alive.


If he will seen as alive and waiting for a new body, anyone who declared him dead will seen as a traitor. So unless a Sith hopes he can get away with it, or would be declared as traitor anyway (for various plans) can risk saying this.

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The emperor didn't die. He is still out there, but is too weak to come back. However, all that will change when his most loyal servant goes and finds him and helps restore him to full health. He will then regather his his forces around himself and make one more war against the galaxy. The knight will be then travel around the galaxy destroying the six sith artifacts binding the emperor to life before fighting the emperor a third time. However, he will learn that part of the emperor now resides within him and he will sacrifice himself to finally bring an end to the emperor's reign.
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The emperor didn't die. He is still out there, but is too weak to come back. However, all that will change when his most loyal servant goes and finds him and helps restore him to full health. He will then regather his his forces around himself and make one more war against the galaxy. The knight will be then travel around the galaxy destroying the six sith artifacts binding the emperor to life before fighting the emperor a third time. However, he will learn that part of the emperor now resides within him and he will sacrifice himself to finally bring an end to the emperor's reign.


My good sir, are you implying..... HOROCRUXES? or as I like to call them SITHOCRUXES?

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