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Fix the role stacking or give us the PVE system!


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If there is one bane of warzones that has stayed constant from release to present day that im now more sick to uninstilling than i have ever been its that if there is one healer or tank on a team there is 5 and all the DPS is on the other and this is imp vs imp! yes in terms of damage it might trade off fairly but this game is about CC and Survivability first, DPS second And stacking the unstoppable healer or unmovable tanks against the damage dealers in an objective game is a borderline troll! what happened to composition matching? because if you meant match all the players on A team instead of between 2, job well done. Can we please just all admit the WZ que finder is a total abortion and just go with the PVE system! at least before some of us could respec to balance things out and maybe we wouldn't be hearing so many threads QQing about class imbalance as we would actually be able to serve our roles properly. You wouldn't sell us chess sets with all rooks and bishops in one colour and all knights and pawns in another, but that's essentially what we are paying for and we don't even have 8vs8 ranked as a way of getting a fair warzone any more either. geniuses!


/but-hurt rant

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/sign somehow

yesterday was exactly a prime example for this behavior, lost 9(left 3) games in a row 5 as a dd where i got bored to lose because of having no healer in my team - so i switched to my healer just to face 4 (+3)games (i´ve left) all with 5-8 healers in my team and beeing absolutly unable to achieve any WZ goal...

7 of the games i played were inner republic matches where they could have easily mixed up the teams better.

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You do realize that there is no matchmaking at all in regular WZs so each team is 100% random, this leads to some really crazy match ups especially in arenas, 4 Heals vs 4 Tanks made for a very slow game last night (each round went to sudden death) Healers won 2-1.


If you want to introduce a system like PvE where the group finder tries to make a balance team (2 Tanks, 2 Heals and 4 DPS) each side then be prepared for every DPS PvP player in the game to get very very cross as all of a sudden their wait times for a pop go through the roof and Tanks or Healers get insta-pops.


Or perhaps you simply want both teams to have the same composition, if one team is 8 DPS then so is the other, if they have 1 Tank then so does the other ect ect. This will also lead to queue time issues but for the Tanks and Healers due tot he fact that there are hundreds more DPS players. DPS will get fast pops and usually end up in matches where both sides are just DPS and Healers/Tanks will be sitting in the queue waiting for ages just to get a WZ.


We all know why Bioware removed respeccing in WZs but the a simple blanket ban even when just in the queue was going to far. A better solution would be that when you first leave the respawn area (either at the start of the match or after you have backfilled) you get a debuff that stays with you till the end of the match and prevents respeccing. There fore if you load into a match and see there is no healer or Tank, you can respec to balance the team, but once you step into the fight you are stuck with the spec you have chosen for the rest of the match. Might prevent some of those crazy match ups in arenas.

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You do realize that there is no matchmaking at all in regular WZs so each team is 100% random, this leads to some really crazy match ups especially in arenas, 4 Heals vs 4 Tanks made for a very slow game last night (each round went to sudden death) Healers won 2-1.


If you want to introduce a system like PvE where the group finder tries to make a balance team (2 Tanks, 2 Heals and 4 DPS) each side then be prepared for every DPS PvP player in the game to get very very cross as all of a sudden their wait times for a pop go through the roof and Tanks or Healers get insta-pops.


Or perhaps you simply want both teams to have the same composition, if one team is 8 DPS then so is the other, if they have 1 Tank then so does the other ect ect. This will also lead to queue time issues but for the Tanks and Healers due tot he fact that there are hundreds more DPS players. DPS will get fast pops and usually end up in matches where both sides are just DPS and Healers/Tanks will be sitting in the queue waiting for ages just to get a WZ.


We all know why Bioware removed respeccing in WZs but the a simple blanket ban even when just in the queue was going to far. A better solution would be that when you first leave the respawn area (either at the start of the match or after you have backfilled) you get a debuff that stays with you till the end of the match and prevents respeccing. There fore if you load into a match and see there is no healer or Tank, you can respec to balance the team, but once you step into the fight you are stuck with the spec you have chosen for the rest of the match. Might prevent some of those crazy match ups in arenas.


+1 :)

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You do realize that there is no matchmaking at all in regular WZs so each team is 100% random, this leads to some really crazy match ups especially in arenas, 4 Heals vs 4 Tanks made for a very slow game last night (each round went to sudden death) Healers won 2-1.


If you want to introduce a system like PvE where the group finder tries to make a balance team (2 Tanks, 2 Heals and 4 DPS) each side then be prepared for every DPS PvP player in the game to get very very cross as all of a sudden their wait times for a pop go through the roof and Tanks or Healers get insta-pops.


Or perhaps you simply want both teams to have the same composition, if one team is 8 DPS then so is the other, if they have 1 Tank then so does the other ect ect. This will also lead to queue time issues but for the Tanks and Healers due tot he fact that there are hundreds more DPS players. DPS will get fast pops and usually end up in matches where both sides are just DPS and Healers/Tanks will be sitting in the queue waiting for ages just to get a WZ.


We all know why Bioware removed respeccing in WZs but the a simple blanket ban even when just in the queue was going to far. A better solution would be that when you first leave the respawn area (either at the start of the match or after you have backfilled) you get a debuff that stays with you till the end of the match and prevents respeccing. There fore if you load into a match and see there is no healer or Tank, you can respec to balance the team, but once you step into the fight you are stuck with the spec you have chosen for the rest of the match. Might prevent some of those crazy match ups in arenas.


Actually the best solution would be a mix of what you said in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph, what you suggest would be against the reason they removed respec from wz. A better solution would be to allow respec when queued for regs, and lock respec for ranked.

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If there is one bane of warzones that has stayed constant from release to present day that im now more sick to uninstilling than i have ever been its that if there is one healer or tank on a team there is 5 and all the DPS is on the other and this is imp vs imp! yes in terms of damage it might trade off fairly but this game is about CC and Survivability first, DPS second And stacking the unstoppable healer or unmovable tanks against the damage dealers in an objective game is a borderline troll! what happened to composition matching? because if you meant match all the players on A team instead of between 2, job well done. Can we please just all admit the WZ que finder is a total abortion and just go with the PVE system! at least before some of us could respec to balance things out and maybe we wouldn't be hearing so many threads QQing about class imbalance as we would actually be able to serve our roles properly. You wouldn't sell us chess sets with all rooks and bishops in one colour and all knights and pawns in another, but that's essentially what we are paying for and we don't even have 8vs8 ranked as a way of getting a fair warzone any more either. geniuses!


/but-hurt rant




however u must realize that queue times would increase dramatically if they do that. overall i still think it would be worth it tho. the solution would be really easy too. its called cross-server queue. if we had that it would probably have hardly impact on queue times at all.

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If there is one bane of warzones that has stayed constant from release to present day that im now more sick to uninstilling than i have ever been its that if there is one healer or tank on a team there is 5 and all the DPS is on the other and this is imp vs imp! yes in terms of damage it might trade off fairly but this game is about CC and Survivability first, DPS second And stacking the unstoppable healer or unmovable tanks against the damage dealers in an objective game is a borderline troll! what happened to composition matching? because if you meant match all the players on A team instead of between 2, job well done. Can we please just all admit the WZ que finder is a total abortion and just go with the PVE system! at least before some of us could respec to balance things out and maybe we wouldn't be hearing so many threads QQing about class imbalance as we would actually be able to serve our roles properly. You wouldn't sell us chess sets with all rooks and bishops in one colour and all knights and pawns in another, but that's essentially what we are paying for and we don't even have 8vs8 ranked as a way of getting a fair warzone any more either. geniuses!


/but-hurt rant


Ive beena dvocating this for very long, but the premade community dont want the PUG teams to become balanced, since the premades wants easy kills to Schtommpf under thier boots. Premades dont want challange at all and it will kill this game.

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