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Single player patch


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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.

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I can't tell if this whole thing is a complaint or a suggestion. Really, the game aint as bad as you are saying otherwise no one would be playing it. As for the Czerka thing, realize the Republic already knew they were kind of corrupt, that and several incidents, namely the Tatooine incident/disaster for Czerka, they lost a lot of money and kind of had to give in to the Republic for help. Also, more story is coming, there is a ground story that is going to accompany the official full release of GSF in February with what I assume will be called patch 2.6. Anyway, I have no idea what elder scrolls is, and as for Disney, well, if its disneyfied it might work for 10-12 year olds and let the big kids stay here. Realize, there even is a Clone Wars MMO right now, you know that? Been there for long time, Surprisingly still on operation, and that things pretty unknown, that never even put a dent in this game, don't think Disneys new little project will hurt this game really if at all. Anyway, while I would like a single player patch one day when the game does inevitably shut down YEARS from now, still, we are in no immediate danger like you make it appear.
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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.


Too bad. More people actually do like the game so if you are that unhappy then leave. This game is not shutting down any time soon.

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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.

Maybe you do not see that future, but that doesn't mean, it will not be there... with or without you.


There is absolutely no need for a singleplayer version of this game and also you cannot just flip a switch and make a MMO into a single player game.

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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.


Can I have your stuff when you quit the game...?

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First off, ESO (Elder Scrolls Online (online version of Skyrim and the others that came before it) is going to be such a disappointment when it comes out. Really, any MMO that can't provide even a THIRD of the explorable areas that the single player can is worthless and a let down already. Character customization is no better than most MMOs (SWG had a GREAT customization engine IMO).


As for making this a single-player game, really? Just go buy/play KOTOR/KOTOR2/ST:TFU 1&2 and don't come back. You don't know what they have in the works for this game unless you're a dev or on the game staff. And if you are, and posting this, I think you might be getting your last paycheck soon.


I'm sooooo tired of people crying about how bad a game is and yet they keep playing it. If you hate it so much, DON'T FRAPPING PLAY IT! Go back to WoW, Eve2, Guild Wars 48, or whatever it is you think was so much better.

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Too bad. More people actually do like the game so if you are that unhappy then leave. This game is not shutting down any time soon.


Well, bioware said the same thing about it not going free to play and look what happend so soon after their 'we have no plans to turn this game into free to play' to turning it into free to play??


So i never really take much stock in what a company says, i go by what they actually do.

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Well, bioware said the same thing about it not going free to play and look what happend so soon after their 'we have no plans to turn this game into free to play' to turning it into free to play??


So i never really take much stock in what a company says, i go by what they actually do.


Free to play and shutting down are two completely different things. But you have a point although I can say with reasonable certainty that we won't see a single version of this game.

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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.


While i do agree with you on that the story is pretty dull, I highly doubt that this game is going to shut down anytime soon. especially if EA / Bioware's main focus on this game is in their Cartel Market.


Based on what i have seem about how many players buying the cartel packs and how much they are welling to pay, just with the cartel market income alone, they make enough money per month that would equal to about having a million subscribers.


with that said, no they are not doing to shut the game down anytime soon, only thing you can really hope for is that they invest that money back into making the story content more meaningful, I mean i play this game because i want a story driven content of me bring a Jedi killing Sith or as a Sith murdering Jedi. not on attacking a 3rd party.

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Well, bioware said the same thing about it not going free to play and look what happend so soon after their 'we have no plans to turn this game into free to play' to turning it into free to play??


So i never really take much stock in what a company says, i go by what they actually do.


this is possibly one of the biggest misconceptions about this game... if you look as far back as '08 maybe earlier there are reports of EA saying they were so impressed with Zyngas business model that they were gonna ditch their idea of in-game advertising (in games you pay for) in favor of the micro-transaction model in all games published by them going forward... Biowares intention was for a subscription model, always has been... what we have is two companies, a producer and a publisher with different ideas on how to charge a customer, so we're stuck with a hybrid model as a compromise between the two... did you really think EA wouldn't use any opportunity they could to strong-arm it into SWTOR eventually?..

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.


Since you seem to be a professional of critiquing games, could you please tell me the name of the game that you have produced and where I might be able to find information about it, so that I can judge the quality of your work.

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